The Aftermath

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Pryce POV 🌑

"Chad can you please stop walking away from me and hear me out!?" I said as I followed him outside.

"No! I'm not tryna hear it, Pryce!" He said as he made it to his car, unlocking it.

"Are you seriously just gonna walk away from me and not talk this out!?"

"There's nothing to talk about!" He said as he turned to face me.

"Yes there is!"

"Well since you have something to say, talk!"

I sighed. "I'm sorry...."

He scoffed and reached for the door handle.

I quickly walked up to him and stopped him. "Babe please don't go. Especially when you're still mad at me."

"Don't call me that. I'm not your babe, I'm not your boyfriend, I'm not anything to you!-"

"Are you breaking up with me!?"

"Yes! Pryce, you really just embarrassed me in there! This whole time you had me out here looking stupid! I'm being faithful to you, thinking about you all day everyday and you're here going on dates, cheating! With my ex!"

"I didn't know he was your ex!-"

"That's not the main point! The main point is you've been cheating on me!" He said with so much anger and hurt.

"What am I supposed to do, Chad!? You're not here with me! We barely see each other! And I have been faithful to you but recently Lucas came and-"

"Pryce I'm really not tryna hear this shit right now."

"Well I'm gonna say it anyway! He reminds me of you, Chad! That's why I've been showing him attention! He's the closest thing I have to you, here."

"I bet if I find someone like you at my college I still wouldn't show them any attention, because they still wouldn't compare even if they tried!"

"Chad, I swear I'm really sorry. I'll cut him off and we won't have to deal with this ever again-"

"How am I supposed to believe you? You lost all of my trust!"

I was starting to get angry.

"And I haven't been going on dates with Lucas! We've just been hanging out that's all!"

"Oh, y'all just have been hanging out? Isn't that what you used to call our first couple of dates!?"

"I was in deep denial back then!"

"You kissed him yet?" He asked, catching me off guard a little bit.


"After one of the dates did. you. kiss. him.?"

I sighed and broke eye contact with him, because I'm too nervous. "Yes." I confessed.

He shook his head while looking at me in disgust and got in his car.

I put my hand on the top of the door because I know he still wouldn't try to close it and smash my fingers.

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