My Rescuer

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while but my watt pad decided it didn't like me and wouldn't let me get to my stories! thank god I finally fixed it!!!

I hope you are all enjoying my book :)

Comment and vote please :)


I hear my name floating gently through the air as I am pulled from my dream to reality. I flutter my eyes open sleepily and adjust to the darkness in the room.

"I'm leaving now, it's 5:00am. Better not get caught here. I'll be back tonight as soon as your parents are asleep"

"Ok," I mumble sleepily not wanting him to leave. I had the best nights sleep curled up to Tom last night.

"I have another letter for you as well baby, I'll leave it on your desk. Go back to sleep now and I'll see you tonight" he says, the command in his voice present but gentle.

"Goodbye Tom" I say rolling over and curling back up and drifting off to sleep with the last sound I hear being my balcony doors clicking shut ever so slowly and gently.

I sit up in bed looking around in horror for the monster coming towards me. I am satisfied when I see the comfort of my room. The bright light flowing through the doors and warming my room.

I get up and head towards the shower with a towel from my floor slung over my shoulder. I turn on the hot water and strip down before stepping under the stream of water.

Washing myself I sing loudly not caring about anything in the world. I'm singing my favourite song 'Party In the USA' by Miley Cyrus. It's old but good.

"So I put my hands up,

Their playing my song,

The butterflies fly away,

Nodding my head like yeah,

Moving my hips like yeah,

So I put my hands up,

Their playing my song,

I know I'm gonna be ok,

Yeah yeah yeah yeah,

It's a party in the USA,

Yeah yeah yeah yeah,

It's a party in the USA'

I sing the whole song loudly before shutting the water off and drying my self. I walk into my wardrobe and pull out one of my new pairs of denim shorts and a tank top and head down for some breakfast.

I scan through the cupboards and finally decide to make some wheat bix with sugar and cream.

Not long after I have started eating my father comes down with a cross look on his face. He storms around the kitchen fixing himself a coffee with out even looking at me.

"You will never leave this house again young lady" he says to me sitting down across the other side of the table opposite me taking a sip of coffee.

"But what about my wolf, she needs to run to. She's already begging to be let out, it's been weeks since I've shifted!" I plead, he can't keep me locked inside the house like this.

"That's not my problem now is it?" He spits back at me. Tears start flowing down my cheeks, I can't believe he is doing this all because Tom wants to mark me.

"You can't lock me up and forbid me to do anything!" I start telling at him. My fathers face grows red with anger as he stands up with such force the chair is flung backwards. He stalks into the kitchen into one of the draws and licks up an egg slicer. Oh no. He's going to hit me again.

I stand up and back away cautiously until I hit the wall where I slide down and curl into a ball. Where is mum?

He keeps coming towards me with his arm raised above his head. He swings down hard and the metal is connected with the flesh of my exposed upper thigh. Pain explodes through out my body and a big red welt forms on my thigh.

He raised his arm again and again, hitting me in all different places. My arms, legs, feet, head and backside. tears keep streaming down my face as the pain keeps coming. I close my eyes hoping for unconsciousness but it never arrives.

I hear the front door burst open and turn my head to see who it is. It's Tom! Tom is here! Relief floods through me as I realise my father has to stop.

Tom looks angry. No, beyond angry. He is furious.

"Get out of my pack sight now!" he roars at my father.

"I... it's... it's not what it l...looks like..y alp... Alpha." my father whimpers.

Tom just glares at him not saying a word. My father backs up dropping the egg slicer and runs up the stairs like the coward he is.

Tom walks over to me and crouches beside me pulling me into his chest and holding me until I have nothing left to cry out. My body is limp, I have no feeling left and it is covered in red welts from being hit so many times.

"Are you ok?" he asks, concern clearly showing in his voice. I nod slowly.

"Come on, I'll bring you home." Tom picks me up bridal style and carries me out to his car and places me into the convertibles passenger seat. He straps me in and kisses my forehead softly before shutting the door and walking around to the drivers side.

The car purrs to life and we are speeding down the road to the Tom's home.

"Thank you Tom." I say appreciating him helping me. He turns his head to me, his face pained.

"I dread to think what could of happened if I didn't show up at that moment. It's a coincidence I was there as it is." he says.

I only nod and stare out the window. We pull into a house that looks exactly like the one we have been living in.

Tom carries me inside and places me on the large black leather sofa and sits down beside me.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to get rid of the welts. Is it painful."

"A little painful, yes" I admit knowing that he can detect lies.

"I'll go get you some pain killers." he says getting up and walking into the kitchen.

I wonder what is going to happen to my father now?

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