Chapter 2: Kevin

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A/N Please leave a comment, a vote, or even a follow! I'd appreciate it and it will help me keep going, not only on this book but all of them. My novahd, my immortalfox, this thing. All of my future stories. I love you guys dough. So much. *slaps myself with a hamburger before flying off into a rainbow*

Aleks POV:

I get off the plane and turn on my phone. A text from James, a text from Jordan, and a text from Eddie. I open James' first. 'I don't know whether to support you or hate you.' I sigh and go to the taxi. After I get my things situated in the cab and sit down, the driver speeds off to my apartment. I open Jordan's text. 'I'm happy you're happy, but you should've told him in person.' I go to Eddie's text. 'He's crying, well, more sobbing. He's staring out the window awkwardly.' I sigh and the taxi stops.

Seamus POV:

I wake up on the ground. I hear rain pouring outside and I lift my head up. All the memories of yesterday flow back and I get up from the carpet. I go to the kitchen and grab a pop tart(S'mores flavor obvs), eating it quickly before grabbing my phone and calling James.


"Hey James, wanna hang? I could go for some recording. You know, get out of the house."

"U-uh, yeah, Seamus. Everyones already here... You should come over."

*Time Skip A Few Weeks After*

Still Seamoose:

I rush through the office and to the elevator. I'm going to be late to the stream! A dude my age gets on the elevator and smiles at me. I smile back and we talk a little bit.

"What office are you in?"

"The Creatures, 230."

"Cool! I'm right next to you guys! It's really strange, I hear some weird noises from over there."

"We're youtubers." He chuckles and looks at me incredulously.


"Yes!" I say, smiling at him.

"Okay, okay. Fine. I believe you. That's pretty cool, actually"

"Yeah... It's really fun." I say, smiling at my hands. The door slides open and he quickly scribbles something on a paper and hands me it. His number.

"Text me?" I nod, and smile at him before he disappears into his office. I pull out my phone and put his number in and text him 'Hey' 'Hi ;)' He texts back. I got a winky face! Oh jeez, I'm turning into a crushing school girl. I chuckle. 'What's up?' 'Doing boring work. You're lucky you get to play video games for a living' I smile slightly. 'Yeah, I am.' I reply. 'Thanks for making me feel better ;)' I blush slightly. James walk into the room and smiles at me.

"What are you blushing at?" I put my phone away.

"N-nothing." He chuckles.

"Tell me, please." He says, sitting on the couch and drinking some coke. We aren't allowed to have pepsi in here anymore, it reminds me too much of him. I smile at him.

"Fine." I say, sitting down next to him.

"I met a dude named Kevin in the elevator." I say blushing.

"Is he cool?"

"Yeah, he's pretty awesome. I kind of like him." James laughs.

"Yeah, I assumed so. You should ask him out." I finger my phone nervously, well, you only live once right? I quickly text him, 'Hey, I know we just met, but I really like you. And I'm gay. Do you maybe want to go out?" I press send before I can chicken out. What's the worst that could happen? My phone goes off and I breathe nervously before opening the text. 'Of course, and I'm gay too :)' I smile and look at James happily.

"He said yes!"

"He said yes!!!" James cheers, hugging me. Eddie walks in and looks at us confusingly.

"Whats up guys?"

"Seamoose is goin' on a date!" James says excitedly. I get my phone out and text Kevin again. 'Lunch?' 'Sure.' Eddie high fives me and giggles.

"C'mon! It's stream time!" Eddie says, grabbing my hand.

After the stream Kevin texts me, telling me he's done. I get up and tell everyone bye before running out of the room. I run into Kevin when I'm out the door and he smiles at me, his brown eyes sparkling and his blackish-brown hair brushing against his forehead.

"H-hey." I say, smiling at Kevin.

"Hey Seamus." He says, grinning at me.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?"

"Oh... uh... Chili's?" He says, running a hand through his hair and looking at me. I nod and we drive to chili's, the drive consisting of us talking about video games and what we do for jobs.

After we get out of Chili's we sit in the car for a few minutes, just talking and enjoying each others company.

"Do you have any ex-boyfriends I should be afraid of?" Kevin says jokingly.

"Heh, not that you should be afraid of. My ex moved away. Left me a note though, so... Yeah. Helpful. Didn't even try to talk to me about it." I say, running a hand through my hair and smiling sadly at him.

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay. He just wasn't the one. So I'm moving on. And this is me moving on." I say gesturing around me. He smiles slightly. I start the car and we drive to Kevin's apartment. When we get there we sit in the car for a few seconds in complete silence.

"Hey, I had an amazing time tonight. And I-I'd love to do it again." I say softly. Kevin smiles and leans forward, pressing his lips to mine. It was a nice kiss. But it wasn't perfect and I couldn't help comparing it to Aleks'. Aleks had just the right amount of softness and perfection that isn't the same here. There's no fireworks. I kiss back anyway, Aleks isn't here. Aleks doesn't care about me. And I him. I know that last parts a lie but ignore it, trying to focus on Kevin. He pulls away and smiles at me. He says goodbye and gives me one last peck before rushing upstairs. I start the car again and go home, to my apartment. My half empty apartment. I try to shake that feeling off but my eyes get blurry from tears. There's a light ahead. I try to blink the tears away and clear my vision but it isn't working. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

Aleks POV:

I wake up with a start, drenched in sweat and worry. Some weird instinct told me that someone I love was in danger. I shake it off when Eddie texts me. 'Seamus had a date today. Kevin, a dude from the office next door.' I brush away my jealousy. 'Really? How was it?' I reply. 'Dunno, he hasn't replied to my text. He might still be with him.' Overnight. I try to brush off my jealousy again but it doesn't work. I groan and bury my face in the pillow before replying. 'Oh. Well, I hope he's happy.' Eddie doesn't reply. I fall back asleep and wake up 4 hours later, still feeling that sense of dread that something happened. I get up and go into the kitchen, maybe I'm just hungry. While I'm eating some toast I text Eddie again. No reply. Maybe his phone is off. I call him. It rings for a while before Eddie picks up.

"A-Aleks?" His voice sounded sad and like he's been crying for years.

"Hey, Eddie. What's the matter?" I hear him choke back a sob.

"It's Seamus. He was hit by a semi-truck. They're saying he won't live." I start to cry. My love. My love can't die. I love him. I. Love. Him.

"I'll get a flight right away." I say.

"Please." I hear him say before I hang up. I can't have Seamus, he's with "Kevin" but I can be there for my friends. And Seamus sure as hell counts as a friend. I buy a ticket online and pack a bag. Back to Colorado I go, even if it is a short time.

Moving On But Missing You- SsoHD or ImmortalPKCWhere stories live. Discover now