The Move

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So, here it is, the first chapter! I hope you all like it :)

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The Move

"Annabelle, hurry up and get in the god damn car this instant!"

That was my father yelling at me for about the hundredth time this morning. My father and I didn't really get along that well, I'm not sure why, mum thinks we are too much alike, I disagree!

Well the reason I need to get in the car this instant is because we had been accepted by Alpha Thomas Waverly to join his pack, the Oceanic pack.

The oceanic pack got its name as it is located on the on one of the best beaches on the world and has been for centuries. The beach is covered with pure white sand and clear blue water and has an abundance of beautiful wild plants and animals. It's one of the most desired places on earth!

So anyway the story goes that Alpha Waverly was looking for an accountant for one of his businesses, he searched high and low through all the packs. When my mum enquired, he offered for us to join his pack to save travelling too far. Mum agreed and much to my disappointment, we have to leave my home and friends behind.

I know that now we are moving to the largest and strongest pack there are going to be a lot of people, I get very nervous around people. I do eventually make friends but it takes me a while to do so.

I quickly grabbed the last of my suitcases and my handbag and walked to the car. I threw my bags into the boot but kept my head phones and iPhone in my pocket.

"Is everyone ready" my father grunts clearly indicating my less than happy approach to this move. I groaned my reply and hopped into the backseat next to my brother who was texting one of his many girlfriends.

I kept my head facing outside the window and mentally start saying good bye to my old life.

"Are you still upset about our move Annabelle?" my father half yelled at me.

"No, not at all, I just think that I should get a say on whether or not I should leave or go with you!" I mimicked his tone.

My brother was trying so hard to suppress his smile but was failing miserably.

"You know, you could be a little more appreciative about this. Thanks to your mothers efforts we now are moving to one of the most desired beaches under the most powerful Alpha around. Thanks to your mother we get to live in a 2 story mansion with over 40 different rooms, 24 hour staff, 2 Olympic sized swimming pools, A outdoor and indoor heated, a spa outdoors and an en suite in every bedroom. So if I were you I would be thanking your mother and stop being so sour!" my father yells at me.

" Yes sir," I reply not wanting to argue. It's true, we do get to live a life of luxury now, our house is equivalent value to the Alphas house, apparently he has no need for it so he said we can buy it off of him, my mother didn't hesitate obviously.

I put my headphones in and started scrolling through my music. I decide to listen to P!nk. I turn the volume up and press repeat. I mentally sang to every word in Try before closing my eyes just for a second. I hated car rides, so as you can imagine, I'm pretty pissed off about this one as it will take over 3 hours to get to our new home.

We stopped for lunch at 12:30 before starting off again and shortly after lunch, I vomited it all out again, that's why u hate car rides, I get severely car sick and end up violently I'll if I eat before or during a long car trip.

We finally made it to the outskirts of the Oceanic town, yeah I know, real original hey? At least they won't forget the town name though I suppose. My dad turns on the GPS and punches in the address. A few more minutes and we are there I tell myself trying to stop myself from being violently ill again.

We pull into the drive way of a gorgeous house, it's completely stone covered and a light cream paint covering the rough surface of the stone. it faces the beach with only a road to cross before we hit the hot white sand. He wasn't lying, it is like paradise here.

I step out the car and immediately feel the humid drops of moist air hot my face, I'm going to have to go shopping once we settle a bit, I don't have any shorts. Our old home was under a nearly constant cover of cloud, it hardly ever breach 30 degrees there.

I immediately walked to the back of the car to get my bags and wait for my father or mother to go and open the door for us. My brother is standing next to me completely taken back by the heat I'm guessing as drops of sweat form on his forehead. Of course he has his skate board under his arm. I don't know how he got into skate boarding, none of his friends do it and I'm not sure the Alpha will tolerate his attitude when some one tells him to give it up.

We follow our parents into the house, my dad carrying my mum over the threshold. Don't ask me why, apparently it's a family tradition that every time someone moves houses the husband carries the wife over the threshold for good luck. It's a bit weird but whatever floats their boat I guess.

I look around at the bright white walls and the polished cream coloured tiles meeting the dark grey carpet as you enter the lounge room and the study rooms. It is unbelievably big! I walk up the stairs eager to find a room that is right for me.

I climb the stairs trailing my free hand up the oak wooden handle with black metal rungs supporting it. I walk through the the long corridor until I come across to double white doors with golden handle.

I open the door and step into a white room with a queen bed in grey carpet. the bed set is dark grey complementing the carpet, but that's not what held my attention. It was the French double doors leading into a balcony that overlooked the beach and road. Beside the doors is a floor to ceiling window.

I walk over to the en suite where the polished cream and grey tiles follow along to the the white spa bath with the basin and toilet to the left of the bath which is positioned in the furthest corner and to the right a massive shower with an adjustable shower head.

"Annabelle, get down here right this instant!" shouted my father from what I was assuming was the lounge room. I hurriedly run down the stairs not wanting to have another fight with him, I half run to the lounge room and immediately feeling the power in the room, bow down and address my new Alpha.

"Look up," he commands and my head snaps up to his, I keep me eyes locked with his meeting his gorgeous blue eyes. He smiles before speaking to me in a very friendly tone.

"Accompany me to the kitchen, I need to ask you a few questions." I nod and follow his departing back into the kitchen.

"How old are you?"

"I'm turning 17 Alpha," I reply immediately not wanting to piss him off.

"When is your birthday?"

"18th of March" I say.

"I'm just going to take your scent and then you are free to leave," he says eyes never leaving mine.

"Yes Alpha" I stand up while he takes my scent.

"Thank you Annabelle" he smiles.

"Alpha, please, call me Anna" he nods and smiles. He picks up my hand and kisses me gently on my scar on the inside of my wrist. He drops my hand and walks out, a very good looking Alpha just kissed my scar.

I follow the Alpha put the room where a very pissed off father is pacing the room.

"Stop wasting the Alpha's time, go to your room immediately"

I blush and obey, turning around tears start to form in my eyes. It was a night like this that I got my scar. Except the Alpha was over for dinner instead of settling us into our new home.

This is one of the reasons my father and I fight so much.

It all started when our old Alpha joined us for dinner one night.....

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