Chapter 1

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 Whoo! I'm so happy to start this! I hope you all enjoy this chapter down a new road. And I'm sorry, I just needed to post this before the art contest was finished. I'm just so happy about this.



Red yawned as he slipped on his red Dino hoodie, trying to be as quiet as possible. His mother and father were asleep on the couch, both clearly drunk, beer cans littered the ground around them.

Red sighed as he managed to slip out the door without waking them up. It was still dark outside, the stars illuminating the night sky. Red slipped the hood over his head and quickly started to walk down the street.

His eyes scanned the streets, showing no signs of life besides a stray cat and a hawk sitting overhead on top of the lamp post. Red then turned sharply down a corner, turning into an alleyway between two large brick buildings that used to be apartments. His breathing was ragged and he moved quickly, it was never to good to stay in one spot for long, especially in this type of neighborhood.

His hands soon gripped a chain linked fence, the cold metal touching the sensitive skin. He hoisted himself up and over, dropping on the other side quietly. He soon continued his pace and made it to another street. He quickly cut across into another alleyway, this one more darker than the last.

He then ran his left hand along the side of the brick building, some of the color coming off on his hand. He soon found what he was looking for, an opening. He pulled  out a small flashlight  from his hoodie pocket and flicked it on, tucking it between his teeth.

He crouched down and slid through the opening, entering the old storage warehouse. Once inside he stood back up, and removed the flashlight from his mouth, illuminating a nearby wall. His left hand ran along the wall as he walked next to it, making the flashlight illuminate the pathway ahead of him. His fingers soon found the switch, flicking it on.

The lights in the warehouse busted to life, lighting up the large space. Red smiled and turned off the small light sticking it back into his pocket. He dusted his hands off, making the red powder flutter to the floor. He glanced around the warehouse, the lights were hanging from thin wires and almost everything was moved out, just a few built in things like the ladders and stairs leading to upper levels. The ground was made out of concrete, the walls the same way.

Reds attention perked to the original entrance of the warehouse, one of the few places that wasnt lit, when he heard soft footsteps. Soon a man came into the light, he had a pretty thin structure and very childish facial features. He wore a gray sweatshirt and jeans, only a large gray trench coat covered his shoulders an trailed behind him. The hood of the sweatshirt was over his head, making his curly brown hair peak out from underneath. Red decided not to question the weird outfit, admitting to himself that he had seen worse. The thin framed glasses went perfectly with his blue eyes and childish look.

"You got the stuff Vacktor?" He asked, walking towards Red. His demeanor was calm, almost confident.

"Yeah, you got my money?" Red asked sticking his hands into his hoodie pockets, grabbing one of the two bags. The male nodded and handed him a white envelope. Red took the envelope and quickly tossed him a bag of the white powder.

The ginger ripped open the envelope quickly and started counting. It was the right amount but something was off. Red smiled and rolled his eyes. "Some real money would have been nice jackass." Red said roughly.

"Yeah, well, tough luck kid." He said harshly, gripping the bag tightly. Red smiled and stuffed the fake money back into the envelope, throwing it back to him.

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