Chapter 23: Secret Plan

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Rainbow Dash

Rainbow, it's done! I need you guys to head back now, the voice in my head told me.
"Looks like that's our cue," I said out loud.
"Cue?! What cue?!" Nightmare Notch exclaimed, but Derpy, Jason and I all teleported the heck out of there.
Don't worry, it's not another Edit. It was all part of the secret plan.
We all reappeared in one of the run down apartment buildings in Minequestria's dull city. Outside the nearest window, the glass dome where we had just teleported from was visible.
"Glad you guys could make it!" somepony greeted. We turned around to see Cadance sitting on a dusty couch on the other side of the room.
"Are you here alone?" Jason asked.
Cadance nodded. "Well, not anymore, I guess. But I didn't need anypony to guard me! I can take care of myself just fine," she replied with a smile.
"So, you were able to get to Nightmare Notch's memory?" I asked.
Yep; that was basically our secret plan. When we had been done organizing the fleets, Celestia had quickly sent out a magic forcefield that detected a couple mobs, that were most likely spies. She had told this to Shining Armor, Cadance, and the statue patrons. She said that she had wanted to let them spy, however, but wanted to quickly form another secret plan that Nighmare Notch wouldn't know about. The first plan was for the three of us to track down Nightmare Notch when he was alone and stall while Cadance made a long-range memory-reading spell. I know, it's creepy. I guess she can do it best from such a distance because being the Princess of Love, she's good with people's feelings and thoughts? Anyways, she was doing the spell to discover how much Nightmare Notch knew. Therefore, we would be able to determine if our secret plan could really work!
"Yup, I got all the information we needed," Cadance said happily. "Poor deranged soul. The mind's mostly about the night and destruction and stuff. No love anywhere! But I was still able to find out what he knows."
"Oh! Did you find put what his favorite color is?" Derpy asked excitedly. I guess she was asking him a legitimate question back there.
Cadance tilted her head. "Umm...I'm not sure, but I'd say deep blueish-purple?"
"Okay! Thanks!" Derpy said with a big smile.
"So, what does he know?" I asked.
"Well...he knows most of the fleet arrangements and our plan, but he doesn't really seem to concerned about it. He thinks he can beat us, no problem," Cadance explained.
"Tch, as if!" I snorted.
"Alright, so what does he not know?" Jason asked.
"That we know his favorite color!" Derpy exclaimed happily.
"He doesn't know much about the statue patrons, just that the MMG idolizes them, and he doesn't know anything about the secret plans," Cadance explained.
"So what now?" I asked. Cadance smiled. "Now we have to get that...special minecraftian that's going to help us out."
"Alright, we'll go fond him!" I declared, and Jason, Derpy and I flew off.
Not much action seemed to be going on outside the dome as we flew over. I guess we hadn't been able to get the mobs out into the open, but that was okay.
We landed right outside and hurried into one of the open, unguarded entrances.
"Split up and search!" I told Jason and Derpy. They both nodded and took off in different directions. I headed down one hallway neither had gone down, and sprung into the air, flying down the corridors (my wingspan actually fit, and I could 't fly high, but I could fly fast).
I passed a couple of skeletons fighting with two members of the third fleet, Spitfire and Soarin. I quickly kicked two skeletons in the head with my hind hooves, making it easy for the two ponies to take out the rest.
Saved the Wonderbolts once again! I thought proudly to myself as I flew on.
The next fight I came by was of a larger group of third fleet members attacking a group of enderman and zombies. The fight seemed pretty balanced right now. Again, I rushed in to help, kicking a tall enderman in the head and slapping his face hard with my wing while doing a 360 spin in the air. (Awe-sooome)!
I fought with the members, doing the awesome 360 spin thing again until all the mobs were down.
"Rainbow, where did you come from?" Scootaloo asked.
"Don't worry about it! I'm just here for this guy," I assured her, picking Mitch out of the crowd and throwing a hoof over his shoulder.
"Wha?" Mitch asked.
"Why do you need Mitch?" Flash Sentry asked.
"Just for some secret plan stuff! Just keep on fighting for Minequestria!" I told him with a wink.
"YEAH!" Snowflake roared.
"Uh, what are we doing?" Mitch asked as we hurried down the halls. He was wearing full iron with a leather tunic, which he had specifically requested so he could easily rip the sides to poke his wings out.
"Secret plan. By the look on your face, pretty sure you don't know about it. But don't worry, Cadance will explain everything!" I told him as we ran down the stone halls.

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now