Special x reader

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~Read if your stressed/sad~

You were sitting at a table. Coffee or tea in front of you, but you didn't really want to drink it. You've had a lot of stress from things that have been going on in your life. The two chairs in front of you are pulled out and two people sit down. You glance up and see me with a chibi wolf half-demon. She has red hair and green eyes. When you look at her, her tail wags but her ears fall back. She knows how stressed you are.

"Hey, are you okay," I asked.

I probably know the answer already. You've been going through a lot and you don't want to deal with it anymore. You're upset because nothing is going right. You want to disappear. Get rid of the stress you have. I give you a reassuring smile.

"I know that you don't want to be here. You don't want to deal with the stress that you're having. You feel numb," I say, "But I promise you. Whatever you're going through won't last forever. It'll pass and then you're stress will leave. Just hold on. I know that you can get through it." 

The half-demon that's sitting next to me nods in agreement. The door of the small coffee shop opens. Many of your favorite characters are standing outside the building. Even your loved ones are outside with them. Your favorite character is standing at the door, smiling at you.

"Come on guys, we're going to be late," they say.

I get up and head outside. The chibi wolf gets up and walks over to you. She looks up at you, giving you a smile. She reaches her hand out to you. You hesitate, but you take her hand. She leads you outside to the others. Everyone is smiling at you. They all believe in you and know that you're amazing. You smile at them and head off on an adventure with them.


You wake up. You don't know where you are, but you feel safe. You get up and look around. You spot the chibi wolf from before. She's smiling at you. She gestures for you to follow her. You follow the small half-demon into a cavern. Lights are floating in the air, but sunlight is also streaming through holes in the ceiling. You see me sitting in a chair, writing. I stop writing and look at you with a smile. I get up and walk to you. 

"Hello," I say.

"Hello," you reply.

"It's good to see you again," I say.

You nod in agreement and smile at me. 

"I'm sorry about my lack of updates. So much has been going on," I explain, "But I hope to update soon. Thank you for your patience." 

Your smile remains as I smile back.

"You must be tired. Please, come into my home. Wolf doesn't bite, as you've already guessed," I say, gesturing to my home.

The small half-demon waits at the door. You nod and the three of us spend the rest of the day together until you must leave. 

~A/N Thanks so much for the patience guys. I hope to update soon! Stay tuned -Inky~


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