Steven Cuddling

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Aleks PoV: (sick of this yet?)

After Steven kissed my cheek I smiled and took us to a cafe near my house. It was a little coffee joint, it was really good. Steven steps out of the car and I take his hand, immediately letting go.

"S-sorry.... Force of habit." Steven just smiles and gently takes my hand. We walk hand in hand into the shop, only a few people stop and stare at our hands. We sit at a table and talk. And talk. And drink. And talk. And damn this guy is awesome. And damn I can't stop thinking of Seamus.

Seamoose POV-

Kevin kissed the top of my head and holds me. Me and Aleks didn't do this until we dated for like a month, we've only been dating a few weeks. This has been going really fast. Oh shit. I'm not in love with this guy, what if he says I love you? That'd suck. Suddenly Eddie runs in my room. Eddies my roommate now. He smiles weakly at Kevin and grabs my arm, pulling me out to the hall and shutting the door.

"There's something wrong. Aleks stopped texting me."


"He always texts me. On his first date with you he texted me." I flinch slightly.

"I don't really care, Eddie."

"He may have hurt you Seamus, but he's still your friend. And I feel like there's something terribly wrong."

"His phone might be off."

"I tried texting him, calling him. I tried textin and calling Steven and he said he hasn't seen him in a few days."

"Well, I don't know then." I go to open my door but pause.

"Who the hell is Steven?" I say, squeezing my eyes shut.

"He's.... Aleks boyfriend."


"Seamus, it took him 8 weeks to move on. It took you 2. I think you should give him a break."

"He's the one that broke up with me."

"Your the one denying his attempts to explain." I groan.

"Fine, fine! I'll text or call him when he's back on the grid. Tell Steven to go over to his house."

"I didn't even think of that!" I chuckle and nod, going back into my room

Aleks POV: (again :3)

I hear someone knock on my door. I stand up from my computer and rub my eyes, walking over to the door and opening it. Steven. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back immediately, my hands wrapping around his waist and breathing in his scent. I missed him. I invite him in and he skips merrily to my couch, jumping on to it and curling up into my blanket that I have on it. I chuckle and sit beside him. He grins, snuggling up to me. This is nice. Seamus wouldn't do this until we were already a month in. I missed this, this peaceful warmth.

"Eddie called me."

"My phone died, haven't plugged it in yet."

"Where have you been for the past few days?"

"Recording. Wanna watch a movie?" Steven nods, curling around me even tighter.

"I missed you." I hear him mumble, his face on my chest.

"I missed you too." I say, combing my fingers through his hair. He watches the movie as I watch him. He's really cute. Not as cute as Seamus. OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU DID NOY JUST THINK THAT. Fuck. Steven is better than Seamus. I bet Steven cares about my day. I bet Steven won't ignore me after I try to apologize. I bet Steven will actually love me.

I reach over to the coffee table and plug my phone in. After a while it turns on. To a billion calls and texts from Eddie, and a text from Seamus. I open the one from Seamus. 'Why'd you leave?'

'Because I didn't feel like you cared, like you wanted to be with me, it fucking hurt Seamus. I wasn't happy.' 'Are you happy with steven? If you truly loved me, you would've tried to talk to me.' 'I tried. So many times. You ignored me. You laughed. You... Didnt care.' No text back.

Steven cuddles deeper into me, sighing contently as I hug him closer, whispering how much I missed him. I did. I really did miss him.

Moving On But Missing You- SsoHD or ImmortalPKCWhere stories live. Discover now