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Hey guys :)

I am so sorry I haven't updated, my teachers have swamped me with homework and assignments and I haven't had time to update again!! :(

I am hoping this chapter will make up for the lost time and I will try to update more often!! I promise!!

So any ways, here is....


Mumble, muffled, milk, maybe, my, might, move, make and male.

These words just repeated over the page, over and over again. I don't understand, what's he trying to tell me? The words don't even run in alphabetical order or suggest anything with the consonants used. I seriously do not understand.

I flip the page over to the other side, where I find a part of a sketch, a few lines here and there. Nothing is making sense here.

Frustrated, I curl myself into a ball and fall into a deep sleep. I don't remember dreaming at all that night, and I certainly don't remember leaving my balcony doors open all night either however when I woke they were wide open with the cool breeze flowing around the room.

I sit up and switch the bedside light on and scan the room for anything unusual, burning find nothing. Deciding that it was probably me last night, I get up and close them and make my way to my bathroom. There is no way I'm getting back to sleep now so I'm not even going to try and bother to do so.

I strip off and start running the shower and adjusting the shower head so that it fits my figure perfectly and stand under the hot cascading water. I instantly feel my whole body shudder as it relaxes even more giving in to the powerful water droplets as each one of them hits my bare flesh.

I wash my hair before hopping out and towelling off. The clock in the bathroom tells me it is 6:35 am and as the sub rises once again, a new day starts. I go to my largest suitcase to get some underwear, a pair of sweats, a tank top and my runners. With all the confusion that is happening right now, I think a good jog around will help me clear my head.

I dress quickly and head into the bathroom plugging my brand new hair dryer in and turning it on. I hum one of my favourite songs while I dry my hair and put it in a high pony tail. I scrub my teeth thoroughly and head back to my bed to get my phone and earphones.

I silently top toe down the stairs and sneak out the door into the morning air. I scroll through my music and select Rap God by Eminem and press repeat. I begin rapping along to the parts that I know and take off jogging along the beach. Mg footsteps matching perfectly to the beat if the song as my breathing increases into a puff, my wolf itching to be let out, but I don't know the boundaries so I don't think that's a good idea at the moment.

I jog for about 30 minutes before deciding to head back home again. Good thing I only kept on the one road or I'd be lost completely. I turn around and start to jog back in the direction I came, the at starting to heat up and become moist again causing sweat to flow down my skin freely. I reach home and I am covered in sweat. I must invest in some shorts soon, I might go for a drive today.

I walk inside and head straight for the kitchen after I smell egg and cheese omelettes with fried tomato and bacon. Mum see four plates down with a ass of orange juice in front of every place.

"Morning mum" I say taking my headphones out and putting them in my pocket.

"Morning sweetheart, have a good run?she asks looking at my sweat covered tank top. I nod and sit at my place at the table across from mum and dig in to the delicious breakfast that has been prepared for me.

" So mum?" I begin after I have finished my omelette. " do you mind if I take the car for a drive around, I need more clothes, I only have sweats that fit me properly and I need shorts with this climate" I say before stuffing my face full of bacon and tomatoes.

"Sure, do you need some money or not?" she asks me.

"No, I'll use my card. Thanks, when do you start work again?"

"Not till Monday" she replied. I nod and clear my plate stacking it into the dishwasher and head up to my room for a shower.

I walk through my doors and there on my bed is another envelope addressed to me.

I pick it up flipping it over and over again, I open it up to see what it is. It's from the alpha again. Except, this letter is covered with A words.

What the hell is he trying to tell me??r


I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

What do you think the alpha is trying to tell Ana???

Questions questions so many questions :)

Enjoy readers!!!!!

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