Chapter 11

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*Chloe's pov*

A car accident. Those three words were repeating over and over again in my mind. He has to be okay. I just stood there frozen. He may not care me anymore, but I have to make sure he is okay.

I put on a pair of teal shorts, forgetting about my cuts, and a white tank top. my hair was down today and it wasn't that messy so I left it alone. I slipped in my black converse. I heard a honk from outside, so I grabbed my keys, my phone and wallet sticking it in my back pocket and went outside to find Niall's silver range rover.

I got in, me and Niall exchanged hugs and hi's and we left. The ride was quiet but I mean what would you expect?


Once we got there I sat in the car staring ahead. I could feel Niall looking at me but I didn't want to look.

"Coming Chloe?" he asked turning off the car.

"Why did you bring me?"i asked not making eye contact. I wanted to know. why would he bring me to see my ex that doesn't want me anymore? He don't answer me, he just got out of the car and walked to my side. as he walked I noticed the cuts on my arms and legs. Niall and Harry can't see these. Ill get yelled at, probably.

"Come on Chloe." Niall said tugging on my arm to get out. I got out and walked with him to the doors. He literally locked his arm around my waist so I would walk and not run off. We got up to the front desk and Niall did all the work.

"Hi what room is Harry Styles in?" Niall asked the Middle Aged lady very politely.

"Fifth floor, room 245, second door on the left." She said with a smile. Wow she's nice. That's a first.

Once we got in the elevator I asked Niall again.

"Why did you bring me here?" he looked at me and crossed his arms.

"Because I know you still love him." he replied.

"Okay, but why the hell would you bring me to come see my ex? He doesn't even want me." I said, I was getting angry but I didn't show it. I didn't want to be reminded about Harry. I've been trying so hard to move on and now this.

"Chloe stop. He still loves you, stupid management made him do it. We were there. Just give him another chance. He hasn't been the same without you."

I thought for a second, but before I could say anything, the elevator dinged. Niall got out first leading the way. Once we got there my heart froze. What do I do? What do I say? What will he do? what will he say?

We walked in and Harry saw Niall first. Once I came into view he smiled. I returned a small smile. I'm still mad. But his smiles are contagious.

"Hey Niall, hey Chloe." Harry said brushing his hair back with his hand.

"Hey Haz, how ya feeling?" Niall asked taking a seat in a white plastic chair.

"Alright I guess. How have you been Chloe?" Harry asked, his attention on me now.

"I've been better." I shrugged. I wasn't going to lie. I wasn't going to say I was fine, when everyone knows I'm not. I'm not gonna lie.

His face immediately fell. But he looked back up at me.

"Hey mate can you give us a minute? I need to talk to Chloe." Niall gave Harry a quick nod and left.

I walked up to Harry and sat across from him in the hospital bed.

"What harry?" I asked covering my legs a little with my arms, and trying not to make it noticeable.

"I want you back Chloe."


CLIFFHANGA sorry! I'll update as soon as possible. I didn't know if people actually read this book or enjoyed it so I kinda neglected it but I'm back


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