18. Breaking Free

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I wake up with my head on Flynn' s lap, the sun shining through silvery clouds. Flynn is still asleep, his head is back on the rock, silent and still.

I get up on my feet and walk away to the forest. My stomach is twisting and turning with hunger, which I can't cure unless I eat something, and there is nothing here.

It is a lot brighter than yesterday, I don't know how Flynn can still be asleep in this sunlight. But I just was.

I will find a way to get out of here. I don't have much of a plan yet, but I'll think of something. I am going to break the forcefield somehow. Flynns words have inspired me to finally break free from this island of death. First, I charge up a destroying spell in my hands, my wrists feel like blood is being released from them. I charge for a little longer and throw my arms in the air. It hits the forcefield, bounces back and I have to run.

I get out of the way just in time for the destroying power to hit the ground and make a large hole. I look down it. Just mud. And......Food.

Seven fresh strawberries are in the pile, the only food left. I grab the lot and eat a couple. I need the energy to generate my spells better. Damn, I wish there was a food making spell I could use. Right now, I'd be having the usual breakfast if there was a food spell.

I save the other five for me and Flynn to have later, and I put them in my pocket. I drink a gulp of water from my water bottle and get started.

I start by gathering several leaves together, putting a hole in the middle of the pile. I do it a few other times on the ground and put them all in a circle.

Then, I conceal different powers in each pile of leaves. I sure hope this'll work. I lift my arms.

A thousand colours burst up and gather together. They charge into the forcefield, making a small but noticeable hole in the forcefield.

The air suddenly feels more fresh, less artificial somehow. Like there are hundreds of fans refreshing my sweaty skin. I just need to do this near the cliff a few times, just so me and Flynn can fit through, and we can jump into the ocean, then teleport anywhere else. I could run away with my parents, after saving dad, of course, start a new life away from The Council. It's worth a try. Flynn could come too, or he could return to his family. We could see each other a few times a week. All this freedom could happen today.

I've left my bow discarded on the floor, with no more arrows. I don't know where the rest of the arrows went. Flynn has his dagger by his side on the cliff.

I can't wait to tell Flynn about the forcefield trick. As much as I want to stay here and enjoy the cool air, I have to tell him we can go home at last. He's been waiting two years for this, he'll be excited to get out of this boring, ever day scenery.

I rush through the trees, almost bumping into two or three on the way, and get past the gap the the cliff.

"Flynn!" I gasp for breath, looking around. He isn't here. "Flynn? Flynn!?"

He doesn't answer. There isn't a sound but the air whooshing in from the top centre of the forcefield. He can't have gotten anywhere without spotting me, or me spotting him. It's a small island, so he would have even been seen going around next to the mountains.

"Flynn!?" I try again, but there is nothing. Then, I start to wonder if he was just an illusion, just a piece of my mind that I've made up. He was never really there. An imaginary friend while I was going crazy. If he isn't real, Eris mustn't be either. So, I've wasted my time going around trying to survive and escape.

I look over at the forcefield. If Eris isn't real, then this must not be. It's all in my head, I could just easily jump and splash into the ocean and teleport back home. I run, and jump off the cliff. Then, before I know it, I am swung back onto the cliff. It's real.

"Flynn!?" I call out for the hundredth time. Everything's real. The forcefield, Eris and Flynn. All that I didn't want to be true now are true. I shuffle past the gap again and rush towards the middle of the forest, where the cool air is again.

"Flynn!" I yell at the top of my lungs. There is silence. My heart beats faster than usual. There is a noise from behind me.

"Too bad you cannot help him, Ariana."

I turn around slowly. Evolving from a dark mist is a woman with black hair as dark as her dress. Glaring at me with her purple beady eyes is Eris.

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