A dream?

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After the twilight marathon and several tickling sessions I decided to go and unpack the rest of my bags while Tom went out to get dinner for us. I don't know what he is getting but I am starving so I really don't mind.

I open the last of my bags and on top find the unopened letter from last week. I slide my finger under the flap and open it up. Taking the letter out it is filled with a whole heap of words that begin with Y.

I flip the page over and the drawing has gotten more defined. it's a garden filled with rows and rows of benches with an aisle down the centre. Out front there is a canopy with flowers everywhere with a little stage made of ebony wood. The sun is shining and the grass is a bright green. I can't believe he took time to colour it all in this time.

"So you finally opened my letter then?" I hear from behind me, and standing in the door with a bag of food in his hand is Tom with a half smirk on his face. My oh my he looks hot like that.

"I... uh... yeah, I guess I did" I stutter, this makes his smile get even bigger.

"You got a bit of drool on your chin"

Instantly I raise my hand to my chin, but it was dry and Tom was literally rolling on the floor laughing at me.

"Oh very funny, where's my food?"

He stops laughing, rolls onto his side facing me with his head propped on hand and 1 one leg bent so the knee faces the ceiling. He raises his eye brow for a split second then winks at me.

I stare at him gaping. If he isn't an Abercrombie model, I don't know who is. He bursts out laughing again and holds up the paper bag that smells of Chinese chicken curries.

I calmly walk over to him, step over him, grab the bag and bolt out the room heading for the stairs. 2 at a time I run down the stairs holding the food in one arm. I get to the kitchen when Tom catches me and holds me to him, my back to his front.

"You know, you really should start to get a little fitter if you want to try to run from me," he says in my ear teasingly before placing a kiss just below it.

"Speaking of running," I begin. I haven't shifted in weeks and I'm dying to let my wolf out. "Can we go for a run? please, my wolf needs to be let out" I ask trying to keep the bag of food in my grasp because half way through my sentence, Tom decided it would be fun to try and steal it away from me.

"As long as I can come with you," he replies. I look forward to running with him. This is going to be interesting.

"Thank you, let's eat" I say, my stomach growling in approval.

We eat in the lounge room while watching the local news. The curry is the best tasting curry I've ever tasted, not to spicy but enough to give a little burning sensation to the tongue.

We both lay on the couch until we decided it was time for bed. I walk up to my room and strip down to my underwear, it's to hot for any pyjamas tonight. I lay on top of the covers face down hugging my pillow and falling asleep quickly and soundlessly.


I wake up, it's still dark but I'm cold. I throw the blankets back and fold my legs up to my knees. I reach for the blanket but it's not there. I swore it stayed on the bed.

"Looking for something" a very familiar voice said from the direction of the foot of my bed. My father.


"I will get you back Annabelle! Believe you me, I will get you back"


I wake up gasping. I scan the room in the dark looking for any shadows at the foot of my bed. That's when I noticed that the blanket was missing from the bed. I could've sworn I was laying on top of it.

Panicking I run to Toms room not looking back scared of what I would find. I ran to his side of the bed and shook him awake.

"What, what's wrong?" he asks sleepily.

"I think someone's been in my room?" I squeaky whispered, my voice full of fear and panic. "It smells funny and my blanket off my bed is gone when I swore I fell asleep laying on top of it"

His eyes jolt wide open and he is running to my room in less than a second of sitting up.

I run after him, the light in my room switched on and the balcony door opened. A not on my bed.

~ I will get you Annabelle ~

" It wasn't a dream, it really happened" I muttered but I knew Tom could hear me.

He looked at me waiting for an explanation.

"I had a dream that my father was standing at the foot of my bed with my blanket in his hand. I woke up after he said 'I will get you back Annabelle'"

"Ok, I'll ring my Beta in the morning, but your sleeping with me from now on."

I nod sleepily and follow him into his room climbing into his bed and snuggling up to him. But no matter how hard I tried I could not fall asleep too scared that I wouldn't wake up where I left consciousness.

Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks ask watched the clock tick by hour by hour.

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