HELLO!!!!!! :D

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Hey guys!! Okay so this is just gonna be me talking for this lil chappie.

First off how are you all beautiful people~ ;3 hope you guys are having a great day/night but if not I hope it will get better for you! ^^

Seeing as the end of the year is coming very close I decided to just say that I'm happy how this year went for me. I faced many challenges and I finished my last year of college and I just got into another university of performing arts! I've always dreamed of becoming a actor that travels and make people smile and laugh.

I've been through a lot thus year which surprises me just how much I went through in just a year. I had two break ups that left my heart feeling pretty broken cause I was really in love. The first guy I loved was so sweet and kind, but left cause of his family not approving of our relationship. The second guy I pretty much gave my shattered heart to and he healed it all up and made me happy. That is until he left me without a word never even telling me he wanted to break up cause I was too childish and that he just couldn't take it anymore. He also suffers a huge amount of depression and has always been depressed since he was six. Which was really sad and broke my heart when he told me his past. But I was still confused as to why he left, still am now. I was always hoping I could be the one to make him feel happier but I was just to true to myself for him to like or love.

Wow that got sad pretty fast, but then again that's just how life is, it gives you shit and fucks you up sometimes. But the reason why that life is like that its so that it can make us stronger then find the light that we need. Sometimes from where you're standing of may not look like things could get better because of all of the shit you're going through but trust me when I say it will get better. I may not be at the end of my trail yet or done with my life cause I know that there's more coming. How do I know? I honestly don't, anything could happen. I remember the news that I heard from one of my best friends that our friend took his life two years ago....he was being bullied I don't know why he was but, he was and he couldn't take it anymore. It hurt so fucking much hearing that and I cried for two days.

That's another thing that's been happening lately even thus year there have been a lot of deaths not just by natural deaths or of old age but young adults and teenagers are taking their own lives as well and that's so painful. Some even did suicide bombing or just hung themselves which really saddens me. I'm so surprised that this young generation is so depressed and suffering so much. There are so many reasons as well that these teens or young adults are killing themselves for and it hurts. Not only is there bullying but there's also home abuse, other severe types of bullying, cutting, depression some even die on streets. I can't believe that this is what our world has turned into, it is not the once happy place with a few friendly people in the world.

Now society has many opinions on who we should be, many judgemental people hating on others just because of difference. How many people feel so insecure because of people's words scarring them and putting on labels on them. I find it so sick of how cruel people treat others just to feel powerful or to feel more dominant. The things of how right and wrong have changed, but there are still some things that have stayed the same. Bullying is the main thing that are killing many, even home abuse or other types of abuse and bullying. Its hurting many teens and making them kill themselves for it just so that they can escape the pain.

I know that pain all too well, I've been bullied and hated by a lot of people ever since I was six, my dad left me at that age, I was labeled as weird and a disable since I'm half deaf and have a skin condition. I was always teased for my wright as well, always being called fatty or ugly. Told that I would die alone one day. I honestly believed all of that too which cause me to be upset all the time by 13 I cut myself for the first time and from there I kept cutting for a year until a cut deep enough that it needed stitches. So I went to the hospital and got myself patched up. I found out I had depression that day and still have it now. I just recently stopped cutting again cause I stared again three weeks ago when I was kicked out of my house. I felt so fucking low I wanted to die, I even ended up cutting my face as well.

The reason I was kicked out was cause my family found out the type of stories I wrote which the really disapproved of and we fought. I was kicked out the next day and stayed in a hotel for a few days. Yeah things got really real that day and all because the way I wanted to live my life was disapproved of. But hey things got better

While I was staying at that hotel my friends helped me feel better. I went on discord and apologized so many times for what I did with cutting myself and just feeling so pathetic but they were there for me. Some even called me and cheered me up by talking about random stuff.

I even got to spend a night on the phone with my crush, it was just me and him and we just ended up falling asleep together. This was when I found myself falling in love yet again, and he is now my boyfriend. We have both promised to never leave each other which is cute right? I don't know how well it will go but I'm hoping it will last.

I'm just a 18 year old wolf in a world full of ice and snow, I wish for so much in my life,hoping it will get better. I know it will, I just gotta wait for it and get my shot when it comes. I joined wattpad a few years ago hoping the stories I write would be something that people could enjoy and also let their imagination run wild when making stories for others to read. I wanna both tell and write my story for everyone to know and get inspired from it or have some sort of impact from it.

I'm only human who makes mistakes and does stuff wrong all the time, I'm not perfect. More people really need to get that through their thick skulls. We are all just humans, just people like they are and none of us were made to do everything perfectly or as the rule book goes.

It's always more fun being who you are and sometimes breaking the rules. As in let people love who they want to love, there are many different lifestyles if they want to live they way they like to then let them if it makes them happy. Support the kid who what's that awesome dream even if you kind don't like it, just let them live it and be the support that they need.

I hate it when fucking bitches be judging a book by its cover and think that they should live their life by the way they look or act how they should act.

Ditch the script already we live in freedom, not a fucking bloody cage. Live your life the way you want to and forget the haters, run towards the light and your goal, it rakes hard work to find what you need. Life gives that hard work that we need to get to our lights, I may have found mine but who really knows if it will last throughout my whole life.

So always live life to the fullest and happy new year guys, hopefully the next year will be your year where you feel like it will get better and that you'll be closer to find your goal. Love you guys ^^ and thank you for the awesome follow I feel like my stories and fanfics are actually worth something which makes me happy so thanks guys Merry Christmas and happy new year

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