Chapter 6

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I love this story. I hope this gets more reads soon... cause I have big plans for future chapters. 

Red walked down the stairs quickly, soon landing on the ground floor of the facility. The ground floor had three main rooms that were almost always in use. The kitchen, the bathroom and the training room, where Red was headed now.

He stepped into the large room and saw some people fighting together and other practicing with weapons.

"Hi!" A shrill voice reached Red, making him flinch. He looked to his right and saw a girl a few inches shorter than he was. He had long black hair and a very thin frame. Purple ears came out of her black hair and a purple tail was swishing side to side near her legs. "I'm Jess, you must be the newbie!" She said all to happily.

Red let out a shaky breath and calmed down from the sudden introduction. "Yeah, that's me.. " He mumbled, not to sure if he liked the female.

Red heard loud footsteps and he looked to his left. He saw a tale male with a very strong build. He had long blue dreadlocks almost to his shoulders. He wore a deep blue shirt and light jeans. "And I'm Squid." He said, his voice didn't really match his appearance all that much, too high for Reds liking.

"Why do they call you that?" He asked. The male didn't reply only large tentacles came out from his back, reminding Red of Slender Man. He also held up his hands to show suction cups all along the skin.

"That's why." He said with a smile as he made the extra appendages dissappear. Red nodded, kinda amazed at the ability.

"So, do you have an ability?" Jess asked. Red was confused by the question, he assumed he did by the colors breaking out whenever he felt that emotion but he couldn't control it like Squid could.

Red shook his head, looking at Jess. She smiled, "Then you must have strength." She said happily.

Squid nodded. "Then I'll leave you two to practice." He said before walking over to a young thin male with orange fluffy hair and a tail and ears to match.

Red watched as he got the youngers attention, soon giving him a quick kiss on the lips and leaving the room, hand in hand. Red felt something spark inside of him. He felt sad yet longing for what they had.

He wanted to think more but Jess quickly brought him back into reality.


Reds breathing was ragged and heavy as he left the room. He ran his hand through his hair, feeling beads of sweat pile up on his skin.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a plastic red cup, filling it up with water from the sink. The cool liquid traveled down his throat, making him smile.

"Hi!!" The sudden noise made Red choke on his water. He took a deep breath once the water was down and looked to the source of the voice.

He soon found out that it was the orange male from earlier. "Oh, hi." He said softly.

The male giggled. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you but I just wanted to say hi and meet you." Red nodded, the corner of his lips curling into a smile.

"Well I'm Red." He noticed that the younger male had deep orange eyes.

"My name is Stampy! Nice to meet you." He said happily. Red smiled, nodding. "So you already met Squid huh?"

Red nodded. "Are you and him....?" He trailed off, not wanting to be wrong. Stampy smiled.

"Hes my boyfriend." He said softly. Red smiled, glad he was happy.

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