Chapter 8: #Ty'sVinyl'sShades, and of course #Ty'sLeftFoot

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It had been about a day or two...
Or not.
It was always night.
Minequestria sucked.
What was I talking about again?
SkyDoesMinecraft, everybody.
Anyway, it had been about a day or two since we had come to that magical underground guild thing that was run by freaking Princess Celestia, of course, who was always gossiping with Bonks or something.
The two and Cadance were often talking with each other. Twilight said that she thought Bonks had made the obsidian Minecraftian statues, because of the way some of her scales were the cyan color of the forcefield. I was pretty sure Bonks had made the statues, too. It makes sense.
The past two 'days' we had mostly just hung around and met up with old friends who went here, but from time to time we would meet in Princess Celestia's room to talk about magic and overthrowing Nightmare Notch and what happened four years ago.
I tried to listen. I honestly did. But when it's never daytime, you sort of loose track of sleep and surprisingly become very tired. Who would've thought. Everyone just seemed to walk off and take a nap or something whenever they wanted.
Today, (tonight, whatever, does it look like I care,) Princess Celestia was actually going to try to teach us magic.
I would never think in a million years that I would be able to do what Button Mash's glowing magical freaking propeller cap does, but then again, I never expected Mitch to sprout wings, either. (Kind of expected him to crash-land into a building though.)
The long rectangular room had been cleared of its many tables, magically disappeared into thin air, maybe. It was a lot bigger now, and not many of the members of this magic place had come in today. They were probably told that we were practicing today, and were scared to come and practice themselves. i didn't blame them.
We were split up into small groups of three, and I was with Ty and Rainbow. Vinyl was teaching our group.
The four of us walked off into our own little section of the room where we would be training.
"Okay, guys! So, you've all got the magic inside of you. I just gotta help you get it out, so you can actually harness it's powers and stuff!" Vinyl explained.
"So, this is magic, as you must know," she explained and pointed with a white hoof to her horn, which was glowing a pale blue.
"Now. Magic can do, like, anything," Vinyl stated. Her horn glowed brighter, and a bass guitar appeared in a blue aura out of thin air above her.
"See? It can make things appear, for one thing. But it can do tons of other things. And one day, maybe you'll know how to do this stuff. But for now, we just have to find that magical energy of yours and harness it!"
Her horn stopped glowing, and so did the the floating bass guitar, which crashed to the ground.
"Vinyl!" Octavia moaned from across the room.
"Don't worry about it, Tavi!" she called back. "I just dropped the bass."
Octavia facehoofed.
Vinyl turned back to us, and the shattered bass remains were gone in a light blue flash.
"So, how have you all had experiences with magic?"
"I've used the elements of harmony and stuff. And I'm one of the best friends of the princess of magic," Rainbow said.
"I once was a unicorn," Ty said seriously.
"So, uh, I'm probably the only one here with, like, no magical experience whatsoever," I admitted.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Vinyl reassured.
"Okay, so lookie here," she explained, and took off her purple tinted shades and set them on the floor in front of us. Her eyes underneath were a magenta, like Rainbow's.
"These are my shades. My wonderful, one of a kind shades," she explained.
"Look at them. Picture them, in your minds, floating. But not just floating. Picture yourself urging them to float, you controlling the float, you-oh. Okay, then, wha-?"
As she was explaining, the shades weakly rose in a neon green aura.
Then lunged at me.
"Ow! Ty-? Stop! Holy-Crap-!" I yelled as the shades hit me repeatedly on the head.
Ty suddenly jerked and blinked. "Hm? What the-?" he exclaimed, and the shades fell to the ground.
Wait, but they're not his...
"Uh, way to go, Ty!" Vinyl said.
"That was me?"
Rainbow facehoofed.
"Well, okay, then. Rainbow? Adam? Who's up for it next?" Vinyl asked.
Rainbow and I pointed to each other.
Vinyl sighed. "Well, Rainbow, why don't you go next, just because you've had experience and stuff?"
"Fineee," Rainbow said.
"In the meantime, uh, Ty, tell Adam about how you...assaulted him with my shades," Vinyl ordered.
I turned to Ty.
"I have no freaking clue, dood," he instantly said, putting his hands up.
"You had to do something! I wanna do magic," I told him.
"Uhh, well, I guess I just did what Vinyl said. Picture it happening. Picture you forcing the glasses to rise?" he suggested.
"Uhh, okay," I said, and we both sat back while Vinyl taught Rainbow. Unfortunately, not everybody accidentally learned as quickly as Ty did.
Picture the shades rising? How would that work? Goddammit, Ty. This was confuzzling. Just picture yourself having it rising...?
"Uh, Adam?" Ty asked.
"Shut up, I think I'm onto something," I said, closing my eyes and pressing a hand to my temple.
Haha, yes! I could picture the shades rising. Was I doing it? Mom, are you proud?
"Adam?" Ty asked again.
"Ty, seriously," I said to him, not daring to open my eyes. He was probably watching me lift the shades right now, but I didn't want to lose concentration...
"ADAM," Ty said loudly and firmly, and this time I jumped and opened my eyes.
"What?!" I asked, turning to face him, but he wasn't there.
"Uhh..." I trailed. Then I heard Ty clear his throat above me, and I slowly looked up.
Ty was floating a good six feet above the air in a bright yellow aura, slowly rising. His arms were crossed and he rolled his eyes.
"No freaking way..." I muttered.
I looked down, noticing that my amulet was glowing the same color. Was that glowing like a unicorn horn glows?
I had a sudden realization that my magical aura was the color of butter. Yes.
"Adam. Help." Ty commanded.
"Uh, right..." I said, and looked up at him. "Riiiight....uh..."
"Vinyl," Ty called.
"Yeah? Woah! Go, Adam!" she exclaimed. "Haha! You got Ty!" Rainbow laughed.
"Vinyl," Ty repeated.
"Oh, yeah," Vinyl chuckled, and Ty became surrounded in her light blue aura instead of my butter one, and gently set him down.
"I haven't really gotten the whole...putting Ty down thing, yet," I said sheepishly.
Ty stared at me.
"U mad, bro?" I asked, half-joking.
"Nah, it was just my payback," Ty said and laughed.
"And guess what? I'm kinda getting the hang of magic, too!" Rainbow said, an Vinyl's shades flew back on her head surrounded in a bright red aura.
"Haha, thanks," Vinyl said as the shades stopped glowing, adjusting them.
"So, what now?" Ty asked.
"Uhh, have some fun with our ability to do magic?" I asked.
"Well, it would be good practice. Try not to burn the whole place down," Vinyl advised.
Ty gave a stupid grin and the green parts of his headphones glowed bright green, and then so did the rest of his body, and he floated up into the air and started flying around lazily. Some of the other groups were watching, either laughing or facepalming/hoofing.
Rainbow made a large cup cider? appear from thin air in a red flash in her hoof and began chugging it.
Uhh, what can I do? I thought.
I focused on everything, and decided to see what I could do.
Here goes.
For a split second, everything was the yellowy-butter color of my magic.
Then, everything was black, and cold.
Then, I fell to the floor, gasping for air.
"Oh my god, Adam what did you-oh." Ty said from somewhere. I got to my feet and glanced around.
The two of us were outside, in front of the statues.
"You just teleported us outside. Gud," Ty sighed with relief.
"This is awesome," I declared, and out if nowhere his left shoe started glowing bright yellow. It rose up into the air, and Ty fell down. Soon, I had him dangling in midair, holding him by the left foot.
"Yeah," I said.
"Don't do dis, go get the other left foot," he exclaimed and pointed to the statue.
"Oh yeah!" I said and purposely let go, dropping him to the ground with an oof!
I walked up to the Ty statue and grabbed the left foot.
"It's just not the same," I complained, and as my hand slid off of the obsidian we heard a small click.
"What was that?" Ty asked.
"No idea," I said, and looked back at the statue. I felt around the foot again, then felt a small bump.
"Is that...? Oh my god. There's some kind of a button on your left foot, Ty," I said.
"Was that the noise?" he asked.
"I don't think I actually pressed it all the way, I just touched it," I explained.
"Well, press it!"
"What if it explodes?"
"It won't explode."
"What if it explodes fieush, and fieush go everywhere?"
"Fieush, it won't explode. Press the button!" Ty said encouragingly.
"Pressing the button!" I said, and pressed the button fully.
On the long, rectangular block of obsidian that the statues stood on, a small compartment, like a drawer, slid out.
"Holy. Why is there a button on my foot?" Ty asked.
"Just go see what's inside while I hold the button!" I said.
Ty ran over and pulled something out of the drawer. "Woah."
"What?!" I asked, and let go of the button. The drawer slid back in, and Ty held up what he had pulled out.
"Herobrine's amulet?"
"What's that doing here?!" I asked.
"I dunno, but we should probably go-" Ty started, but was cut off as we heard another voice speak behind us.
"Well, well. You two beat me to it."
We turned around, and saw a pony figure silhouette, with its back to the moonlight.
"What? Beat you to it?" I asked.
"Why, yes. Shame I didn't find it first. Pesky forcefield blocked any magic searching-spells. Who knew you had to simply press a button?" the pony asked, and approached us. Suddenly, I recognized her.
"Rarity? You could tell the amulet was there?" Ty asked.
"Yes, indeed! Too bad I'll need that now," she said.
"Wha-?" I was cut off as the amulet suddenly disappeared from Ty's hands in a flash and reappeared around her neck. "Rarity?!"
"Bye for now, dears!" Rarity exclaimed, and suddenly, her eyes flashed a horrifying green, with catlike pupils and double irises. Her horn lit up in brilliant green light, and fire of the same color shot up in a circle around us.
"Rarity?! What's happening?!" I exclaimed, but the ring of fire got higher and higher, Rarity's terrifying laughter ringing through the flames, until I could no longer see the night sky, and the last thing I remembered was the bright green fire, and her evil laughter...

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