Shadow x Jealous! reader

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I growled slightly as I watched Shadow chuckle at a joke. I may have been growling on the outside, but on the inside my heart was breaking. Shadow was talking to Aurora, Sonic's daughter (I just found these comics and I find them rather strange). I looked at the cup in front of me. I already knew that Aurora liked Shadow, she told me a few times. She would gush over him whenever she was with Sticks or myself. Sonic knew about her 'crush' on Shadow and he didn't approve at all. I didn't approve either, though I'll never tell Aurora that, for many reasons. Shadow was immortal and he was older than her. I also didn't approve because I liked Shadow as well. Like Shadow, I was immortal. I used to live in the medieval era before I was cursed. I was put in a coma for many years, before Eggman found me and woke me up. I hated watching people I cared for die, but I can't change time so I chose to try and move forward.  

I heard Aurora laugh and then heard Sonic growl. I looked at the blue blur. Amy was talking to Rouge so she couldn't see his glare. He was glaring at his glass, like I had been, and I shook my head. I tapped the table lightly and he looked up at me.

"You might want to calm down a tiny bit," I whispered.

"Why," he snapped.

"If looks could kill, I would die ten times over," I replied.

He realized what I meant and he took a deep breath. He muttered an apology and I nodded in response. I looked at the two chatting hedgehogs before looking at my hands.

"Besides, you aren't the only one that it bothers," I said, standing up.

Sonic looked at me with concern. I went to walk past him and he raised his arm, blocking my way. I looked at him for a moment before looking ahead of me.

"Will you be okay," he asked.

I nodded and shoved my hands into my pockets. He put his arm down and I continued to walk off. I walked past the others, keeping my head down. I walked past Amy and she looked at me for a moment.

"Wait, Y/N, where are you going," Amy asked.

I looked at her and gave her a fake smile.

"I'm going for a walk," I replied.

She nodded and I started to walk off again. I was heading toward the forest. I stepped over a few rocks, jumped over fallen logs and crossing rivers easy. I was deep in thought when I heard rustling. I stopped and looked around. A small animal jumped out of a bush. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I stared at the small animal before it started to glow a light blue. I tilted my head in confusion, watching the animal turn what looked like a spirit. The animal slowly started to change shape and it turned into a (fav animal). My eyes widened as I finally recognized where I last saw this happen. The (fav animal) turned into a small ball and started to float away. I ran after it, following where it lead me. When the ball finally stopped, I looked at the tree it was under. I was out of breath from running and I stared at the tree for a moment. I looked at the ball and saw that it was showing something. I walked over to slowly and looked into it. I saw Aurora and Shadow for a moment before I heard someone laugh. I looked around for whoever it was.

"My, my~ If it isn't that young (animal) that I cursed a long time ago~," a voice said.

I looked around more as more laughter was heard. Bushes were rustling, causing me to look in that direction immediately. I started to back up only to feel someone behind me.

"How long has it been, Y/N~," the voice asked.

I spun around and glared at her. She was evil and wicked, but her beauty made you fall for her tricks. She was a hedgehog with brown quills and bright red and green mixed eyes. She wore a red dress with vines wrapped around it with gloves to match. The dress fit her perfectly and you could see the quills on her back. She had no name, but many called her Shift for what she did. She can give you a spell and then change it to how she wanted in a quick shift of her hands. (my friend gave me this idea, I really want to see what this character would look like to be honest). I kept my distance from her and growled. She faked hurt and gasped. Her claws stood out as she put her hand on her chest. She turned away from me and walked toward the ball.

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