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So before I start this chapter, I just want to make something clear. I wanted this story to be very different from the other werewolf stories, so please if you read something that is a bit different, it was done on purpose! This way I can't have people saying that I have copied ideas, if something is similar I apologise.

I hope everyone understands this.

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It was my Brothers 15th birthday and we were having a dinner for him. Mum and Dad had invited the Alpha to celebrate his birthday as he and our family were very close in the way of friendship.

Anyway I was serving out dinner and is I came around to my dads left side to put the potatoes and pumpkins on his plate I dropped the serving tray and hot fat and juices spilt all over his arm and front. I apologised immediately and began cleaning up the mess I had created, but it wasn't enough for him.

Because the Alpha was sitting at the table, my father had to control his temper and not let his wolf take over. It took hours for the Alpha to leave and after quite a few beers with my father, they were quite drunk. My father then came into my room and started throwing all my things and belongings onto the floor. He then moved onto throwing me around, taking out all his anger on me.

"You made me look like a complete and utter moron in that room, you could have ruined everything in there." he slurred. The stench of alcohol was so strong it's not something I could forget any time soon.

The next thing I knew was I was standing in front of the massive black wolf with his claws sharp and raised above me head. Panic took over me and I closed my eyes and covered my face with my left arm just as his claws dragged through my flesh. The pain was excruciating and deep red blood flowed freely onto the carpet.

I was rushed to the hospital and given two blood transfusions as the doctors couldn't stop the bleeding for over an hour. He had ruptured the main vein in my arm, that is why I hate him so much but I have never told anyone that's why I hate him. Once the blood transfusions had been completed and I came back into consciousness, the police came over knocking in the door wanting a statement from me.

The doctors had called the police after they stitched the claw marks. I was so scared about what to say, I told them all about what had happened, every detail and naturally, he denied everything. Even with the DNA running in my blood stream, everyone refused to believe me, including the Alpha.

After that, I was the one for everyone to turn against. I became the one that framed my father for something I did apparently. The police had said I had done it in a typical cry for attention and should be under constant care by a professional.

My father told mum a lie and told her that I had indeed had a typical cry for attention so he wouldn't lose his mate, another reason I hate him. The only person that believes me is my brother, a reason I love him so much.

*End of flashback*

Just then the door opened and I realised I had been crying. My brother walked in and one arm hugged me once he sat on the bed.

"The alpha wants to speak to you" he says softly. It's once having my brother around, he defends me from my father for quite a lot of the time, he's my best friend and I know I can always trust him with anything I say to him. I nod and walk down to the living room where the alpha is sitting on a recliner.

"Are you ok?" he asks me. I look down slowly and nod.

"Come here," he commands and immediately I walk over to him and stop just in front of the chair.

"Is your father rough with you? Does he hit you or kick you?" he asks softly. I shake my head, If I tell a lie, I probably won't survive, even though I don't want to be near my father, I don't want him to get in trouble either.

"Here, I have a letter for you" he says softly and hands me an envelope addressed to me.

" I better be going now, enjoy your stay here, I hope we will being seeing more of each other" he said as he walked out the door. I smile and close the door behind him.

I walk back up to my room and into the bathroom. I decide to have a spa bath and relax my muscles after the meeting with the alpha. I strip down and let my hair fall down to mid back. I get into the hot bath and concentrate on relaxing different parts of my body.

I decided to ring Destiny, my best friend from back in the other pack. It's been a few hours and I already missed her. Destiny was my sister I never had, the only person I had ever made friends back there.

"Hello besty, miss me already?" she answers her phone.

"You know me to well haha" I say matter of factly.

"So how's life with out your best friend then?"

"Oh you know, it's different, I'm basically living in paradise. I should ask our Alpha if you can come visit me!" I say excitedly as I think of what he would say.

"Yesssss!" she said, exaggerating the S, "Is your knew Alpha sexy" she asks. Trust her to ask that.

"You have no idea, literally!" I say honestly, it was true, he was incredibly sexy.

"Annabelle, Dinners ready!" shouted my mum

"I gotta go destiny, dinners ready, I'll ring you tomorrow okay?"

"You better, bye doll" she says and hangs up.

I drain the bath and towel off quickly, throwing on some grey sweats and a white tank top and start bounding down the stairs where my family were waiting at the dinner table for me. With the Alpha! My heart froze. The only spare chair was next to him, he smiled at me and pulled it out for me. I give my brother a questioned look. He just shrugs and starts stuffing his face with the sir loin steak in front of him.

"Thank you Alpha" I acknowledge and start eating my dinner.

I wonder why the Alpha is showing us so much attention. Surely he doesn't do this to every family, that would take hours! I conclude that it is probably his way of thanking mum for coming to work for his business.

Or is it???

A/N this chapter had been edited after reading some of the comments and realising I had forgotten some information... I guess my brain was working faster than my fingers were!!

Thank you everyone for reading me and helping me, if you have some suggestions, please comment then for future chapters :)

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