Chapter 18: Plans and Pomf of Power Poves

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"So we were actually doing this, huh?" I asked everyone in our dorm as we cleaned up and started 'preparing' for battle. As Celestia had said, a few 'Days-worths' had passed, and we were to all meet in the Training Hall to get some kind of motivational speech and an idea of the plans before we went into battle.

"Yeah," Vinyl said passively, being unusually quiet. "Are you alright, Vinyl?" Octavia asked, her eyes the color of her lavender bowtie filled with concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great, it's just...I'm nervous, you know?" Vinyl replied without meeting anyone's eyes.

"It's not that bad!" Bashur exclaimed cheerfully. "Do you want those four dull years you spent in Minequestria and all that magic training to be for nothing?"

Vinyl sighed, and adjusted her vibrant purple shades with a white hoof. "You're right, Bash. I'm sorry. I just forgot how awesome it's gonna be to beat me up some bad guys!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah!" I cheered. "Hey, do we have any legit weapons here? Like swords?" Adam asked.

"Hm," Octavia said simply. Her bowtie glowed purple, and a stone sword appeared in Adam's hand.

"Oh my god that's so freaking cool," Adam said, staring at the sword in his hand.

"Sorry it's stone. There's not that many diamonds around, as you can see. But still, if you need something, conjure it up on your own, or just as me!" Octavia explained happily.

"Or me!" Vinyl chimed in.

"Warning, if you ask her she will most likely give you wubs as well," Octavia advised.

"Can you make a bow? And some arrows?" I asked eagerly.

Vinyl smiled, and suddenly I felt the weight of a quiver over my shoulder appear out of nowhere, and a bow randomly appeared in my hand.

"Ooh baby!" I exclaimed. "Dayum, Mitch. You flying from the sky shooting things down? GG," Adam remarked.

Then, a giant stereo appeared in front of us all.

"Vinyl-!" Octavia's moan was drowned out as the stereo burst into deafening music.

"WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB!" Vinyl cheered somehow above the music.

"THIS IS BEAUTIFUL," Adam hollered.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Bash wailed.

"I THINK I'M GOING DEAF!" I exclaimed.

The stereo thankfully disappeared in a purple flash.

"If anyone asks, just blame Vinyl, she's used to it," Octavia told all of us.


"Is everyone prepared?" Celestia's voice rang through the large training hall. Everyone, MMG, outsiders and 'Statue Patrons' alike cheered in agreement.

Celestia smiled as she looked out at the vast crowd.

"So, you're seriously gonna snipe people from the air?" Jerome muttered to me as Celestia gave some kind of speech or something.

"Yes. Yes I am," I replied matter-of-factly.

Fluffle Puff, who was munching Jerome's tie near us, gasped and pulled out a piece of pink paper. She rolled it into a cone and put it on her head, making her look like a unicorn. Her eyes unfocused and she stuck out her tongue.

"Well then," I commented.

"She's probably going to dance on rainbows for them. An effective strategy indeed, sir," Jerome acknowledged, pretending to be serious.

"Nothing the Pomf of Power Moves can't handle," Jerome went on.

"The Pomf of Power Moves?" I asked, cracking up.

"Yus," Jerome said proudly.

"...And we all wish you good luck in your battles. For Equestria, and Minecraftia!" Celestia finished.

"Dang. That was a long speech," I remarked.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, who were standing nearby, sighed and nodded in agreement. "I wasn't payin' any attention," Apple Bloom admitted.

"So what? We can still beat up some bad guys!" Scootaloo said enthusiastically.

"Now, time for the battle plans! Listen up, everyone!" Shining Armor spoke from next to Celestia.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," Scootaloo said. "He used to be Captain of the Royal Guard in Equestria...whatever that is."

Shining Armor's long white horn glowed magenta, and a large board with some kind of plans appeared next to him.

"Discord has already given us the information we need on the base of Nightmare Notch," he explained. "His base is in the Hunger Games Dome in the northern side of the city. For those of you who haven't lived in Minequestria or simply didn't know that, this dome was transported from Minecraftia to Minequestria. It was the dome our Statue Patrons were sent into. There is a huge underground system below, which is where he is currently."

He pointed with a sturdy hoof to a drawing of a dome, with many cave systems underground. "This is a map interpreting the cave systems. Nightmare Notch usually is in this large cave, which I'm guessing is his Throne Room of some sort."

"So how will we get to it?" Twilight called from the front of the crowd.

Luna spoke up from where she stood near Celestia. "The dome, like how it was in Minecraftia, has secret doorways outside that lead in. Even if they are enchanted in some sort, breaking the enchants can't be too difficult."

Shining Armor nodded. "We'll send a group of around ten Earth Ponies, Minecraftians and Unicorns excelling in magic first. The unicorns can break the enchants, which there most likely will be, while the Earth Ponies and Minecraftians guard if we run into trouble. Once they're in, a quick pegasus, and I have somepony in mind, that we'll have scouting the group from the sky will fly back to us as quick as possible and inform us. From there, we will send in the second and third fleet, the second fleet being composed of any Minecraftian, Earth Pony and Unicorn who will try to get the enemies out into the open with the first fleet, while the third fleet is of Pegasi and anyone else in particular who can fly. The third fleet will launch arial attacks on the enemy, and if the enemy can't be drawn out, they will go in as well. The two fleets will follow the first into the dome."

"Then, we'll have a fourth fleet, of the stealthiest ponies and Minecraftians we have, who will break into the dome from another side and try to explore an find Nightmare Notch while the first, second and third fleets try to keep them busy. The second and third fleets will consist of roughly twenty ponies and minecraftians, while the first will have around ten and the fourth five to ten. There will be backup fleets to be called in when more fleets are needed."

Shining Armor finished, looking around the crowd, who had started chattering about the epic plan.

"Wow. That's awesome," Scootaloo whispered.

"You think he meant me when he said he had somepony in mind for the flying scout?" I asked eagerly. Jerome laughed. "I think he meant Rainbow. After all, he said somepony. I think he's gonna put you on the third fleet, though. He did say 'pegasi and anyone else who can fly.'"

"Alright everybody and everypony!" Celestia called again, and everyone went silent respectively. "Now that we all know the plan, we will now be forming the fleets. Please line up, and we will assign you all a fleet!"

"Lezzgo, then," I said as we all lined up.

Nightmare In Minequestria: Book 3 of a Mlp/TC TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now