Hello... Again

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Aleks POV:

I wake up in James arms. He snores softly. I sit up and stretch, stirring him. He sits up beside me, concern in his eyes.


"I'm fine." I say bitterly, getting out of the bed and going into the kitchen. He follows.

"Why don't you come visit Colorado? The creatures miss you... Even Seamus, though he won't admit it." I stifle a flinch at Seamus' name and nod.

I pick my phone up from the counter and see three missing texts. Two from Eddie.... One from Steven. 'I overeacted, Aleks. I'm sorry. It's just... I broke up with my long distance boyfriend a few weeks ago... And it just kinda sucks, doesn't it?' I smile slightly.

"What?" James says, raiding my fridge.

"Me and Steven are back together." James gives me a harsh look.

"What?" I ask.

"Steven screamed at you yesterday."

"Yeah, he was mad."

"Isn't that a sign of upcoming abuse." I nearly drop my phone.

"J-James!" I say angerily. My phone goes off. 'Can I come over?' 'Yes'

"I'm... Sorry. I just don't want anyone getting hurt. You're my best friend Aleks."

"It's okay. I understand. But, Steven is a really good guy. I trust him with my life."

"You said the same thing about Seamus." I freeze and stiffly shrug. I hear Steven come in the front door and go out in the hall. He looks at me sadly and wraps me in a kiss. A passionate loving kiss. James chuckles from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry" Steven whispers, clinging to me. I kiss his cheek and cling to him also. Finally, we let go and return to James who giggles.

"So, Aleks. Are you going to come visit? The creatures really miss you! You can bring Steven!" James says, pleading with me. I chuckle and turn to Steven.

"Do you want to go to Colorado with me?" He smiles and nods, kissing me quickly.

"Than its settled! We're going to Colorado."

"Yes!" James shouts fist bumping the air.

We pack up and James, Steven, and I all head back to Colorado.

The plane ride feels like hell. I'm so nervous, I have to see senses again. And I know Seamus hates me. And I have to see Kevin. Thank god I have Steven. And the others, of course.

We arrive at the office in the late afternoon. James walks in ahead of us and makes us stay in the hall.

"What's up bitches! I gots a surprise!" I hear Jordan groan and Eddie giggle.

"What is it now?" Jordan says, Eddie giggles again.

"Don't be such an ass, Hordan. It's a good surprise. Get in here guys!" I pull Steven in and Jordan squeals, hugging me. Eddie hugs me too. And Steven laughs at the bombardment of hugs I'm getting. And of course, James joins in. And Dan walks in and it becomes a hug orgy, Steven laughing his ass of. After a while everyone lets go and I brush myself off.

"I wasn't even gone that long." I say with a chuckle.

"It's been like 3 months." Jordan says.

Moving On But Missing You- SsoHD or ImmortalPKCWhere stories live. Discover now