Chapter 5: Princess of Power Moves

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Twilight blinked.
The light brown stallion smiled.
"Whooves," he corrected. By now I had gotten over his legit British accent.
Yep, so basically Ian, Rarity, Bodil and I had been woken up in this dump by Derpy and the Doctor. Ian wasn't wearing his shades when he woke up, and Derpy saw and freaked out. She seemed happy that there was another derp in the world, I guess. It was actually kinda cute and funny.
The Doctor seemed to know everything about what had happened...he seemed to know everything about time and stuff. His cutie mark under that cloak was probably a clock or something. Geez.
"So, everyone's okay? Come to see the statues?" I asked.
"Yeah! These statues are awesome," Jerome said. A fluffy pink pony wearing and chewing his tie stood nearby him. "Om."
"Actually, we really came to look for the others, and looks like we succeeded!" Tyler explained.
"How did you know others were here?" the Doctor said, blinking.
"Well, Scootaloo saw Pinkie, Ty and Jordan earlier," the yellow mare that reminded me of Applejack explained.
"So, why did you come to the statues?" Ryan asked.
"We came just to see if anything else suspicious was happening at the statues," the Doctor explained.
"It's one of the most magic-filled places in the whole city."
"Yeah, apparently that's a big thing in Minequestria," Bodil said with a slight frown. "Nightmare Notch takes a bit of everyone's magic to get stronger?"
Derpy nodded. "He usually gives you a little bit of money, so you don't die and he can keep usin' you as a magic source, but I just ask for muffins!" she said happily.
"And yes, he does, indeed, give her muffins," the Doctor confirmed with a facehoof.
Twilight glanced at the statues, and I saw her horn glow faintly for a second.
"Huh," she said. "There is a lot of magical energy coming from the statues. That's strange."
Taking a sudden interest in the statues, she trotted closer to them.
Everyone noticed, and watched as her horn glowed faint magenta again, brighter this time.
For a split second, a bright cyan forcefield flashed around the minecraftian statues.
"An invisible forcefield?" Ian asked confusedly.
"Just a magical doesn't seem to block physical objects, just magic spells," Twilight explained.
"What does it mean?" Sweetie Belle asked with wide, curious eyes.
"It means that someone put up the forcefield to protect something," Rarity said without taking her eyes off the statue.
"Who made the statues, anyway?" Bodil asked.
"The pony one made of crystals was said to be made by Princess Cadance," Scootaloo said.
"And the mineraftian one?"
The orange pegasus shrugged. "No one really knows, except maybe Cadance. But no one really sees her anymore. I think she hides herself so she isn't noticed, since she's an alicorn and has all that magic."
Twilight blinked. "Why would she need to hide her magic?" she asked concernedly.
"Well, just because Nightmare Notch could absorb bigger portions if she had more magic, I guess," Tyler said.
"Wait a second, we should probably hide all of your magic, too," the Doctor said. "We wouldn't want to rise suspicion."
Me and most of the others stared at him. "Why?"
"Well, you haven't had your magical energy being constantly stolen from you over the course of four years, now, have you? Even if you're not a unicorn, everyone still has magic," he explained. "Why don't we head back to Derpy and I's place, and we could work something out?"
Twilight brightened. "I do know a spell that could mask magical energy!"
Bodil chuckled. "I heard you liked magic, so here's a magical princess of magic using her magic to cast a magic spell to hide the magic of her magical friends in a dimension created from magic where a magical demon absorbs people's magic to become more magical."
Everyone stared at him.
"Magical speech, Bodil," Jerome noted.
"Oh my god, Jerome, don't," I groaned and facepalmed.
"Well, let's go," the Doctor said, and lead us through the city.
The Doctor and Derpy led us all into a run-down, warehouse-ey building. Derpy pushed open the weak door, and gasped.
"Hi there!" she exclaimed.
We all walked in and saw Adam, Ty, Jordan, Bash, Fluttershy and Applejack sitting around, along with Seto and two ponies I didn't recognize.
"Uh, hi," Seto said, blinking as he looked over everyone.
"I'm guessing you found some old friends and decided to bring them to me to see what I could do?" the Doctor asked. The minty green unicorn with Seto who I didn't recognize nodded excitedly. "And we're glad we decided to come to you!" she said.
The yellow mare with he red mane literally tackled Applejack, and I made a lucky guess that they were sisters.
Soon, everyone had sat down in the large open warehouse and had explained and shared everything, so we were all caught up.
"That statue thing sounds weird," Jordan said.
"I know! There's something up. Nobody just decides one day to put up a forcefield around a statue for nothing!" The yellow mare who I had learned was Apple Bloom exclaimed.
"Yeah, and it's not to protect the statue. The forcefield doesn't apply to physical objects, just magic, I think," Twilight said.
"Ugh, magic is so confusing," moaned the other pony with Seto I hadn't recognized, whose name was Bon Bon.
"There must be an enchantment on the statues," Rarity noted.
"We should try and find who created the statue; it's unknown as of now," Ryan said.
"Whoever made that statue must have set the forcefield, and definitely could know a thing or two about what's going on..." Tyler added.
"Alright. So, we have to somehow find who made the statue. All we know is that they're probably minecraftian, because they know how to work with obsidian, and they have magic of a bright teal-ish color," Seto said, and everyone nodded.
"But first, shouldn't we cast that enchantment to mask their magic?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"Good idea," Twilight said. She stood up. "Who's going to be the test subject?"
"Jordan wants to," Adam declared, nudging his friend. "What?!" Jordan exclaimed.
"I'll go," I said, stepping forward. "Gotta take one for da team!"
"Ye-eah, buddy," Jerome called.
"Alright..." Twilight said, and pointed her horn at me. I braced myself as her horn began glowing magenta, but after a couple of moments it faded.
Twilight gasped as if she had been holding her breath.
"What's wrong, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.
" magic is still weak from when Nightmare Notch drained it all," Twilight said, raising her head again with a sad look.
"He did WHAT?!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"You were there," Ty said flatly. "We had gone to Herobrine's underground palace thing to rescue Twilight in the first place."
"Oh, yeah!" Pinkie giggled. Everyone in the room who hadn't been there looked curious, but nobody asked.
"So...who's gonna do the spell?" Tyler asked.
"I can do it," Lyra offered.
"Twilight can't...Seto?" Jordan asked.
Seto shrugged helplessly. "I don't know the spell. And my magic is weak anyway, I just went to have it drained today."
"I can do it," Lyra offered.
"Uh...Rarity?" Adam asked.
"I don't think I know the spell either," Rarity admitted with a sigh. "And I couldn't perform the spell on myself even if I knew it; I'm not as advanced in magic as Twilight is."
"I can do it," Lyra offered.
"...Sweetie Belle?" Ian asked.
Sweetie Belle looked at the ground. "I never really learned a lot of spells growing up in Minequestria...the most I know are mostly levitation spells."
"Great...who else could try the spell?" Ty asked.
Fluffle Puff gasped and put on a pink paper horn that I had no idea where she got it from.
"I CAN DO IT," Lyra said loudly, standing up on her hind legs and waving her front hooves.
Bon Bon sighed. "Do you even know the spell?" she asked.
"Pff, a spell that conceals magic? Of course!" Lyra said.
Bon Bon eyed the green unicorn. "When did you ever need to conceal magic?"
Lyra looked away. "You reason."
Bon Bon kindly dropped the subject. "Okay, Mitch, are you sure you're ready?" She asked carefully.
"Yup," I said with a nod.
"Okay..." she lowered her horn, which began to glow yellowy-orange, and suddenly there was a flash of the same color.
I felt light-headed, then dizzy, then regained my balance.
"Oh my God. Not again," Jerome moaned.
"What? Did it work?" I asked.
"Oops. I guess I don't know the spell that well after all..." Lyra said quietly.
Bodil burst out laughing.
"What?" I asked again.
"Turn around..." Ryan said.
I looked over my shoulder, and blinked.
There was a pair of large, pale yellow wings on my back.
They were just like the ones I had when I was a pony-OH NO.
I whipped around and looked at my hands.
Nope. No hooves. Still hands.
I looked down.
Still standing on normal legs.
I looked back at my wings.
Then I turned around and faces everyone.
"Yes!" I exclaimed. I was still your normal Benja-just with a pair of giant wings on my back. Like Nightmare Notch!
"Is this legit?!" Bash exclaimed.
"Uh, I think so!" I said, and spread my wings.
They were a lot bigger than I imagined, and my right wing accidentally smacked Adam in the face.
"Oh god, Mitch! Control your wing boner!" He exclaimed. The ponies all looked disturbed, except Lyra, who was laughing uncontrollably with the rest of the minecraftians.
"Lyyyyrraaaa!!!" Bon Bon groaned.
"It's fine, Bon!" I said. "These can be useful! I can fly around with Twilight and Fluttershy and search for the others!"
"Yeah, but two things," Twilight said.
"One. You're a terrible flier. No offense."
"None taken," I said.
"Two. The wings give you an even bigger magical aura!"
"What even is a magical aura?" Ty asked.
"Basically, it's the amount of magic that you have inside you. Everyone had one. Like a soul."
"Ty doesn't have a soul," Adam commented.
"Oh, shut up, you," Ty said.
"Only unicorns, sorcerers, and maybe a few others can control their magic regularly," Rarity added.
"So...anyone else up for another try?" Lyra asked with her horn glowing again.
Adam slowly raised his hand.
Jordan grabbed it and slowly put it down.
"Hold on!" Scootaloo exclaimed.
"If Twilight became a princess when she got her wings..." she started.
"...Then does that make Mitch a princess, too?" Ryan finished.
"Of course not," Twilight but she was drowned out by Bodil yelling: "ALL HAIL PRINCESS MITCH!"
"I'm the princess of power moves now!" I exclaimed.
"Mom! I'm a princess!" I said with fake pride.
"No you're not, you're an embarrassment," Tyler said in his Janet voice.
"Hey Mitch, wanna take those wings for a test run?" Scootaloo said with bright eyes.
"Sure!" I said, and we ran outside.
"Um, is that a good idea?" Fluttershy said timidly.
"Probably not. But they're probably not going to stop until Mitch crashes through a window or something. Just let them have their fun," Twilight sighed as Scootaloo and I took off.
Scootaloo was apparently not one of the best fliers-she was good, but just kind of weak.
But I, on the other hand, straight-up sucked at flying.
The wind was tossing me back and fourth, and my wings were much bigger than my wings as a pony.
"Mitch? You okay?" Scootaloo called.
"I'm good," I replied, as a particularly strong gust of wind pushed us both and sent us tumbling in the air for a second.
Scootaloo quickly regained her balance, looking shaken, but I wasn't quick enough, and felt a strange sense of deja vu as I crashed right through another window.
"See? I told you so!" I heard Twilight exclaim right before I made contact with the glass.

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now