Stealing The Crown Jewels.

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A few minutes after the last bloody entry. 

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry for the interruption. Jack came into the room. Awkward silences ensued. I couldn't stand his "I told you so" glances, so in the end I left. I'm now sitting under a tree, and it's pouring down with rain. Luckily it is a fur tree, so I'm still partially sheltered, despite it being winter. And you can't tell the rain from the damn tear stains on this page, anyway. Damn English weather - it's just hell bent on ruining my god damn misery. 

Sorry if I sound grumpy, for, yes, I am a bit angry. If anyone comes within a five mile vicinity of this tree then I might have to kill them. Or point a gun at their head and make the listen to me as I talk about my woe.

So anyway, back to how I ended up neck deep in this shit.

In that hotel I was talking about, Sherlock called a taxi to take us to his parents house. I got out of bed reluctantly.

In that taxi I felt nervous, to say the least, about going to Sherlock's house. Meeting his parents was a daunting prospect. Bumping into Mycroft, a terrifying one. This time, as I watched London roll by the taxi window, I was filled with dread rather than hope. 

I ask now, was that a bloody premonition? I would not disclude that theory... 

Sherlock obviously noticed my distress, and offered his left hand for me to hold. I smiled and put my right in his left, which he then squeezed tight. I then closed my eyes for a while, focusing only on my hand and the warmth it encountered. That was, untill Sherlock blurted, "HERE", to the taxi man. 

Outside the taxi I encountered some sort of cottage thing. "Do you like it?" Sherlock asked, looking down at me expectantly.

"It is, well, I mean.... Look, there's a cat!"

A black cat strolled up to us, and I stroked it's head. It then proceeded to rub against my legs, purring manically. Sherlock was frowning throughout this display. 

"My mother must have got a cat then. She's always wanted one, but had to wait untill Red Beard..." Sherlock coughed. I thought I saw the glimmer of tears in his eyes and saught quickly to distract him.

"What do you think it's name is?" Sherlock didn't have to think for long.

"By the proccess of elimination, I would imagine it's name is Pi. Don't ask why. Come on," and with that Sherlock grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. The cat stepped away, but then decided to follow me. 

"Aww Pi, I do love you my sweet but I've already got a needy, sleepy, hairy human to take care of!" I called behind me, as Sherlock opened the front door and then shut it, so that Pi was locked out. I must admit, my heart shattered a bit then. But believe me, later it would manage to shatter more. 

"The violyn noise would scare her," Sherlock explained. I nodded, willing to believe that Sherlock cared about her ears and was not instead angry at this apparant pet replacement. I love cats. 

After demanding I take my shoes off and hand him my jacket, Sherlock led me into the dining room. Looking at the white carpet, walls, sofa, and polished piano in the corner, I was sure this was the sort of house that you survived in, instead of lived in. 

Sitting down, I wondered where Sherlock's family were. 

"I'll bring out the violin," Sherlock said, after he'd stuffed our coats somewhere. 

"Shouldn't you ask Mycroft if he would mind?" I wondered, gripping the sofa edge.

"No one is in except us, and he get's annoyed if I ring him in the day. He'll be in Parliament." before I could say anything more, Sherlock dissappeared. I was left alone. The only thing that filled the room, except of course it's posh-ness, was the ticking of a clock on  the wall. It was a cuckoo clock. I didn't know those still existed.

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