Chapter 15: Changeling Chaos

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Rainbow Dash

"Oh god. OH GOD," Adam started, taking a step back as the changelings bust down the door.

As if on cue, the dark buglike ponies shot through the small door in a black stream, shooting up into the air of the tall roof of the large room.

Magic beams of all colors shot up from the ground at the changelings. Some were hit and fell, but others dodged, and more kept coming in, attacking and shapeshifting into MMG members.

It was chaos.

"Hold your ground!" Celestia called from somewhere in the back. An evil-grinning Applejack and Octavia rammed into me suddenly, and I instinctively kicked out at Octavia's face and slammed my wings into Applejack, who was clinging to my back. The two gave unponylike hisses, and in a green flash they went back to their ugly Changeling forms.

I lunged at them as quick as I could and bashed their heads together using my front hooves, and the suckers were on the floor before they knew what was happening.

"Sword, sword!" Mitch yelled. I whipped around in the madness to see Mitch and Ty with concentrated faces, most likely trying to make a sword appear with their magic. Before I could call out, a Cadance, Bashur and Twilight lunged at the two.

I instantly forgot my warning and dove in to help them.

I grabbed the Cadance by the horn and rammed her face into the ground. I leapt off, and she dizzily stepped back, hissed angrily and fled.

Ty and Mitch were backing up as the Twilight and Bashur approached, but as the Bashur was about to lash out, the Twilight punched him in the side of the face. "Real me!" she claimed, and the three of us relaxed. In a magenta flash above our heads, two gleaming iron swords clanked to the ground. Twilight winked and leapt back into battle as a Jordan started attacking Vinyl behind her.

"Aw yeah!" Ty exclaimed, and the two went off on changelings in gleaming white blurs of their swords. My mouth dropped open. Mitch, especially, was as good with that sword as I was flying. I was knocked out of my thoughts as a Bodil tackled to the ground. "Get off, you dumb Changeling!" I hollered in annoyance, and sprang up, knocking him off.

"S-sorry! I didn't realize you were legit!" Bodil exclaimed, Bodil, now, I realized, not A Bodil.

"It's fine! Just keep driving these changelings out!" I assured him, and we both leapt back into battle.

Where did these guys even come from?! I thought angrily as I slapped a Bonks silly. It hissed angrily, flashed back into Changeling form, and took off.

"STOP!" A booming voice called.

Every head, Minequestrian, Changeling or disguised Changeling, halted and turned towards where the noise had come.

Everyone's eyes looked towards the front of the room, where Celestia had been standing before the fight broke out.

Standing there now was Rarity, Ty and Adam-changelings, obviously, by the stupid evil smiles on their faces.

"You give in yet, you Minequestrian fools?!" 'Rarity' said in the booming voice.

"That was only the beginning! You can't hold out forever! The Changelings will destroy you and your base soon enough if you don't surrender now!"

"No! We will stand and fight for Minequestria!" Cadance exclaimed from in the front of the crowd.

"Oh?" Rarity asked. There was a large, blinding green flash around the three of them, and I realized what was happening with dread. When the light had faded, in their place was two menacing-looking changelings on either side of the one and only Queen Chrysalis.

And around her long dark neck was Herobrine's Amulet.

Everyone let out shocked gasps, while Chrysalis chuckled.

"You may as well give up now," she repeated in her hypnotizing double-voice. "Our numbers are just too strong for your small, ragged group. Ha! What fools you are, thinking you can overthrow Lord Herobrine and Nightmare Notch!"

There was confused and fearful murmuring throughout the crowd, but Celestia suddenly transformed into her true form in a yellow flash. There were even more surprised gasps. "We will fight on, even if we fail, for the freedom we once had and still deserve!" she said fiercely. There was an uproar from everyone in the large crowd, from protesting hisses from the changelings to battle cries from the Minequestrians.

"Very well, you incoherent foal," Chrysalis chuckled. "Attack once again!" she ordered her subjects.

The room was filled with hissing and yelling again as battle began to break out, but before any real fighting could start, a voice called out from the back door, "Oh, I don't think so, dearie!"

No. Way... I thought, as I, along with literally everyone else in the room, slowly turned around to see who had called out.

There, standing in front of the door the Changelings had come through, was Discord.

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