Upstairs Body

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Malachi POV 🌑

Police sirens are now heard. I honestly didn't know what to expect. Did my Mom call the cops before my Dad knocked her unconscious?

But maybe they're not coming here and will just ride pass the house. Either way I have to get my Mom to a hospital because she's still not up. I put my hand in my pocket to grab my phone.

I noticed the sirens are now louder than before since the cops have seemed to stop at the house. Moments later knocks are heard at the door.

I got up and answered it. "We got an anonymous call saying there was a loud disturbance coming from this house." an officer said

"Well there wasn't any noise when I arrived but my Mother needs medical assist-"

"Do you live here, kid?" He asked, cutting me off.

"No, this is my Mom's house-"

"Well look we got a call saying there were some disturbing scream-like noises coming from this house, so I'm gonna ask to come in."

I stepped aside and let him and another officer in the house. Mainly because they need to see the condition my Mom is in so they can call an ambulance and take her to a damn hospital!

I looked at their name tags to know and remember their names.

"What happened to her!?" Officer Swallows asked in shock, as he spotted my Mom.

I wanted to be honest with him, so I told him. "My Dad has been abusive to her. I came in and found her like this."

"I'm gonna go upstairs too see if he's still here." Officer Yappin said as he headed towards the steps.

"He's not here!" I said

"How would you know? Did you check?"

"No, but the fact that he hasn't came downstairs yet let's me know he isn't here...."

"I still want to check and make sure." He said as he walked upstairs.

I turned my attention back to Officer Swallows. "Can you call an ambulance for my mother please!?"

"Oh shit!" Officer Yappin said from upstairs before quickly making his way downstairs.

"Yes I need an ambulance at 2145 Pantsdry Street. There's an unconscious woman here and it looks like her husband was murdered in his bedroom." He said on his walkie talkie.

"Wait what!? Murdered!?" I asked in complete shock.

"Hands behind your back, kid!" He said

"For what!? I didn't do anything!"'

"Hands behind your goddamn back!!! Don't resist an arrest!" He repeated as he grabbed my hands and placed them on my lower back and proceeded to put handcuffs on me.

"This is bullshit! I just got here like 10 minutes ago!" I pleaded

"10 minutes is all it takes! It's funny how you was hesitant about letting me upstairs. Didn't want me to see the murder you committed?!"

"Fuck you! I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah, we'll see about that...." he said as he continued to guide me outside.

The ambulance arrived, pulled out two stretchers and made their way inside the house.

Officer Yappin forced me into the back of the cop car and closed the door.

I watched as the paramedics came out of the house with my Mom on one stretcher and my Dad on another with a sheet covering his entire body.

I'm so shocked and confused at this entire situation. Did my Mom kill my Dad? If she did how was she unconscious downstairs and he was dead upstairs? 🤔

Dorien POV

"It killed me to see you in that condition." Allen told me as we're currently downstairs on the couch.

Pryce and Chad are upstairs in Pryce's room doing God knows what.

"I know Allen, you tell me this a lot."

"Because I mean it." He paused before telling me "Allen I really don't know what I did to make you not want to be with me all of a sudden, but I want you to know that I still care about you."

I sighed a little and decided to be real with him. "It wasn't you Allen, it was me and I'm being honest. It wasn't because you wasn't exciting me, I just had my eye on Vier and I completely made a mistake...."


"Yeah, I really regret treating you the way I did. I didn't realize how much you actually cared about me until we were no longer together."

"Well you know what they say...."

"Please don't start. I'm trying to be serious right now...."

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked

I kinda got nervous because Allen is kind of unpredictable. You never know what he's gonna say or do....

"Is Vier the one who attacked you that night?"

I really tried to verbally answer him but out of embarrassment I couldn't. I just stayed silent and nodded my head.

He shook his head as he grew angry. "Imma kill him."

"No Allen, it's not worth it. It's done and over with and I'm over him."

"No, he's gonna catch these hands as soon as I see him."

I chuckled and that caught his attention.

"I love putting a smile on your face."  He said

I blushed. "You never fail at it."

"I guess now is the perfect time to tell you...."

"Tell me what?"

He took a moment before saying "I'm in love with you Dorien. This is a feeling that I can't control and if you're feelings for me aren't as deep then I'm ok with that. I'm willing to wait. But I want to get back to being yours and you being mine-"

I cut him off with a nice and passionate kiss.


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