The Ultimate Cure

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It's 5am and I haven't slept a single wink. My eyes and cheeks sting from the non stop flow of tears over the hours. I cannot think of anything else except the fear of the unknown, who knows what state of mind my father is in at the moment, especially considering he snuck into Tom's home risking his life because he is trespassing onto another alphas land.

Another hour goes by and the alarm shoots through the room. Tom groans as he slowly wakes up and rolls over to face me. I quickly turn over and bury my face, ashamed of the fact that I had been crying and probably look like I just got hit by a train.

His arm rubs my sides, "I know your awake Ana. What's wrong?"

I roll back into my back, "I'm scared Tom. I am so scared. What if he comes back for me, what if I never see you again?" a fresh flow of tears run down my cheeks, I quickly dash them away.

"I know Ana, but your not going to leave my sight, after breakfast I'm going to ring my beta and whilst your at school he will be within a mile radius of you at all times. Why don't you go out for the day and do something girly?" I nod, going out for the day might actually be a good idea, get my mind off things.

"So what's for breakfast?"

"Always thinking about your stomach! doesn't even give me a good morning kiss."

I just poke my tongue out at him and go for a shower.

In his shower.

In his room.

I leave the door slightly ajar and start pelting out lyrics from multiple songs until I hear the bathroom door slam shut and him walk down the stairs. Smiling to myself I wash and get out, walking down to my room to get a pair of shorts and a tank top.

As I walk down I smell pancakes and Nutella, my mouth literally starts watering like Niagara Falls.

"Smells good chef Tom" I say as I sit in front of my plate and start scoffing them down like I've never been fed before, burning my mouth multiple times.

"And apparently taste good too" he retorts.

"I'm thinking about heading to the movies with Destiny today, there's a few good movies I wouldn't mind seeing, if that's ok of course"

"Ana, you don't have to ask my permission to do anything, as long as someone is with you I don't mind what you do, but for now, Dean Hamilton will be going with you in case your father shows up again."

"Ok, no problems then." I finish eating and stack my dishes in the sink. I grab my phone and jump onto the sofa scrolling through my contacts until I find Destiny. Bingo!

I press call and the dial tone sounds.


"Hey Desty, what you doing today?"

"Well, I have an extremely busy day doing absolutely nothing, why's that?"

"Want to go to the cinema and watch 'The fault in our stars' with me? It's supposed to be really good"

"Heck yeah, I'll be over in an hour!"

That's the last I heard of her for now. I don't doubt she's in her closet throwing clothes around to see what she wants to wear.

I go in search for Tom, most likely in his office.

I hear his voice through the door that's slightly ajar and knock twice.

"Hold on a second" I hear him say into the phone, "Ana, you don't need to knock ok?"

I walk through the door and close it behind me. I climb onto his lap so that I sit across him and snugly into his chest.

"What's wrong?" he asks


He goes back to talking to who I think is Beta Dean. I don't really pay attention to the conversation, I didn't even realise he had hung up the phone. He rested his head against my shoulder.

"Destiny and me are going to go watch 'The Fault In Our Stars' if you want to come with us?"

"Sure I'm in"



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