Prolouge: Nightmare Notch

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By the way if you're reading a long time after this was published you can just ignore it lol

But anyway i was having a little 'deal' i guess you could call it that if the book could get 25 votes by February 5th i would post the prologue early. But then, i got 200 followers :D so i scratched that, and decided to give you guys the prolouge AND the first chapter as a huge thanks! Enjoy the third book of a Team Crafted/My Little Pony Trilogy: Nightmare In Minequestria!



"It's Nightmare Notch," I said, not taking by eyes off the figure flying above.
"W-who's Notch?" Pinkie asked, eyes wide.
"He's like the ruler of Minecraftia," Mitch explained, trying to keep his voice steady.
"S-so...this is l-like...?" Fluttershy stuttered.
"Like a Nightmare Moon of the ruler of Minecraftia? Yes," I confirmed to her.
"Nightmare Moon?" Jordan asked. "Tell ya later," Rainbow said. "We have work to do!"
She spread her wings, but someone called out.
Rainbow froze and looked at the place the noise had come from. Twilight's cage.
She was the only Equestrian still in minecraftian form, an she gripped the bars with her blocky hands.
"H-he's too powerful! Herobrine used my magic, Notch's magic and dark magic all combined to create Nightmare Notch! He's at least twice as powerful as Nightmare Moon!"
Herobrine laughed. "She's got a point," he said with a grin. "There's no way my wonderful experiment could be beat single-handedly, or hoofedly, by a multicolored horse with wings."
Rainbow snarled and scraped a hoof on the ground, but Applejack put a hoof on her back warningly.
I watched as Nightmare Notch slowly glided down until he was standing on the...beacon, is it called?...the beacon block in the middle of the lab.
He was slightly taller than a minecraftian, probably the size of those wither skeletons we've seen. He looked normal besides his full diamond armor that was glowing with a powerful aura, his huge black feathered wings on his back, and his glowing ice-blue slitted eyes I was far too familiar with.
"Finally, a powerful host body," Nightmare Notch said in a booming double-voice.
"I said I would bring darkness to the land, and took over dear Luna here," he explained, beckoning to me.
"So that's who the second Adam is," Herobrine said knowingly. Twilight just gaped at me. I get it; I've looked better.
"And with Luna, I failed. The Elements of Harmony were too strong. But now, we've got them in Minecraftia! Where the Elements aren't needed! The Elements don't exist! My power has been amplified! Now, not only will spreading darkness through Minecraftia be a breeze, we can spread to Equestria, too! Controlling two of the most powerful dimensions in the world! And once we've done that, why not the whole universe?" Nightmare Notch said, his voice getting louder and louder, his and Herobrine's wicked smiles bigger and bigger.
"Dude, just don't use a nightlight when you go to sleep," Adam said, which, from what I had learned, meant something along the lines of 'Why is darkness so important to you?'
Nightmare Notch chuckled, the sound sending chills up my spine.
"But you see, stupid little subject, if we were to spread darkness to the world, evil would be free! Everything, free! Mobs can roam the streets of minecraftian cities, not worrying about daylight or being seen by minecraftians. Celestia would be rendered useless, and Equestria would fall into anarchy. It would be great!"
Adam stared at him.
I knew it had very slight odds, but maybe if I shot Nightmare Notch with a corrupting spell right this second, while he was still gaining power, maybe I could disarm him...?
Quick as can be, I concentrated for a split second and saw the world flash light blue before my eyes. When I looked down, I had dark blue hooves again.
"Luna, no!" Twilight yelled, but I had already sent a beam of bright blue with all the strength I had at Nightmare Notch.
Nightmare Notch roared, and quickly flashed out his hands. A deeper blue magic with black electricity buzzing around it shot from his palms and made contact with the spell just before it hit him.
"No!" I screamed, not knowing the consequences of two spells so powerful combining.
The beams collided in a blinding light, replacing everything with whiteness.
I squeezed my eyes shut and held a wing over my face, but the white was already fading into a dizzying black...

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now