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            A ray of sun was what disturbed me from my beautiful slumber. It shown down directly on my eyes blinding me when I opened them. I groaned as I rolled over to the other side of the bed. My hand hung over the edge, but it came in contact with something soft. My fingers moved around the surface to see what it was... hair?

            "Mmm, that feels nice." A deep voice said as I pressed my fingertips harder into what I assumed was a scalp. I opened one eye and peered over the other side of the bed to see who or what was on the floor.

            "Hey, why'd you stop?" Jack groaned as he was finally waking up. I shrieked and unexpectedly toppled over the other side of the bed and onto the floor.

            "Ica!" Jack exclaimed. He jumped on my bed and crawled to the other side to see me. "Are you okay?" I scrambled to my feet to meet his level.

            "What are you doing in my room?!" I practically screamed.

            "You said I could sleep in here last night... remember?" he replied.

            "I never said that Frost."

            "Yes you did." He countered. "Right before you knocked out, you said I could sleep here as long as I wasn't on the bed... Then again you were practically half asleep."

            "Yes, half asleep. Meaning I didn't know what I was doing or saying." I defended.

            "Half asleep, meaning you were half conscious." He teased. I think he got my mood because he stopped smiling and he sighed.

            "Look, I'm sorry. You really did say that as I was about to leave. I was actually going to leave, but I needed to talk to you." He admitted.

            "I'm listening." I said as I crossed my arms. Jack got off the bed and looked me in the eye.

            "Okay, I know yesterday I didn't give off the greatest first impression. I know I did come to you as a surprise, but I am here for a reason. A reason I can't tell you, the less you know the better." He explained.


            "So, since I may be here for some time, I want for whatever this is to start over." He said as he made gestures towards me and him.

            "So you want a fresh start?" I clarified.

            "It would be nice." He nodded and he scratched the back of his head. His apologetic face looked so god damn adorable.

            "I'd like that." I agreed. He gave me a sweet crooked smile which made me smile too.

            "And I just realized that I'm a sucker for nice smiles." I laughed at myself.

            "I realized that too. Maybe I should smile around you more often." He winked.

            "Don't push it Frost." I smirked. I crawled back onto the bed. Jack sat cross legged beside me.

            "What are you doing today?" he asked me.

            "Well I plan to do what I've been doing for the past few days... paper work." I admitted.


            "Yep. I'm very excited about it." I said sarcastically as I began to stretch.

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