Scourge x Troublemaker!reader

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(A/N: I don't know his personality that well, all I know is what I've seen from internet, so sorry if he seems out of character)

 I glared at my shoes, the music in the room blaring. I leaned my head back and sighed. I shot a quick glance at Scourge, seeing three girls surround him and more were walking over to him. He always did that at parties, flirt with almost every girl in sight. I sighed again and looked at my feet again.

'I never know why I ever tag along with him,' I thought to myself.

A pair of feet stopped in front of me and I looked up to met with bright blue eyes. The hedgehog in front of me had brown quills with blue strips in them. He had a smirk on his face.

"Y/N," he said.

"Cassius," I replied.

Cassius has many times talked to me at these parties. He knew that Scourge would bring me to these parties and then ditch me, so he keeps me company. Cassius leaned against the wall and looked past me at Scourge. He growled slightly and glared at Scourge.

"He brings a beautiful girl like you to a party like this and still flirts with everyone else. That's low," Cassius says.

"Tell me about it," I scoffed.

Cassius looks at me and smirks again. I do a double take at his smirk and smirk as well.

"Do you have an idea there, Cassius," I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh yea," Cassius replies, "Just as long as you are willing to go with the flow, Y/N."

"Always," I said.

He held his hand out to me to grab and I grabbed it. He pulled me over to the dj and requested a song.

(A/N: Watch the first one to see how Cassius makes you dance to this song, without him falling over, and then you can listen to the full song if you want to)

Cassius bent down a little bit so that I could jump onto his back. I jumped onto his back and he walked over to his friends on the dancefloor. He started to jump while I raised my arms into the air. His friends were dancing next to us. I gave a side glance at Scourge and he was watching me with a slight glare. He didn't to happy that Cassius was giving me a piggy back ride. I laughed as Cassius pretended that I was heavy and pretended to fall over. I hopped off of his back and danced to the song. He joined me and we silently explained to his friends the plan. They agreed and they all took turns dancing with me. By the end of the song, I was in Cassius's arms. I smirked at him and walked over to the dj again. I danced with Cassius to S & M by Rihanna. Throughout the song either Cassius or I would look at Scourge and we would smirk when we saw his face. He was getting annoyed with the two of us. If looks could kill, we would definitely be dead. I was getting annoyed as well, however. There was one girl that was attached to Scourge and she kept on whispering in his ear while watching us. He would either chuckle or nod and I hated it. Cassius noticed it too, but what could we do, we couldn't just walk up to her and tell her to leave Scourge alone. After a few more songs, Cassius and I walked to the kitchen and got a drink. I leaned against the counter while Cassius leaned against the fridge.

"We should give up on this plan Cassius," I said, looking at my drink.

"What? Y/N, you can't be serious, why would we," Cassius asked.

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