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            “Elsa? Are you in here?” Anna asked from the other side of the door.
            “Yes I am, and I’m really busy right now.” I said as I was literally sifting through piles of papers to organize meetings.
            “Sorry, I just have to check in case you flew off with Jack again.” She explained herself as she stepped through the door.
            “That won’t happen for a bit. He left three days ago.” I pointed out as I began sorting out dates.
            “Did he say when he was coming back?” I shook my head.
            “For all I know he could be gone for weeks; maybe even months.” I replied. It hurt everyday now that Jack was gone. He wasn’t there to annoy me when I wanted to work. He wasn’t there to pop out of nowhere to scare the living daylights out of me. He wasn’t there to lay down beside before I went to sleep… and I missed him. I missed when his scent of winter breeze filled my nose when he held me in an embrace, the way his body kind of wrapped around mine as a shield… the way his cold lips felt against mine…
            “I doubt it’ll take months. He can’t stay away from you for too long.” Anna kidded.
            “I don’t know how his job really works… but Cue said that it could take months.”
            “Since when do you talk to Cue? And when is Cue in the palace? I’m always here and I never see her.” Anna said.
            “All the time. You just look in the wrong place at the wrong times.” I told her the truth… well part of the truth.
            “Okay.” She said. “Are you doing anything tonight? Cause Kristoff wants to know if you’re gonna kidnap me before he does anything.”
            “Um… not that I know of. Why? Do you know what he’s planning?” I asked looking up from my papers.
            “Maybe meeting at the stables. Ride around Arendelle. I don’t kno-“
            “Stables…” I interrupted.
            “Yeah, the stables.”
            “It’s been three days… meet at the stables at 8.” I remembered.
            “Okay, this is where you explain what you’re talking about.” Anna whined.
            “I have to meet with Julian tonight…” I murmured. Anna made an ‘O’ shape with her lips.
            “Well that should be… fun.” She tried making it better. I sighed and sunk into my seat.
            “This is so messed up. Oh god, Anna I don’t know if I can do this.” I panicked. “I-I-I can’t do this. I was thinking about Jack so much that I forgot about Julian.”
            “Okay… you can handle this.” Anna encouraged and she walked over to me. “All you have to do is say ‘Hey Julian. You’re a great guy, maybe one of the greatest I’ve ever met. It’s just not working out for me… because I found somebody better.’”
            “I’m not saying that to him!”
            “I didn’t say you had to say it word for word… but yeah you have to say something to the guy.” She pointed out. She was no help at all’ her usual self making jokes to try and make the situation better. This time… it wasn’t working.
            “Anna, could you just leave me be for a second? I need a minute.” I said quickly getting up and walking towards the door.
            “Elsa w-“ was all I heard before I left the room. I speedwalked to my room and locked the door so nobody could come in, and I could just plan this out alone. I didn’t even make it to my bed, I collapsed on the cold would floor and just lay there. I felt like a dirty cheater; being completely honest I did not know what the hell to do. Like what would you do if you met this great guy first, you hit it off really well, then you meet this other guy and you fall for them, but you don’t have the heart to break it to the other guy? I have no idea what to do. I was so goddamn frustrated that I had a small tantrum… that’s a lie. If anyone were to walk in they would have seen an oversized toddler kicking, screaming and crying on the floor.
            “Elsa?” a voice chimed in. “Are you okay?” I stopped kicking and screaming so I could look at who was talking to me from the balcony doors.
            “Hey Cue.” I sighed and sat up. “How much did you see?” I asked as I wiped tears from my face.
            “Well I was flying around and I saw you fall on the floor. I panicked because I thought you died, so I flew down just before the tantrum thingy began.” She explained as she took a seat beside me on the floor. “Who’s the other guy?” she asked.
            “How did-?”
            “I’m basically Cupid. I know when there’s love in the air or when people are having trouble with love.” She clarified. “So what’s going on with Elsie?” I groaned as I fell back down on the floor.
            “Love sucks.” I groaned.
            “I do not suck!”
            “No, not you. I mean the emotion.” I replied.
            “Are you in love with someone else?”
            “No, oh no… I just believe someone else loves me and I don’t want to break their heart.” I admitted.
            “And the other guy is?” Cue asked. “You never said his name.”
            “He’s Julian, Duke of Elrondy.” I responded. “And I’m meeting him tonight.”
            “And you love Jack so you have to break Julian’s heart.” She completed.
            “Yeah…” I sighed. “Tell me what to do.” Cue raised her arm so she could stroke my back.
            “If only the world was that simple. You have to break his heart Els. It’s the only way.” She advised. I leaned my forehead into her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around me.
            “Is there a way he could fall out of love with me? Could you do something?” I asked.
            “No. Once someone’s heart has love, the only way they can change it is to break it out or they fall for someone else.” She explained.
            “Can it just be the other thing he does? I really don’t want to hurt him.” I whined.
            “I know Els. But you have to.” She reminded me. “And if you want I can help him find someone else right after… but that might take a while.” She muttered the last part.
            “Don’t you just fire your arrow and they fall in love with the first person they see?” I asked.
            “That’s what it used to be like. Some still do the job like that, but I can sense when people are meant to be together. I can sense them even when their miles apart from each other, I just wait until the right moment to shoot the arrow, so they can find each other. It’s more difficult to find that now because of all the lust and hatred in this world today, it just gets in the way.” She explained. I realized that midway through her answer, she was doing this to distract me and keep me calm… and it was working.
            “Does your stuff work on other immortals?” I giggled.
            “Actually, yes it does it’s just not as effective.” Cue started. “My arrows are actually barely effective on me, but I can sense when we’re near our other half per say.”
            “So you can sense your soulmate?”
            “No. You see, Cupids can’t find their loves because technically we’re not meant to find someone. Usually we just pair up with each other, but all the guys are really dull.” She said.
            “Human men can be really dull too.” I reminded her.
            “I know, men can be dull. I don’t even know if I’ll find someone else…” she trailed off. She lost herself in a train of thought, and she stopped talking. What was she thinki-? Then it hit me like a tonne of bricks of what she was thinking about.
            “Because you think you already found him, but he doesn’t want you because he has someone else.” I finished as I looked deep into her lavender eyes.
            “What are you talking about?” she defended.
            “I see the way you look at him and act around him.” I let out.
            “Um… okay? Who is this?” she sounded confused.
            “Cue don’t play dumb with me. I know how you feel about Jack.” I started. “I-“ I was cut off by her giggles.
            “You think I have a thing for Jack?” she finished. I nodded and she ended up laughing harder.
            “Elsa, let me explain.” She sighed. “A long time ago, almost a hundred years ago, we did try for something. We are both lonely, so we thought why not be lonely together. Not too long after, we stopped because it just wasn’t working out. Instead of never seeing each other again, we agreed to stay friends and just help each other out.”
            “Help with what?” I asked. Cue stood up, and since she had an arm around me she brought me to my feet as well.
            “That, my dear, I will tell you some other time.” She smirked. “I suggest you get ready for Julian. We were talking for longer than you realize, and you have to meet him in two hours.” I was taken aback realizing that the sky was now orange. The panicky feeling I had before was returning to my guy.
            “Will you be there?” I asked her. “I mean, you said you’d help him after…”
            “Yeah, sure. I am guarding you so I do have to be there.” Cue answered. I nodded and exhaled.
            “Okay, okay… so I’ll see you soon then.” I confirmed as she made her way to the balcony.

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