Shadow x Shy!reader

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~Reader 's point of view~

The wind blew a little bit causing me to pull my scarf up to cover my face. Amy was rambling on about her Christmas party that was happening in two weeks. Cream smiled at her friend and would give her ideas for somethings. Sonic was behind us talking to Knuckles and Rouge.  I kept to myself as I walked beside Tails and Shadow. Shadow was a bit annoyed for being forced to go along with what Amy was doing. We all had secret santas and Amy was making everyone shop for gifts today. We were all a bit surprised when Shadow agreed to go shopping. We drew names for secret santa and I had pulled Shadow's name. I sighed quietly to myself.

'What am I supposed to get him for Christmas? I don't even know what he likes,' I thought to myself.

I also had the unfortunate pleasure of having a crush on Shadow, even though he probably wouldn't like me back. Shadow didn't want to socialize with people and I was extremely shy, so talking to him isn't easy for me. We stopped at a light and I glanced at Shadow. He was staring into the window of a store. I looked in the window and saw that it was a gun store. In the window was dual pistols. The pistols were black and silver with some red on the handle. I stole another glance at Shadow before looking back at the ground. When we started moving again, I stole a quick glance at the store and smile to myself.

~One hour later~

I was walking through town again. The others were at the mall and I pretended that someone had called me and I left. I was heading back to the gun store that we had stopped in front of. I walked into the store and looked around. There was a lot of guns lining the walls of the store.

"Can I help you, little lady," a voice said.

I looked at the counter and saw a man standing there with a smile on his face. I nodded and walked over to him.

"I wanted to ask you about the dual pistols in the window," I said in a quiet voice.

The man nodded and walked over to the window. He grabbed the two pistols and placed them in front of me.

"These two are Colt 1911," he said.

I nodded as he gave me some information on them. He handed me one and I hesitantly took it. I looked at the details of the gun in my hand and the man chuckled.

"Are you wanting to buy them for someone," he asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

"How much do they cost," I asked.

"$700, little lady," he replied.

My ears fell down and I sighed a little bit. I didn't have that much money on me. It was true that I saved a large amount of money from my job, but I only had $550.

"Don't have that much," he asked.

"No, I only have $550. I would have enough money by next week, but you will probably have sold these pistols by then," I replied, handing him the gun.

He took the gun and paused for a moment, before smiling at me and grabbing a small case. He opened the case and placed the pistols inside of it. I watched him, a little confused by his actions.

"I'll make you a deal. I'll keep these pistols here for you to get and you bring me the money sometime next week. I'll even wrap these for you," he said.

I smiled and I nodded. He put his hands out and I shook it. He placed the case under the counter and I headed toward the door of the shop.

"Thank you so much, sir," I said, waving to him.

He waved back and I quickly went home.

~Time Skip~

I quickly ran home and got changed. I finally had the righ amount of money for the pistols. I quickly grabbed my money and headed toward the gun store. I was about to enter the store, when I saw Shadow talking to the owner. I quickly hid in the ally next to the building as the door to the store opened. After a moment, I peaked my head around the corner and saw Shadow walking away from the store. I quickly moved to the door of the store and went inside.

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