Chapter 13: Mitch, Ma Gawd

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Twilight, Jerome and Cadance rushed into the room. Cadance glanced up at me. "Oh, dear."
"You know how to get rid of it, right?" Twilight asked. Cadance hesitated, then nodded. "...Yeah. Yeah, I could do that spell that banished those changelings from Canterlot at the Royal Wedding!"
"Meanwhile, on the wall," I said.
Cadance pointed her horn at me, and light blue sparks began to apear at the end. It glowed brighter, then shot itself at me. I flinched, remembering the last time a pony had shot a magical spell at me, but to my relief I felt myself fall slightly and my feet hit the ground.
"Ah! Danks," I said to Twilight and Cadance. Cadance smiled. "No problem! Let's get going,"
The two alicorns hurried out the door, and I followed. We went down the hall into the training room, which was crowded with members, minecraftians and ponies alike.
"They must have been summoned," Cadance mused.
In the front of the room, Bonks and Celestia (in her fake form, the small unicorn one) were calling for attention. Soon, everybody and everypony had quieted down, and Celestia cleared her throat. "Hello, fellow members of the MMG," she adressed everyone.
"MMG?" I murmured.
"Mitch, ma gawd!" Jerome said exasperatedly.
" that really what it's called?" I asked.
"No, I didn't mean-" Jerome started, then sighed and facepalmed.
"It means Minequestrian Magic Guild," Cadance replied.
Celestia went on,"I apologize for bringing you all here on short notice, but first I should explain to you who I am. I am the leader of this guild."
There were many murmurs throughout the crowd.
"That's right-I forgot, she keeps her identity a secret," Twilight said to us. Cadance nodded.
When the murmuring died down, Celestia continued,"We may have a serious issue here tonight. The Guild may be under attack."
There were many shocked gasps, and more murmuring.
Bonks spoke up. "A day's-worth ago, you may or may not have know the arrival of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Team Crafted and some of their friends. They came here, and have traveled four years into the future. Three years ago, when we had mourned for them, they technically had not existed."
"Anyways, very recently, the two minecraftians Adam and Ty and the unicorn Rarity were missing at around the time that something important was stolen from a specific place. We were suspicious, and when we went to go consult them, Adam and Ty attacked and fled. Rarity was missing, but her younger sister Sweetie Belle has been found under a Changeling's Spell in her bed."
Everyone seemed unsettled and frightened by this news. I recognized Tyler-LogDotZip call out, "Are we under attack by changelings?" Many people called out in agreement.
"We're not sure," Celestia said, "But we have to prepare for anything. I want you all to stay here, while the Statue Patrons will accompany the two of us and Princess Cadance on a search party for Ty, Rarity and Adam."
"Statue Patrons? What a lovely name for us," I commented.
Everybody started breaking apart from the crowd, talking and murmuring over this news.
We went to the front, where Celestia, Bonks and most of the 'Statue Patrons' were gathering.
"Just search the city. Know where at least one other pony or person is at all times," was all Celestia ordered, and we headed out.
"No. Mitch, don't even try," Twilight said flatly.
"Come on! We can't let these things go to waste," I said, spreading my wings.
I wanted to be able to fly around and search from the sky; an extra pair of eyes up there wouldn't hurt anybody!
"I can stick with him," Rainbow offered. "He'll crash through a window," Twilight said simply.
"And when I crashed through a window, I once saved Princess Celestia from an Enderpony!" I added.
Twilight sighed. "Rainbow, if he crashes through a window again and doesn't get so lucky as the last two times, you're responsible."
"Aw yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed, and we hoofbumped (well, I don't have hooves, but you know what I mean.)
Everybody started splitting up, in groups of two or three, like Celestia's orders.
"Let's go!" Rainbow said, and dashed into the air, hovering way above to wait for me.
"Alright," I said, hesitantly flapping my wings and successfully getting off the ground.
"Flap harder! And angle your wings down more, don't just move them up and down!" Rainbow advised. I followed her instructions, and soon was up with her.
"Now, just follow my lead, and keep it steady. You don't always have to flap. Just when you feel like you're going to fall. Air drafts can keep you up if you fly over one."
I nodded, trying to remember all of this.
"Then let's go! Look for anything suspicious!"
Soon, we were flying overhead, looking at the city below. We weren't that high up, only a couple yards above the taller rooftops. I was trying my best to fly steady, sometimes falling a bit or flying too high, and even though I could tell she was trying hard not to dash off, she was Rainbow Dash after all, and slow didn't seem to be her thing.
"You can go ahead a little bit," I called. "I'll still be able to see you."
Rainbow's eyes lit up. "You sure?" she asked cautiously. I nodded. "Alright!" she said, and sped up, not exactly dashing off, but going at a quicker speed she seemed to be more comfortable with.
I continued to watch the streets below while trying to maintain flight-not a lot of activity was actually going on down there-until I heard Rainbow call out in front of me.
"Yo! We got something!"
I looked ahead and could make out three shapes walking out into the streets from the alleyway. I picked up the pace and made it to Rainbow, who mouthed "shh" and hovered lower to listen to the conversation of the three figures who were unmistakably Rarity, Ty and Adam.
"Notch, that took forever," Ty sighed. "I know! Can't believe we finally escaped," Adam added.
"Any idea where the statues are? Maybe there's someone there-" Rarity asked, but was cut off as Rainbow dove to the ground in front of them, landing perfectly with her wings spread out threateningly. "We're right here!" she snarled. Dat landing dough, I thought, then followed her lead, landing slower and not as neat but not falling flat on my face either.
"Gah!" Rarity exclaimed and leapt back.
"Gah is right! What do you think you're doing here?" Rainbow asked.
"What the crap are you talking about?" Adam asked. I glared at him, remembering only about an hour (mitch time) ago when he had pinned me to the wall with that changeling stuff.
"You know what we're talking about, Changelings!" Rainbow exclaimed.
"Changelings?! We're not-" Rarity exclaimed, but was cut off again as a large purple dragon emerged from the shadowy alleyway, growling, and glared at the two of us.
Uh oh.

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