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            My body was jolted awake. The first thing I felt was the heat on my bare back. After having my skin in the cold for so long, I felt like my back was burning. I shifted over expecting to find another body, but there was nobody there. I stretched my arm out to feel only empty sheets. I opened one eye and saw I was all alone in the ice room.
            “Jack?” I croaked. No answer. I sat up and immediately the exhaustion hit my body like a wave. I forced myself to look around to see if I could get dressed in anything other than the ice bed sheets. It was surprising to see all of my cloths neatly placed on the chair at my bedside. I practically fell out of bed ad rolled to the chair since my muscles were so tired. I grabbed me underwear and pulled them on my body. I forced myself to stand so I could create some cloths, since I was too lazy to slip my dress on. As I stood straight, I saw Jack’s white dress shirt from last night hanging over the headboard of the bed. I quickly grabbed it and used it to cover my partially naked body. It was nice, to wear his cloths. I loved the way they flowed down my skin nicely, the way his sweet scent always lingered on the material. It always felt like he was holding me in an embrace when I wore his clothing, that’s why I always prefer wear his things.
            I walked to the window to check if he was outside. There was only a fresh blanket on the snow, no sign of anyone walking. I went out of the room to check the rest of the house. The sun brightened up the house to the point where I thought I was walking in a castle in the sky. The walls matched the colour of the morning sky, and the floors were as white as snow. Not to mention I felt like I was in a house of diamond.
            “Jack?” I called out as I walked through the large hallways. I found my way to the kitchen. I never realized how huge it was until now.
            “Jack?” I called again. No answer. Maybe he went out to get something, or the highly unlikely scenario… he ditched me.
            “Elsa?” his voice called from the foyer. Forget the thought of him ditching me and go to him you fool. I almost tripped on my own feet as I spun around to go and see him. When I got to the entrance, his back was towards me. I was surprised to see he was in his blue hoodie and brown pants.
            “Good morning handsome.” I smirked as I leaned on the wall. He turned his back and a smile came on his face the second he saw me. He dropped his staff and pouch that were in his hands and came towards me.
            “Good morning beautiful.” He murmured as he took hold of my hips. My arms snaked around his neck and my forehead rested on his chest.
            “Where’d you go?” I asked.
            “I had to get some things.” Jack answered. “I’m sorry, were you awake for long?” I looked up to see his face.
            “No. I just got up.” I stated.
            “Good.” He smiled… then proceeded to throw me over his shoulder and start walking. Despite my protests, kicking and screaming, Jack didn’t put me down. He only put me down when we were in the bedroom and to put me down on the mattress. A squeal escaped my mouth as soon as my back hit the soft bed.
            “What are you doing?” I giggled as I propped myself up on my elbows. Jack climbed on top of me and connected his lips with mine. I couldn’t help but smile against him as I placed my hands on either side of his face. I squirmed a little when his arms snaked around my waist to hold me closer. He broke our lips apart to finally give me an answer.
            “Just making sure the Queen gets breakfast in bed.” He replied.
            “Yeah, that’s why I left.” He explained.
            “Where’d you get it?” I asked.
            “Arendelle. Cue helped out… and she was angry cause she owed Anna coins or something.” I pursed my lips and felt my cheeks heat up.
            “Anna you fortune teller.” I said to myself.
            “Don’t worry about it.” I giggled as he released his grip to get the bag from the floor. He set the small pouch down in front of us and opened it. A variety of fruit, breads and marmalades somehow fit into the small sack.
            “Juice?” he asked as I started cutting a baguette.
            “Orange?” I asked. He nodded as formed a glass in his hand for the juice. We had out small picnic on the bed as we talked about random things. Even-
            “How do you think I’d look in your ice dress?” Jack asked with a mix of sarcasm and seriousness.
            “Why would you even think that?” I asked as I almost choked on a grape.
            “Well you wear my cloths all the time… like right now. I’m just wondering what I would look like.” He explained himself.
            “Fine.” I smirked as I thought of my answer. “I don’t think you’d be able to pull it off.”
            “Why not?!”… Was he actually offended by this?
            “You don’t have the right figure. You would need an hourglass figure to rock that gown.” I explained. Jack actually crossed his arms and pouted.
            “You know, it’s not fair that women can wear men’s clothing and pull it off. Yes us men can’t do the same.” He pondered.
            “Maybe you should change that.” I joked.
            “Um… I think I’ll pass.” Jack responded. “But I think I know someone who might.”
            “And that would be?...”
            “Julian.” He began. This time a little juice came out my nose as I began to laugh.
            “What makes you think he would?” I questioned.
            “The way he is; If Cue asked him to, he most likely would!” he reasoned.
            “So you’re saying if I asked you, you wouldn’t?” I clarified.
            “Would totally depend on what would happen after… But I would, for you only.” He explained. I felt my mouth curve to a smile and my heart warm. It was sweet to know he would do repulsive things for me, not that I would make him do anything of course.
            “We should go.” Jack interrupted my trance.
            “Why? What time is it?”
            “Well past noon.” He answered. “You were asleep for a long while.”
            “I have to get ready… don’t I?” I asked. He knew I wasn’t talking about right now, but for the meeting I have in a few hours.
            “Yeah. You should just rest until it’s time.” He said getting off of the bed. I did the same and grabbed my dress from the chair.
            “Um… is there a place I can change?” I asked.
            “I- uh… you don’t have to do that anymore. I have seen you.” Jack pointed out. I felt heat rush to my cheeks and a smile come to my mouth.
            “Fine. I’ll turn around.” He gave in.
            “Thanks.” I said as he turned his back. I quickly let the white material drop to the floor and slid my dress down my body. When I turned around, Jack had everything else packed up.

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