Chapter 7

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I'm gonna take a break from this for a while and work on some other books that i really need to update. 



Mating season usually goes on for about a week or so and takes place in the spring. Barney sighed as he knocked softly on the door with a 'S' clawed into it. He listened and carefully opened the door. He smiled when he found Stampy and Squid sitting on the floor hand in hand. They weren't talking the weren't asleep, just enjoying each others presence.

As the door opened, Stamp looked up and smiled at Barney and the food. "Thank you so much Barney." Stampy said as he took the plate from him.

"Its no problem." He said, shrugging. He smiled as they started to dig into the food. 

"Do you ever think you'll find a mate?" Stampy asked once he finished his bite. A wave of sadness washed over Barney, his eyes lost the happy sparkle from a few seconds before, and they both seemed to notice this. "I was just thinking since you are unaffected by all the smells and I was... just wondering..." He trailed off. Barney gave him a weak smile and shrugged.

"I don't know, probably not anytime soon." He said. "Well I hope you two enjoy your lunch." He said with a smile, heading towards the door.  He was just about to close the door when he heard Squid say something to Stampy.

"Ten bucks its Red."


Pink looked at the door as the lock clicked into place and the door opened. She smiled and shifted slightly when she saw Barney walk in with food.

"Not gonna jump on me like last night?" He asked roughly, setting the plate down on the side table.

"No, I'm sorry about last night as well. It was wrong of me, then again, I couldn't control it." She said looking at the male.

Barney looked at her confused, "What's gotten into you?" He asked her, crossing his arms.

Pink smiled and laughed softly, brushing some of her bubblegum hair back. "Well, the scents aren't as strong in the day, so my mind is clear, but I should have turned back to Red. I don't know why he's not out." She said, almost sadly.

Barney sat next to her, uncrossing his arms. "I think I will be staying out until the season is over..." She said, not looking at the male. "Do you smell the nice scent too?" She asked, looking at her feet.

Barney took a deep breath in and only smelled a fainter scent from the night before. "No, just a faint mating scent." He said calmly.

Pink let out a soft laugh. "This is gonna sound weird and cheesy but to me, it smells like roses and chocolate...." She trailed off, smiling and looking at the other Dino. "And pure love." She added on with a smile. Barney instantly thought of the couple he just gave lunch too, how they were just enjoying time together.

Pink and Barney kept their gazes locked on each other, no one moving and no one talking. The male scanned her deep pink eyes, noticing a brown rim around the pupil, the same brown from Reds.

"I think I know why I'm out..." She said softly, breaking the silence. Barney let out a soft hum, bringing him back into reality. "He loves you."

Those words struck him more than anything. "Love is a strong word though..." She said, breaking eye contact and looking at her feet. "And crush seems too childish....and like is too casual." She said, her mind racing.

"Desires?" Barney asked, trying to help.

"No," Pink shook her head. "Well, I don't think he has quite sorted out his feelings yet..." She said as she locked gazes with him once more. Barney gave her a confused look.

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