Silver x Murdered!reader

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I was sitting on the couch, just lounging around on this lazy day. Silver was upstairs, still asleep from staying up late working on a project of his. I took a sip of my (coffee/tea) and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. My stomach was twisted in knots and felt like it was in my lower abdomen. It was a bad feeling. I heard footsteps come downstairs and turned to look at Silver. He rubbed his eye and looked at me with a smile.

"Good morning, (Y/n)" he said, walking over to me.

"Morning," I murmured, looking out the window.

Silver sat next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His head rested on my shoulder as I leaned into his touch.

"You okay? You seem distracted," he asked.

"I don't know. My stomach feels like it's dropped," I replied quietly.

"You haven't done anything to be guilty about, have you," Silver asked.

"Not that I can think of, no," I replied.

"Maybe you need some fresh air. Let's go on a walk, it's a beautiful day," he suggested.

I looked at him before nodding in agreement. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek before standing up. He walked into the kitchen as I stood up. I grabbed the couch for support and grabbed my stomach. The knots had intensified and my stomach had dropped even farther than it was moments ago. Despite my better judgement, I ignored the feeling and walked toward the hall. I leaned against the wall as Silver grabbed a quick snack before we left. He walked into the hall and grabbed the keys to the house out of the bowl we leave them in.

"You ready, love," he asked.

I nodded in response, staring at the floor. Silver paused for a moment before he walked over to me. He lifted my head so I would look at him. Silver looked me over before kissing me. I kissed back, placing my hands on his shoulders as he placed his hands on my waist. After a moment, he pulled away and placed his forehead against mine. We stayed like that for a while before we left the house.

Silver locked the door and we started on our walk. As we walked, I grabbed his hand and refused to let go. Silver didn't mind though, as he loved holding my hand. We walked around town for a bit. We walked through the park, the middle of town, and even through the mall. We started to head back home so Silver could continue to work on his project. The closer that we got to our house, the tighter the knots got in my stomach. I placed my hand over my stomach and Silver looked at me concerned.

"Do you think you're sick (Y/n)," he asked.

"I don't know how I would get sick, but it could be a possibility," I said, looking at him.

My eyes widened as a fox from the alley next to us grabbed Silver and threw him into the alley. An entire gang was there and they surrounded him. I watched as Silver managed to fight them off. A member stood up after being knocked down and moved toward Silver. Silver didn't see him, his back was turned to the member. The gang member raised a knife into the air, ready to bring it down on Silver. My body moved on its own as I tackled the gang member to the ground. We wrestled for a while before Silver noticed the struggle I was in. He flung the gang member into a wall as the gang finally ran away. Silver watched them all leave before looking at me with a smile. His smile faded when he looked at me. I tried to sit up but pain shot through my body. Silver ran to my side immediately.

"No, no, no, no, no, (Y/n), I need you to stay awake for me, okay," Silver said.

I looked at him confused before looking at my stomach. A knife was sticking out of the left side of my abdomen. The gang member had managed to stab me while we were wrestling. I looked up at Silver as he panicked and started to cry.

"Look, you're, you're gonna be fine, I promise, just stay awake," he said, trying to stop the bleeding.

Silver cradled me in his right arm. He moved my hands to try and have me try to stop the bleeding as well, but I couldn't find the strength to put pressure. Silver was stuttering and blabbing. I raised my right hand and placed it on his cheek. He stopped his stuttering and looked at me. I gave him a weak smile.

"I love you Silver. No matter what happens, I want you to remember that I love you and I will always love you. I love you and I will always be with you," I said.

More tears fell from his eyes as he stared at me. I wiped away a few tears as he leaned into my touch.

"I love you too, (Y/n)," he said.

I smiled more and carefully pulled him down to me. I placed his forehead against mine. His ears flattened and he closed his eyes. I wiped away more tears as he opened his eyes and looked at me again. He kissed me, shocking me in the process. He kissed me with so much passion that I started to cry as well. I kissed him back with just as much passion. He pulled away as sirens could be heard. I couldn't open my eyes, they were too heavy. I forced my eyes open as Silver started to shake me a little bit. I looked at him as he tried to coax me awake. I pulled him down again and kissed him one more time before finally letting darkness take over my senses.

~Time Skip~

Silver sat on his knees, his ears pulled back as Sonic and Shadow walked over to him. Shadow placed a hand on his shoulder as Sonic kneeled next to him. The three were silent for a moment, the only sound was the wind blowing through the trees. In front of them was a headstone, (full name) inscribed at the top. The date of birth and death inscribed in the middle. 

"I'm so sorry, Silver," Sonic said.

"It's not your fault, Sonic," Silver muttered.

"It may not be his fault, but we both know how much you cared about her, Silver," Shadow said.

Silver didn't respond as he just stared at the grave in front of him. Sonic inched closer and placed his hand on Silver's shoulder. 

"If you ever need someone to talk to, Silver, you can talk to us. Shadow has gone through a similar situation before, he would be more help than I would be," Sonic said.

Silver nodded and stood up. Sonic followed him and Silver looked at him. He hugged Sonic and hid his face in his shoulder. Sonic hugged back, rubbing his back in the hope to try and comfort him. After a moment, Silver pulled away and wiped his eyes. Shadow placed his hand on Silver's shoulder again. Silver looked at him before hugging him too. Shadow hugged Silver back, despite the fact he hated hugging. Silver pulled away and the three looked at the grave again. They stared at it for a moment before Amy walked up. She had tears streaming down her face as she kneeled and placed (fav./flower) on the grave. She stood up and Sonic hugged her from the side. The four didn't move for a moment before they finally walked away from the grave, muttering their goodbyes. Silver muttered an 'I love you' with his goodbye, letting a few tears slip.

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