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Jack opened the door and practically dragged me through the hall despite my protests.

"Jack!" I exclaimed. "Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see when we get there." He said really quickly. He dragged me around a few more turns until he found and entrance to a balcony. He pulled open the door and practically carried me outside.

"Wow, you really like balconies." I realized. He smirked as he shut the doors.

"There's a reason why I like them." He said.

"So... what are we doing here?" I asked. Jack came up to me.

"This." He stated as he scooped me up off the ground and into his arms. My instincts forced me to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Oh my god! What are you-?"

"How much do you trust me right now?" he cut me off again as he looked me in the eye.

"Um... I don't know. I guess I have to since I have no choice." I replied.

"Good. Hold on to me." Was the last thing he said before he started running,

"Jack? What are-?" I was cut off again because I started screaming. Jack jumped up and he flew into the air with me in his arms. I felt him tighten his grip around my legs and my back while my arms wrapped tighter around his neck. I kept my eyes shut since I was too afraid of what I might see.

"Elsa, it's okay." Jack assured me. "You can open your eyes."

"I'm going to fall!" I shrieked. I felt him chuckle.

"I'll never let you fall." He whispered in my ear. I could hear the sincerity in his voice... he would never allow me to fall.

"Come on." He encouraged. "Let me see your eyes." I slowly forced my eyelids open and I gasped at the wonderful sight. We were flying over Arendelle. We were high enough to look like birds to citizens, so nobody realized that the queen was soaring above their heads. I'm not going to lie, it was breath takingly beautiful.

"Wow." I gasped as I tightened my grip around him.

"It's not so bad you see?" he pointed out.

"Yeah, I've never seen Arendelle like this. Only in maps and on the ground."

"Well I didn't take you up here just to see the view." He admitted. "Hang on."

"Wait, what?" As soon as those words left my mouth, we zoomed in the sky at an alarming speed. I bit my lip to keep from screaming and Jack kept his eyes in front of him. The ground was coming up close, and Jack stood up right so his feet landed on the grass.

"Okay, we're here." Jack said as he set my feet on the ground. Even though he set me down, I still clung to him and put my head in his chest. I was still shaking from what just happened before.


"Just give me a minute." I said into his hoodie. I felt him nod, but he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his hands rub my back and the side of my arms to help calm me down.

"I'm sorry. I should have asked you before-"

"It's okay." I cut him off. "It's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to do that." I looked up to meet his gaze. Even though his touch was usually cold, it was very comfortable. Actually everything was fairly comfortable. The way my body kind of fit his like a piece of a missing puzzle. The way his hands rested nicely on my hips... the way his eyes gazed into mine...

"Are you okay now?" he asked me.

"Um... yeah." I replied as I pulled myself away from him.

"Okay. Well, we're here!" he exclaimed as he gestured to the area around us. We were at the bottom of the North Mountain. The bottom was like a borderline between spring and winter. Right now, I was on the spring side.

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