Shadow x Reader

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I was sitting by the window, watching the rain fall. It was a boring day. The others were all busy doing something, as usual. Because of the weather, I had built a fire in my fire place, cuddled in a blanket, and was watching the rain. As I stared out the window, I noticed someone walking toward the park near my home. They paused before finally walking toward my house. From the outline, I knew exactly who it was. I growled and got up. I leaned against the wall next to my front door.

Shadow and I had been really close, which people found strange. With how close we were, it confused people the most by our recent behavior. Lately, Shadow had seemed to be doing everything in his power to annoy me. I get that he most likely doesn't like me being around him that much, but he could just tell me to leave him alone. We got into countless arguments and I hate to admit that I have cried a few times because of some of them. I finally decided to just avoid him, if that made him happy. I had a crush on Shadow, no one knowing about it except Amy and Rouge. They had found out only because they found me crying one day. I finally let it all out, telling them how the fighting got worse and made me sad that he didn't like me at all. They disagreed, but Shadow just seemed to prove my point more.

After a few minutes, a loud knock sounded from my front door. I got off the wall and unlocked the door and opening it. Shadow stood there, a glare on his face. He had water dripping off of him, completely soaked from the rain. I rolled my eyes and walked toward the spare bathroom, leaving the door open for him. I walked into the bathroom, hearing the front door be shut and locked. I grabbed a towel and walked back to Shadow. His glare held as I just handed him the towel.

"Here, dry yourself off," I said.

Before he could say anything, I walked away and into the kitchen. It was around ten thirty, but I felt peckish. I grabbed out a pan and few ingredients to make some breakfast. Sausage, eggs, bacon, and hash browns sounded like heaven to me right now. As I'm getting everything out, I hear Shadow walk into the kitchen.

"I need to talk to you, Y/n," Shadow said.

I stopped what I was doing and leaned on my arms against the counter. My mind went to all of the negative endings to this conversation, causing a lump to form in my neck. I had found myself thinking that Shadow would finally tell me that we weren't friends anymore and to leave him alone on more than one occasion. I took in a deep breath and tried to make my voice even.

"Then go ahead and talk. I'm listening," I said, pretending to be busy. 

Shadow didn't say or do anything for a moment. I paused and turned my head, waiting for him to say something. The lump in my throat grew, as tears tried to form in my eyes.

"Why have you been avoiding me," Shadow asked.

"I haven't been avoiding you," I said.

"That's a lie Y/n! You've been avoiding me for a while now and I want to know why!"

"I haven't been avoiding you!"

"Yes, you have!"

I heard him take a step closer to me. I spun around, a glare on my face and tears in my eyes. Shadow seemed to be surprised by my sudden movement. Before he could do or say anything, I snapped at him.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do, Shadow?! Pretend that you liked me?! Pretend that we're fine, despite all the arguments we've had?! Oh yeah, we argue a lot, but we're fine, nothing to worry about," I shouted, the tears in my eyes threatening to fall.

Shadow stared at me confused and surprised. I rarely cried in front of people, so seeing the tears in my eyes was a shock. I chuckled slightly, my voice starting to crack.

"You're probably wondering, 'why did she say anything?' Because what could I do to change your mind?! Start acting differently?! Buy you a gift?! What do I need to do to fix everything," I asked, my voice cracking once in a while.

Tears finally escaped my eyes and fell down my cheeks. Shadow didn't say anything. He just stared at me. I didn't want him to see me like this. I let out a huff of air and shook my head.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now, Shadow. Just, get out please," I said, turning back to the stove.

"Now, wait a--," Shadow started.

"You know what? I'm going to say this now, because our friendship is probably over after today," I said, cutting him off.

Shadow glared at me and went to speak again. I took in a deep breath and spoke before he could.

"I like you. More than a friend. I have for a while, but with all the arguing between us, it seemed like you didn't feel the same," I said, feeling my cheeks grow red.

Shadow stared at me shocked, his eyes growing wide. I bit my lip as more tears slid down my face. I took a deep breath before feeling more tears fill my eyes. Without thinking, I walked over to Shadow and kissed him quickly. He let out a surprised noise. I pulled away and looked at him. He looked at me confused, but he still had a slight glare on his face. I slowly shook my head before walking past Shadow and walking out of the kitchen. I walked back into the living room, grabbed my blanket and fell onto the couch. I hid myself under the blanket and silently cried. As I cried, I could hear Shadow silently moving around in the kitchen. After a while, everything was silent. I closed my eyes, letting tears fall from my eyes. 

Suddenly, the blanket I was using to hide myself was slowly pulled off me. I opened my eyes and saw a blurry Shadow in front of me. I went to turn my back to him. He stopped me and cupped my face. Shadow wiped away my tears before placing his hands on either side of my head. He had a slight glare on his face, but he held soft concern in his eyes. He sat down on the couch and pulled me up into a sitting position. He pulled me close to him, his hands resting on my hips.

"You should have told me sooner," Shadow whispered.

He slowly leaned in and kissed me. My eyes grew wide before slowly closing. I kissed him back, humming slightly as he held me close to him. We pulled away after a few minutes to breath. He kept his forehead against mine. I opened my eyes, confused by his actions.

"I like you too. I didn't think you would like me back, so I tried pushing you away. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/n," he whispered.

I slowly smiled and closed my eyes. Shadow slowly cupped my face again. He kissed me again, this time more passionately then the first time. I kissed back, placing my hands on his chest. His hands moved to my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly laid me back down and hovered above me. The kiss slowly became heated and Shadow started to kiss my jaw and neck. I would gasp here and there, earning a small growl from Shadow. After a while, he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. 

"You're mine. I don't want anyone else to kiss you, cuddle you, touch you, anything," Shadow growled out.

"I don't want anyone to do all that unless it's you," I whispered out. 

Shadow's breath hitched and came out shaky at what I said. He kissed me again, earning a small hum of surprise from me. After a few minutes, we pulled away from each other. Shadow laid down next to me. I moved over and Shadow adjusted himself to be comfortable. He pulled me close and rubbed circles on my back. He would kiss me once in a while, holding me close to him as he did. 

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