Silver X Pregnant! reader

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I was pacing back and forth in the living room. Silver was with Sonic and Shadow, helping repair a destroyed village. Shadow was there to guard the village while Sonic and Silver helped rebuild it. That wasn't why I was pacing however. Silver and I had gotten married four months ago. It was only three months ago that I found out I was pregnant. My belly had grown and somehow I've managed to hide my stomach from him, but he'll notice sooner or later. The only people who knew were Blaze and Rouge. They're both happy for us, but Rouge asked me how many I was having. I had checked at 12 weeks and I was having twins. When I told her that, she started going on about different things and they made me all worry. Blaze knows that I haven't told Silver yet because she asked him about names and he was confused. She managed to cover up the situation but she told me to tell him soon. I plan on telling him when he got home.

'What if he's not happy with twins? What, I need to think positive,' I argued with myself.

I finally groaned in frustration and felt tears try to fill my eyes. I didn't want him to leave me, even though I knew deep down he wouldn't leave me. I stared at the ceiling as the front door opened and closed. I quickly wiped my eyes and smile as Silver walks into the room. He smiled at me before flying over to me quickly. I took a step back when he tried to hug me. He gave me a hurt look and tilted his head in confusion.

"What's wrong Y/N," he asked.

"Silver, you might want to sit down," I said, biting my lip.

He did what I asked and I took a deep breath. I fidgeted with my shirt a little bit before taking another deep breath.

"I...I've been meaning to tell you, um, well, I," I stuttered, my whole body shaking.

Silver gently took my hands and pulled me a little closer. I looked at our hands before I looked at him.

"Please sweetheart, tell me," he pleaded.

I took a shaky breath and had an idea. I bit my lip again as I gently placed his hands on my stomach. I watched as he felt how big my stomach was and slowly started to piece together why it was so big. Silver's eyes went wide as I just watched him. I took a few deep breaths. He looked up at me and I looked at our hands.

"We're having a baby," he asked quietly.

"Babies, actually," I corrected.

He was silent and I looked at him. His ears had fallen back and he was looking up at me. I felt my ears fall back and avoid his gaze. Silver reached up and made me look at him.

"Why didn't you tell me? Were you afraid I would leave you," he asked.

"I wasn't afraid that you would leave me, I was afraid you wouldn't be happy with having twins," I replied.

"I'm thrilled," he said, tears in his eyes.

Silver stood up and carefully hugged me. I hugged him back and buried my face in his neck.

~Time Skip~

I was reading while Silver played some video games with Sonic, Shadow, and Knuckles. I stiffled a few giggles as the boys tried their hardest to beat the other. My giggling caused the babies to move a little bit causing me to giggle more.

"Whatcha giggling about Y/N," Knuckles asked.

"The babies are moving around a little bit every time I giggle or laugh," I replied.

"Or sing," Silver said, walking over to me.

He had died and now it was Sonic and Knuckles just playing. Silver kneeled in front of me and placed his hands on my stomach.

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