Shadow x reader

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(A/N: (R/N) means random name)

I was typing on my computer when I heard cheering out in the hall. I smiled and was immediately running out to see people clapping and cheering. Shadow, Rouge, Omega, and a few other G.U.N operatives were just coming back from a new mission. From how everyone was acting, the mission went perfectly. I clapped and smiled at them. Rouge smiled and waved at many agents, like many of the other agents were doing. Shadow didn't smile, but it was normal for him. Rouge looked at me and gave me a quick wink. I giggled and shook my head. She giggled too and waved. I waved back and then looked at Shadow. He now had a glare on his face. I looked where he was looking and immediately regretted it. It was the whore of G.U.N, (R/N).  She has made it her goal to make sure that every guy in the department  has slept with her. She's told me so herself. Shadow was the one guy she hasn't slept with yet, but from the smirk on his face, that would change soon. My smile left and I stopped clapping. I turned around and went back to my office. I closed the door, leaving a small gap, and went back to my desk. I went back to typing my report on last weeks mission for me. I heard the door open and I turned to see Omega standing there.

"Hello Agent Y/N," he said, walking into my office.

"Hello Omega," I said, smiling at him.

He walked into my office, turned, closed my door, and then turned around to face me.

"How was your mission last week," he asked.

"It could have gone better," I replied.

"The data that I have collected about the mission states that you were injured," Omega said.

"I was, but I'll be fine. It's just a scratch, nothing I can't handle," I said, typing my report.

"May I see the injury," he asked.

I looked at him before glancing at the door. I hesitantly nodded and walked over to the door. I locked the door and then turned to Omega. I lifted my shirt and bit onto the hem of it. I took the bandages off and showed him the cut. I had barely missed a bullet but it was better than being dead. Omega looked at the cut for a moment.

"It's a bullet wound," he said.

"Yes, but I was only grazed. Again, it's nothing that I can't handle," I said, taking my shift out of my mouth.

"Do you want me to tell Rouge," he asked.

"No, don't tell Rouge. She doesn't need to worry about it."

"What about Shadow?"

"No," I said, a little too fast.

I looked at Omega and started to put the bandages back on.

"He doesn't need to worry about it either. I'll be fine," I said.

Omega reached up and helped me re-bandage my wound. I pulled my shirt off and grabbed the spare shirt that was is the locker in my office. I put the new shirt on and sighed.

"I will leave you then. You need to finish the report and I must go to back to Rouge and Shadow before they notice my absence," Omega said.

I smiled at Omega and then walked over to the door, unlocking it.

"I'll talk to you later, Omega," I said, holding the door open for him.

"Agreed," he said, walking out of my office.

I watched him walk down the hall before shutting my door. I carefully grabbed my side and rubbed the bandages.

'If Rouge found out I got shot, she would throw a fit and Shadow...well, he would probably just tell me to train more, like he normally does,' I thought, walking back over to my desk.

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