Chapter 25: Dem Jukes

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I blinked in surprise as Mitch flew down into the arena, landing a couple feet in front of me.

He was decked in full golden armor now, holes in the chestplate's back for his wings.

This was all part of the 'secret' plan-Mitch would be the perfect distraction for Nightmare Notch while we tried to get the Elements of Harmony spell ready without the Elements. We had Herobrine with us, and we had tried to bargain with Nightmare Notch for him...but he didn't seem interested at all!

"And who are you?" Nightmare Notch sneered.

Mitch looked up boldly. "I'm Morning Mitch!"

Nightmare Notch burst out laughing. "Morning Mitch? Are you trying to intimidate me?"

I had to admit-it was kind of a stupid name, but at least it was an alliteration like Nightmare Notch.

Mitch nodded. "Yup! And I'm here to fight you for Minequestria!"

Nightmare Notch blinked. "You? Seriously?"

Mitch spread his large yellow wings. "What you didn't know is that I'm the MMG's secret weapon. I'm basically a good version of you!" Of course, this wasn't true. This was just part of the distraction.

Nightmare Notch laughed. "So be it. This will only take a minute!"

He immediately shot bright blue beams of magic surrounded by black electricity at Mitch, but Mitch shot up into the air and dodged it.

"Whoa, where's he learn to dodge like that?" I muttered out loud.

"He's not dodging-he's juking!" Jerome explained.

I wasn't sure what juking was, but I didn't ask. "Let's get ready to do the spell!" I said quietly. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie gathered around. I saw Fluttershy and Rainbow near the top of the arena with Discord. I beckoned them down with a hoof wave, and they flew down.

"Okay girls," I said. "We can do this. You don't need your element-you have your own magic!"

My friends all nodded with determined expressions on their faces, and we gathered in a circle while everyone else stepped back to give us room.

I looked up and saw Mitch still 'juking' all of Nightmare Notch's shots.

"Are you even going to fight back?" Nightmare Notch growled in annoyance.

"Maybe!" Mitch exclaimed, still darting from place to place in the air. It was pretty great, considering how long he'd even had his wings.

I concentrated hard on my magic, trying to picture my element with me. I looked around and saw the others concentrating too. Slowly, they each started to glow in a faint aura of their magic color-which was also the color of their element, besides Rarity, who's magic was already a light blue color.

I felt my hooves leave the ground, and realized the spell was working-we were all being lifted into the air, like we usually were with the Elements.

I began to feel that calm, fuzzy sensation that always came over me whenever we did this spell-this was usually the part where my eyes started glowing white in a non-Herobriney way, although my vision didn't look that different to me.

A rainbow beam formed, reaching from Pinkie to Rarity to Applejack to Fluttershy to Rainbow to me-the spell was almost complete.

Mitch, who was still juking Nightmare Notch in front of us, noticed this, and turned to Nightmare Notch with a confident grin. "Haha! You're done for, buddy!" Nightmare Notch just snarled and shot another blast, which Mitch evaded. Almost as soon as he had shot the last beam, he shot another, too quick for Mitch to dodge.

The electric blue beam hit Mitch square in the chest, and he tumbled back a couple feet in the air before falling to ground. "Mitch!" Someone exclaimed from below.

At that exact moment, our spell was complete, and the rainbow magic beam shot itself at Nightmare Notch.

"Wha-?!" He exclaimed as the beam started to surround him in a rainbow tornado. "No! NOOO!" He roared as he disappeared under the colors. Then, the world slowly became enveloped in a blinding while light.

When it finally faded, I was lying on the cold stone floor along with everyone else. I stumbled to my hooves, and blinked my eyes, adjusting once again to the gloomy arena, which had been filled with brilliant light just before.

I looked up and saw the ledge where Nightmare Notch stood was empty. I flew up, and realized it wasn't empty-it was just Nightmare Notch lying on the floor, unconscious.

No-not Nightmare Notch. His diamond armor was millions of sparkling shattered shards lying around him. His giant black wings were gone. He was wearing an old, slightly torn brown shirt with black pants in the same ragged condition. He wore a red cape with a strange yellow symbol that was in perfect condition, however.

He looked just like the minecraftian I had seen in Herobrine's lab before he had been transformed to Nightmare Notch. So, this was, I suppose, not Nightmare Notch, just Notch.

Notch's eyes twitched, and they suddenly flew open. His pupils were now black, not the ice blue they had been before.

"Huh?" He said, shooting up into a sitting position. "H-herobrine...? Where...?" he asked, looking around.

"WE DID IT!" Pinkie exclaimed from below, bouncing up and down.

"'re Notch, right?" I asked the minecraftian. He nodded. "What happened?"

I smiled. "We can explain everything later. For now, let's just get out of here."

He stared at me, his eyes now clear. "You...what are you? You're not square."

I smiled. "I'm a pony. An alicorn, specifically. I'm not from Minecraftia, but you can trust me."

Notch stood up, suddenly full of energy. "Okay then!" He walked over to the ledge and suddenly leaped down before I could do anything. I flew down to the ground. He seemed fine, although that was at least a six to seven foot drop.

"Twilight! Mitch got hit!" Lyra exclaimed. She was standing along with Jerome, Seto and Luna in front of Mitch, who was lying facedown on the ground, his arms and legs splayed over the floor. His wings were gone.

"He's unconscious...we should get him out of here," Luna said.

"He's not gonna like it when he comes to and finds his wings gone," Jerome joked, but his eyes were wide with concern.

"Alrighty, then let's get the heck outta here!" Rainbow exclaimed.

And that's what we did.

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now