Knuckles x Shy!Reader

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~A/N: First off, sorry I haven't updated in a long time!! So much has been coming up and I'm trying to keep up with it all! I have some free time, so I'm hoping to do some work on the one shots. Second, I know that Boom Knuckles isn't very smart, but I'm making him smart for these one shots. Finally, I hope you enjoy!~

Amy screamed as Sonic picked her up. Today was a free day. No missions, no Eggman, no problems to deal with. Everyone was doing their own thing. Sticks was at her home, working on some project she refused to tell anyone about. Amy and Sonic were hanging out with each other, playing games and goofing off. Knuckles was inside helping Tails with some stuff in the garage. I wasn't doing anything, just hanging out outside in the sun.

I was comfortable around the others, but I rarely would interact with them, especially in public. I would be open with them at the house. In public, I was quiet and rarely spoke. The only person I would interact with was Sticks, as she respected my shyness, which kind of surprised me at first. She would speak for me when I needed her too, even defending me whenever someone tried to make me get over my shyness. Sticks knew all my secrets, so her knowing my crush on Knuckles was to be expected. She had found out when we were on a mission. Knuckles had saved me from falling into a pitfall trap. The blush that formed on my cheeks gave it away to her. 

I was too scared to tell him my feelings, mainly because his personality was the opposite of mine. I was shy and he was outgoing. That didn't stop me from liking him, however, and it didn't stop me from hoping that he would like me too.

I was listening to music and daydreaming when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Amy smiling at me. Sonic was talking to Tails behind her, waiting for her. I pulled out an earbud and raised my eyebrows.

"We're going to go see how Sticks is doing and then go into town for some supplies, want to come along," Amy asked.

I shook my head and gave her a small smile. She smiled back before heading back to the pair. They waved at me before leaving. I watched them leave until they disappeared from my sight. I leaned my head back and stared at the sky. I closed my eyes and placed my earbud back into my ear. After a few minutes, I felt something touch my arm. I pulled my arm away from it and opened my eyes. Knuckles stood there with a small smile on his face. I pulled my earbud back out and looked up at him.

"Sorry, did I wake you up," he asked.

I shook my head in response and he sighed in relief.

"Okay, good. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me for a while? I was going to go on a walk," Knuckles asked.

I nodded in response. He smiled at me and I stood up from my chair. I turned off my iPod and left it in my chair before walking with Knuckles. We walked along the beach. He was talking about different things on his mind, while I would give him a few replies here and there. Knuckles would smile whenever I spoke, causing me to smile back at him.

 I was dragging a stick across the ground as we walked, listening to a story he was telling me. I stared at the stick in my hand for a moment before looking at Knuckles. I reached over and poked him with the stick. He paused in his story and looked at the stick before looking at me. He was silent for a moment, before dramatically gasping and placing his hand over his chest. I giggled as he fell to his knees, both of his hands now over his chest.

"How could you? I'm unarmed and yet, you stabbed me. I have been betrayed! If that is the way it is to be, then I fall," he said, falling onto his side in the sand.

I laughed, causing him to laugh as well. He tried to act dead, but he would laugh once in a while. I quickly moved around him and turned him on his back. I placed the stick on his chest before running away from. I heard him stand up and run after me. I looked behind me. Knuckles had the stick in his hand and was gaining on me. I squealed and tried to run faster. I felt arms wrap around my waist before being lifted in the air. I giggled and screamed as Knuckles laughed. He placed me on the ground and pulled me into him, my back facing him. A blush made its way on my cheeks, but I tried to ignore it. Knuckles placed the stick over my stomach, making sure it didn't touch me. I went along and pretended that I had a weapon hovering in front of my stomach. I giggled as Knuckles kept an arm wrapped around my hips.

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