Fan Girl Time (A/N - This is for all fellow fan girls out there)

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(A/N: I had to; I just love Laura, from The Empty Hearse - she's the one with the best theory of all-time! ;) )

Laura poked her head around the front door. She had worked hard to make a mold of Sherlock's key. She had gone to extrardinary lengths for it. Laura smiled to herself, holding the key, and shut the door behind her. She considered taking off her black Doctor Martins to go upstairs, but then she thought of how difficult that would be with ther shin-high gothic-styled Doc's. She rememebred that if she was caught by Mrs Hudson then she would just say she was a client. With a case. Besides, she did have a case. A terrible case of being Sherlocked! Laura smiled to herself insanely.

She hopped upstairs, and entered Sherlock's apartment. "Wow!" She grinned, as she looked around. There was the skull! There was his chair! His violin, his lap-top, his robe - oh his robe! She may have gone over and smelled his robe. Laura grinned as her eyes devoured the room. They then fell upon a certain door. "His BEDROOM!" Laura skipped happily towards it, like a child in Dinsyeland. She wasn't careful to lower her voice, up here- she knew that Sherlock and John were on holiday for a certain mystery. A certain mystery she had planted. 

Her insanity knew no limits.

Before Laura entered the room, she took a deep breath. Oh, she hoped there would be a picture of Moriarty on his wall - or ceiling. Laura grinned a bannana grin. She loved Moriarty - his sensuous voice, that sometimes included off-notes that added to his charcater -  like playing piano keys! Oh!

She entered the room. After a brief and dissappointed look, she made a bee-line towards Sherlock's pillow. She had heard that  he hid things, things that were prescious to him, underneath it.

Laura sat on the bed, carefully picked up the pillow, and placed it beside her. Her eyes almost popped out of her head as she saw the pieces of paper. "What the - diary entries!" Laura shuffled through them with glee. Then she stopped. Her heart stopped. Shee looked at what was in her hand with dire intensity, daring it not to be real. This one looked to be about Sherlock casuing havoc in moriarty's room! Laura grinned and without further hesitation, began to read to her heart's content. 

(A/N Hello again, I know it's a bit of a change that Laura's here, but Mrs Hudson will come back, you can count on it ;). I just thought it would be fun.

Also, I have almost 300 reads now and I have had loads of really nice comments, and just thank you all for being so lovely! It really makes me smile when I get your kind comments, or a vote :) I never thought anyone would be interested in my writing, before now, so thank you :) Xoxo)

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