Moving On But Missing You- SsoHD or ImmortalPKC

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THANKS TO DOMI (b3autifulmonst3r) for the beginning.

~Aleks' PoV~

I finish packing the rest of my stuff from our once shared apartment. He's out, shopping for groceries, he'll be in for a surprise when he sees the apartment half empty. I cant take this anymore, we've grown apart, there's no spark anymore.

I left him a note, telling him why I'm leaving. I hope he understands, and takes it well, because I could never say any of that to his face without bursting out crying. Eddie was taking me to the airport, I was going back to PA, and he was going to send me stuff as he could.

I'm going to miss it here, I didn't leave the group, just him, just the guy I've loved since I joined. But now I have to leave, and disappoint the fans, again. I just hope, that he takes it well, and that Eddie keeps and eye on him, like he promised. (end of Domi writings)

I'm sad, I admit it. But I know or I don't leave now I'll never get the guts to leave again. I still love him, I can imagine tears wetting his cheeks, his blue eyes darting over the words in the note. His dirty blond hair brushing his neck while he reads the note over and over again.

I see Eddie pull up and I all but run out of the apartment. Eddie smiles sadly at me, his eyes saying words his mouth wouldn't dare to speak. Why are you leaving us? I tighten my hold on my suitcase and tears fill my eyes. I blink them away and stare out the window as we drive to the airport. When we get there Eddie says goodbye, tight hugs and soft words traded between us before I dart to the gate.

When the plane boards I watch the people piling onto it before standing and joining them. People put there bags away and quickly sit down. I sit in my seat alone and think of Seamus. He'd be home by now. Does he hate me? Does he care that I left? I slouch in my seat, watching everything get smaller. My eyes go to a building that I know he's in before we get too high up to see a anything but sky. A though crosses my rain involuntarily. Maybe this was a mistake.

Seamus P.O.V

I walk through the store, finding the ingredients for the cake I'm making for Aleks for his birthday. I smile and hum slightly when I get the last ingredient. Aleks. Beautiful Russian Aleks. I go into the video games section and look for any good ones. I see none that I don't already have. I roll the full cart to the checkout. I go into the shortest line and see a young mother with a small child on her shoulder. The little girl smiles and waves at me. I smile and wave back and she giggles. She waves again when she leaves. I wonder if Aleks would marry me and adopt a child. I blush and get overwhelmingly happy at the thought of Aleks being my husband. I pay for the grocerys and leave. I jump in the car, almost speeding to get back home to the love of my life. When I get there I walk to the door and open it. Immediately I sense somethings wrong. Aleks' stuff... Is gone. I freak out for a second, thinking someone might've robbed us when I see the note on the counter. I pick up the paper and read the beautiful hand writing of Aleks.

Dear Seamus,

I'm moving out. This isn't working. I will always love you, and I hope you find love. I'm sorry that love couldn't be me. I hope we can be friends.


I fall to my knees, the note in my hand. Tears roll down my cheeks in rivers as I sob. I lie down in a ball and hold the note to my chest, sobs bubbling out of me in loud chokes as I get out my phone. My fingers fumble as I go to James contact and press call.


"J-James? Aleks... Left." I say, my voice breaking.

"Oh my god, Seamus. I'm on my way." He hangs up and I curl back into a ball. How can I live without him? My Aleks. My love. James runs in, Jordan, Dan, and Eddie following. Jordan and Dan look confused and Eddie looks sad and apologetic. James hugs me tightly and I sob into his shoulder. When I pull away his shirt is soaked. I wipe my eyes and lean against the counter. They all come and sit beside me.

"I was going to propose." I say, my voice dropping to a whisper and a few tears fall from my eyes. They all stare at me sadly. Over the hours one by one they all leave. Eddie being the last.

"You knew, didn't you." I say quietly. Eddie looks at me.

"Y-yeah. He told me to look after you." I look at him angrily.

"Well, tell him I don't fucking need to be looked after. And if it wasn't for him

I wouldn't even be in this shitty situation."

"But where would you be without him?" I shake my head.

"You'd still be with Ashley, Seamus. And if it wasn't for Aleks, you would probably be dead right now." I look out the window. Remembering when Ashley tried to kill me, but Aleks, who was suppose to come over to record, came over a little bit early an stopped her. Tears roll down my cheeks as I stare at the neighboring buildings. I don't look up with Eddie leaves.

I remember the little girl from the store. I remember a few weeks ago when Aleks got mad at me and left, but came back because he couldn't sleep alone. I remember our three anniversary when we went to a fair and I calmed him down when he was freaking out at the line of the ferris wheel. I remember the first time we made love, after a romantic dinner and desert. I remember our first kiss which was after our first fight and I stormed off in the rain and he rain out without shoes or a coat and kissed me. I remember our first date, which was at a small ice-cream shop near the creature office. I remember when we realized we loved each other. After me and Eddies' stream me and Aleks decided to go get pizza for the guys. Aleks smiled at me nerviously before saying

"I know we're just friends, but would you ever give us a chance?" to which I said

"I'd be honored." and held his hand. I loved Aleks. But I guess right now the only option is to move on. And move on I will.

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