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I walk out to the car with my handbag and keys and climb in. The engine purrs to life effortlessly. I reverse out onto the streets and pull away in the direction of the town centre.

I turn the radio up so the sound is blasting through the speakers and wind all windows up and start singing and dancing around the car while stopped at lights not caring what anyone is thinking or saying about me.

I reach a promising shopping mall that has almost every car space taken up. I pull in and start driving around looking for a space. Completely oblivious to the staring drivers and pedestrians, I keep singing loudly. I finally pull into a space and climb out locking the car behind me as I walk towards the main entrance to the mall.

I can feel eyes on me as I walk around the shops, I keep my head bowed down. No doubt they have heard about the letters from the Alpha and are jealous that I am getting more attention than they are.

I walk into a brightly coloured shop with glitter on either side of the door and find myself walking through an array of brightly coloured clothing assorted into their sized. I pick up a pair of short white shorts and check the price tag. $60. Well, I suppose I have plenty of money in my bank that was going to get me a car, but I think the at can wait, I need clothes. I pick a few more shorts of white, black, pink and 3 pairs of short denim shorts.

I also browse through their range of t shirts and tank tops. I find a beautiful tank top that I have instantly fallen in live with. It's white with one strap and a see through material flowing around the outside. The tank top stops at my belly button with a sliver band around the bottom of it. I love it, plain and simple. I also choose a few other tank tops and half t shirts that flow in all directions.

I go to the counter and place my clothes on the bench for the lady to scan them. She was a bleach blonde, around 30 with too much make up on and her clothes not suiting her figure.

"312 dollars please hun" she says as I hand her my card to swipe. I key in my code and grab my card and bag of clothes.

"Thank you" I say before exiting the shop. I get no reply from her. 'Service with a smile' I mutter under my breath as I exit the shop.

Next i head to a sports shop where I buy some new running shorts, tops and shoes spending another $213. I also spend $157 dollars on a few summer dresses to wear when I go somewhere special.

Now that I have bought dresses, I need to buy some new heels to where with them. I walk into a shoe shop filled with designer stilettos and formal sandals. I look around for a while and decide to buy a pair of royal blue 6 inch heels, black suede 6 inches, and grey 3 inch heels all matching the dresses I bought earlier. I also bought a pair of leather brown ankle sandals with a zip at the back of my heel.

So $1000 dollars later I'm walking out the shop hanging my head down to avoid the curious stares I'm getting. The next thing I know I am crashing into something and all my bags are dropped onto the floor with clothes flying out everywhere. No, it wasn't something, it was someone. I lookup to see who it was to find the Alpha standing before me with his Beta. 'Shit' I mutter as I quickly pick up the clothes.

"I am so sorry, I am so clumsy sometimes" I say as he bends down to help me re pack the clothes in their bags.

"It's fine, really. I was actually hoping to run into you today anyways. I think we managed that a little to well, don't you?" I laugh nervously at his comment and stand up straight.

"Why did you want to see me Alpha?" I ask curious.

"Would you like to join me for coffee and morning tea at 10 o' clock sharp tomorrow morning?"

"I would love to Alpha" I reply immediately, feeling butterflies in my tummy.

"Ana, please, I must ask you to call me Tom" he says and walks off into the mall.

Wow. I walk back to the car my head reeling at what had just happened. I drive home again with the music blaring. Coffee with the alpha? I think that's a good idea! I have to wear one of my new outfits tomorrow!


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