I Hate You, I Love You: VincentxReader

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Heyyyy!! Okay so I was reading a Sterek oneshot that made me think of the song I hate you, I love you and thought that 'maybe I should make a FNAF oneshot reflecting that song! And who better to fit this kind of oneshot than Vince! My Bae and my best friend's fave character :3 hope you guys like this! <3

"Sometimes the most painful thing in life is knowing that the one you love doesn't love you back."

Y/n's P.O.V

The beeping sound of my alarm woke me making me groan and bury myself under the sheets, I was hoping to go back into sweet deep slumber after my alarm finally shut off. But it seemed that life had other plans for me as I heard a knock on my bedroom door making me sigh in slight frustration. "Go away Scott, I'm not going in today, I'm tired and sick." I heard the door open and close as Scott walked in and I was surprised to smell the amazing scent of my favourite pizza. I quickly sat up in my bed to see Scott smiling at me with a pizza box and inside was f/f and f/t pizza. I smiled wide and grabbed a slice while thanking Scott.

"I thought this might cheer you up a little, N/n(Nickname) seriously I haven't seen you eat anything in a while and you haven't come into work in five months. Is something wrong?" I nibbled on my pizza and looked up at Scott to see his worried expression directed at me which made me feel a little guilty. It has been almost five months since I've been skipping work at Freddy's, Scott is the only one to notice that since he is my roommate and my childhood friend. He's been trying to get me to come back to work, but so far, I've just stayed at home and mostly in my room or in my downstairs homemade gym trying to calm my nerves and stress or anger. I sighed again looking down at my lap still eating my slice and kept silent for a while feeling my heart hurt as I thought over the reason why I've been avoiding coming to work.

"It's just really stupid, Scott, I'm fine really."

He rose one of his eyebrows and scoffed while shaking his head. "Right, as if sulking for five months at home and always avoiding work at Freddy's entirely says anything. Or the crying I hear from you during most nights or that sometimes you come home drunk as well. Y/n I know when something is wrong or hurting you and obviously you are hurting really badly and frustrated, just please, as your best friend and I care about you so much like you are my sister just tell me what's wrong." I felt my eyes water a little as Scott moved to sit next to me and wrapped me in his arms, rubbing my back trying to soothe me as I cried in his shoulder. I hugged him back tightly feeling more pain in me and sadness.

"S-Scotty, I-I-I just.... I really can't take it anymore, I just I-I thought we c-could be happy b-but......"

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here I know it hurts. So, this is what it was about? Him?" I nodded as Scott sighed and hugged me tighter and closer to his chest that I could hear his heartbeat, after a while I calmed down and we just lay in my bed in silence. At times Scott would bring up a memory about our past or what we used to do as kids that made me laugh, we really get each other like no one else does and it feels great to have someone in my life who is like that. I sighed and cuddled with Scott as we just stayed quiet again, the only sound in the room was just the distant noises from the outside world and the ticking of my clock hanging on the wall.

"I miss our days like these."

"Yeah, it's been a while since we really hung out together like this other than working at Freddy's."

"Hey Scotty?"

"Yes N/n?"

"I-I think I wanna come back to work tomorrow."

There was a pause, then Scott looked down at me with worry in his face as he stroked my hair which was still kinda messy. "Are you sure you want to? I mean, it'll be good to have you back with us, but you do know that grape is gonna be there, right?"

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