Time Jump

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5 months later....

Pryce POV 🌑

"Can you believe he's still not answering my calls!?" I asked Dorien.

He sighed. "Pryce, when are you just gonna let it go?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Trust me, I understand. I've been in your position before and it's not fun but you just gotta accept that it's time to move on."

"But I don't wanna move on!"

"Ok so why are you still giving Lucas attention?"

"Because...." Is all I could say

"Because what?"

I sighed. "I don't wanna hurt him."

"Pryce, Chad is over you! I'm sorry but that's the truth and you need to hear it. He avoided you for all of Winter break and he'll most likely do it for all of Spring break, which is coming in like a week. You're chasing after someone who doesn't want you when you could be actually into Lucas since he's been trying to really take it to the next level with you. You're wasting your own time."

There was a knock on the door so Dorien got up to answer it.

"Hey baby" he said as he hugged Vier.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Yup, lemme grab the keys." He said as he went over to his bed.

Vier and I awkwardly spoke to each other before Dorien was completely ready and they headed out.

I was just alone in my room, quiet and left with my thoughts for about 10 minutes, until I decided to leave and go to Lucas' room.

As soon as I got in the hallway I was stopped by Allen.

"Pryce! Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for tonight...."

"Oh actually I was just on my way to-"

"It won't be long, I just miss out hanging out as friends and I still want to make things 100% right with us."

I sighed. "Ok fine, let's go."

Allen POV

"Thanks for coming, by the way." I said as I munched on some fries. 🍟

He chuckled. "How many times are you gonna say that?"

I sighed. "Anyway, have you been able to talk to Chad yet?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Because I know you're still hurt and I don't like my friends hurt." I said as I dipped a fry in Honey Mustard

"Ew I still can't believe you actually like honey mustard." He said after taking a bite out of his burger. 🍔

I chuckled. "You don't know what you're missing."

"And if you must know, no I still haven't talked to him."

The Right Pryce 2 (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now