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I woke up and climbed out of bed. I got in the shower, washed up, and washed my hair. I got out and put on my undergarments. I put on a black sweatshirt and jeans. I slipped on my vans and put my hair in a bun. I grabbed my things and walked downstairs. "Morning." I smiled then sat down. "You have your schedule?" My mom asked. "Yes." I said. I finished eating then hugged my mom. I walked out and got in my car. I drove off and headed to school. I'm so scared. How will everyone act?

I got there and got out. I walked in the building and everyone looked at me. Everyone started to whisper. I walked down and bumped into someone. "Gabby!" Blake smiled. "Hey blake!" I replied then we hugged. "I'm glad you're alive!" He said. "Thanks." I smiled. I walked away and headed to my first class. I got there and walked in. Louis, Vincent, Devin, Chloe, Arianna, and Alex were sitting in the back.

Louis and Vincent look like best friends. I sat in the front and pulled out a book. "Hey Gabby, how was your honeymoon?" Chloe asked. "Did you enjoy getting some?" She asked and the girls laughed. "How did you like getting choked?" She replied. That's it. I stood up and walked back there. "You think me being kidnapped is funny?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "You're heartless and a horrible person." I said. "At least I'm not horrible in bed, ask Louis." She smirked.

I lost it. I punched her in the nose and slapped her. I started to repeatedly punch her. I kept punching her until someone picked me up and carried me out. "Put me down!" I snapped. I was put down and I started to cry. "Gabby calm down." Devin said. "How dare she she make jokes about me being raped, tortured, beaten, and almost killed!" I yelled. "She's doing it for attention." He said. "I hate her." I said. "I know, I know but calm down." He said. I nodded and calmed down.

We walked back into the classroom and sat down. I hate that my exes are best friends. They're dating the girls that hate me the most. I hate my life. The teacher walked in and started class.


The bell rung and I collected my things. I walked out and headed to my next class. "Gabby." Someone said. I turned around and saw Vincent. "What Vincent?" I sighed. "I'm sorry." He said. "For?" I asked. "Kissing you." He said. "I'm over that, I'm over you." I sighed. "I know, I want to invite you to Alex's baby shower." He said. "Thanks but no thanks." I sighed then walked away.

I got to history and sat in the corner. Noah walked over and sat in front of me. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I said. "How you doing?" He asked. "To be honest, terrible." I said. "Dang." He said. "Yeah." I sighed. "You look like you could use a friend." He said. "I think I could use several." I chuckled. "I'll be here." He said. "Thanks Noah." I smiled. "Wanna sit with me at lunch?" He asked. "Uh, sure." I said. He smiled and nodded.

Louis walked in and sat down. "Isn't that your boyfriend?" Noah asked. "He was, we broke up." I said. "Oh." He said and I nodded. "Are you going to his Halloween party?" He asked. "No, I'm not a big fan of parties." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Something bad always happen." I shrugged. "Oh." He said. "Yeah, I will not go to any parties ever again." I chuckled. "Nerd." He joked. "And proud." I smiled.  The teacher walked in and greeted everyone.


Its now lunch time and I don't even want to eat. I walked into the auditorium and sat behind the curtains on the stage and started to read. I was into the book when I heard a clash. "Come on." Someone whispered. "You sure she came in here?" Another person asked. "Yes." They said. Who is that? No no no this can't be happening again. My heart began to speed up and I started to try to catch my breath. Tears formed in my eyes and I brought my knees to my chest. I can't breathe. Footsteps grew louder and I  continued to cry.

"Gabby!" Someone yelled. "I told you!" The other one said.  I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Calm down its me." Devin whispered. My heart calmed down and I looked at him. "Aren't you supposed to be with your friends?" I asked. "We saw that you didn't eat so we brought you food." Blake said. They handed me a tray of food and I smiled. "Thank you." I said then started eating. "I gotta go." Devin said. I looked at him Then looked back down.

"How you been holding up?" Blake asked. "Good I guess." I said. "I heard about you and Louis." He said. "I bet the whole school has." I sighed. "It'll be okay it's senior year." He said. "Yeah and after this I can get away for four years." I said. "Gabby don't be like that." He said. "No my life has been hell in this town and I need to get away." I said. "I can understand stand that." He sighed. "I'll be back though." I said. "Good." He said. 

"You're the only friend I have right now." I chuckled. "I'll always be your friend." He smiled. "Thank you." I replied. "No problem." He said then hugged me.


After school Blake took me out for ice cream. But of course the rest of them had to tag along. I'm sitting in the corner of the booth eating chocolate ice cream. "So Gabby, how's your vagina?" Alex asked. "Shut up Alex!" Blake snapped. "I don't get why y'all hate her, you guys were the one that did her dirty, y'all screwed her over, but y'all hate her, what sense does that make." He snapped. "She took my boyfriend." She snapped. "That was almost a year ago, and if he really was your boyfriend would he have left you for your bestfriend?" He asked. She sat there dumbfounded. "Burn!" Logan yelled and I chuckled. Thank god for Blake.


Soooo..... I know I haven't updated in awhile but this is the last chapter but there will be an epilogue 💛

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