Please Don't Go: ScottxReader

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Hellooo! Hope you guys like my previous chapter! So yeah I'll at times chose weather the Reader will be a female or Male character in the story but I'm not gonna do one where I keep calling the reader them or they cause it'll get kinda confusing for me. But anyway, enjoy this cute chappie! With some little 'fun' stuff in it 😏😉❤️

Contains: slight smut, fluff, blind, crush, anger, bullying

'Even when you can't see at least you can still feel and hear everything around you still, even when you are seen as different just show them that it doesn't matter. That the only thing that does matter is having courage and a kind heart filled with so much love that it could save the world. Always keep that in mind Love, because sometimes it could be the only few things you can hold on to.'

Y/N's P.O.V

It's the same thing everyday as I'm walking down those school halls, the noise that fills the big space as I'm trying to find my classroom for first period and at some point get tripped by some mean idiotic jock or bully. This little routine may be slightly annoying but over the two years I've been going to this school I've gotten used to it, I mean yes at times it gets so hard that I can't bare it but, yeah it doesn't matter. Why do they bully me you ask? Oh well that's because I'm blind, so because of that it just gives those stupid jocks a reason to make fun of me for it. But I know I'm not the only one with disabilities in Fazbear High yet I'm still being mocked about how I'm pretty much the only student that's blind. How do I know that? Well my parents thought it was a good idea for me to go to a normal high school rather than a school with students who are like me. I can't complain though at least I do have some friends, and by some I mean only one and that's Vincent we've been friends since we were babies and we did everything together.

He was my eyes while I was his tutor, we are like siblings, inseparable and always laughing together or crying together whatever it may be. Right now though it's Monday......yay.....Vince is walking next to me talking while helping me to my locker, I know I have my guidance stick. "Here we go! We have Maths first and then next we got English." I heard Vincent say as he gets out our books, we decided to share the same locker seeing as it'll be better and easier for us. As we were walking I suddenly tripped and fell letting my books fall and scatter everywhere and a chuckling sound followed I frowned groaning already knowing who it was......Toy bitch Chica. "Watch where ya goin you freak! Oh wait you can't, you're just a blind wondering freak and always will be! Hahaha!" I hear her annoying high pitch laugh making my ears sting and grit my teeth, I heard Vince growl as he helped me up.

"Y/n is not a freak! Besides you're no better you fucking school whore, don't think I won't hesitate when I show your boyfriend all the other low life's that you've been fucking behind his back." At this point I could feel Vincent's dark aura surround him making me shiver in slight fear, I've felt this all too often whenever we're at school. I place my hand on Vincent's shoulder trying to calm him down, but I tried to school my features as the corner of my lips twitched wanting to smile hearing Toy Chica gasp along with her group but I heard a few chuckles which were quickly silenced.

Before T.C was about to say something else a new voice entered the conversation, the one voice that I've always dreamed of when I sleep wishing that I would be his someday but sadly that would never become a reality. "What's going on here?! What have you done this time Chica?" Scott Cawthon one of the school's top athletes in track, swimming and football, meaning he's a jock but surprisingly he's one of the really nice ones which is very rare in this school. All of the other jocks and athletes in this school are mean and cruel, Vince sighed in annoyance as he handed me my books quietly thanking him as I heard Toy Bitch Chica talk to Scott who of course is her boyfriend. I don't know what he sees in her, maybe Chica used to be a good person before she decided to become a total bitch or maybe it was only for the sex. But I don't think Scott would stoop that low in only wanting to be in a relationship just for the fun or for someone's body.

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