Chapter 5

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Sorry this is pretty short. But I hope you all enjoy it anyway.

Fear filled Barney as he charged into his room. He scrambled through his bedside table and grabbed his gun. He made a mental note to ask Ross what kind of monster it was. He then walked out of his room and bolted up to the third floor to check on the supplies.


The search has been going on for hours and no one had found traces of the thing.

Red yawned as he grabbed a thing of crackers from the large pantry. He had given up looking for the thing, thinking it would have attacked by now.

Red nommed on the crackers has he headed upstairs to his room. He opened his door and his eyes widened and his heart started to race.

His clothes were scattered all over the place and his bed was a complete mess. He swallowed his bite of the crackers and entered his room.

He looked around the the mess and kicked the door closed with his foot. He took a few steps into the room before stopping, adrenaline running through his veins.

His duffel bag made small sharp movements before tipping over. Red jumped back quickly, scared of the slight movement. Then a small little red thing tumbled out.

Red backed up more, almost hitting the wall. His heart raced and his blood pounded. He eyed the figure, unable to move. It was a bright red and round.

It started to get up, making Red notice it's arms and legs, which seemed to be made out of thin braided twigs. His heart pounded as the thing got up. It was pretty small, only up to the middle of Reds thigh at most.

'Why was Ross so scared of this thing?' He asked himself. It didn't seem harmful. The thing got up and Red gasped softly. Big blue eyes shown on the red texture and a small smile was shown as well.

"Apple?" He asked looking at Red. Confusion ran through his mind, looking at the thing. He then noticed to the texture of his body, he indeed was an apple.



Barney sighed as he ran his fingers through his shaggy purple hair. In his other hand he gripped the gun tighter as he walked the corridor on the third floor. He had been checking the facility along with the other mutants and no one has had found sight of the creature.

He had checked all the supplies and found nothing stolen. He wondered if Ross was just pulling his tail with the whole 'dangerous creature' thing.

He sighed as he stepped down the stairs quickly, his tail swinging with his steps. "Guys. The search is off but keep your guards up." He said to all the people searching the second floor. Many looked upset, while some looked relived. 

Barney turned his attention to Red, as he opened his door. "Red, the search is off." The ginger looked at him and nodded, no visible emotion in his face. Red closed his door and walked towards Barney. 

"Do you think I could have the key to go up?" Red asked, slightly nervous. 

Barney crossed his arms. "And why do you need it?" He asked, knowing Red was up to something. 

Red hesitated slightly before getting a spark of courage. "I need to go up-!" A loud gunshot bang cut Red off. The ginger twirled and bolted into his room, followed by the older male. Red froze in the doorway, seeing his new friend holing a fully loaded gun. 

"Apple, apple, apple!!" He said happily. For Red, time seemed to freeze. His heart pounded as he was shoved to the side and Barney pointed his gun at the fruit. Another gun shot sounded that brought Red back into reality. 

He stood in front of the the gun, a foot or two away from it. "What the fuck do you think your doing?!" Red yelled at the male, his tail thrashing side to side. Red didn't wait for an answer and turned around to his bed, walking over and helping Apple. Luckily the bullet had missed and had hit the wall. 

"You're fucking insane!" Red yelled at Barney, turning around. He know had Apple in his arm and the gun in his other hand. "You could have killed him!"

"Yeah! That was my fucking point!" Barney yelled back, not understanding why Red was so upset. "He's the monster!" 

"No he isn't! He is my friend and there is nothing you can do!" Red said taking a step toward the male.

Barney stiffened, he had never had anybody talk back to him. He looked at the ginger unsure what to say.

"Fine." Barney said coldly. "But if he gets out of line, once then I'm not hesitating to shoot him." He said sternly before turning and closing the door behind him with a bang.


Red gripped the edges of the sink tighter as tears ran down his cheeks. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, unable too look at himself.

He tail flicked slightly against the cool tile floor. He let out a few shaky breaths, trying to calm himself down. He looked at the mirror once more as his vision started to fade.


He knocked softly on the large wooden door. Soft sobs left his lips as the door opened and the purple haired male opened it. His face was stern and tired.

Blue looked at him, tears in his eyes. The expression on the older male softened and regret filled his eyes.

Blue started to shake and quiver. Barney pulled Blue close to him, pulling him by his waist. Blue broke down in Barneys arms, letting the tears flow.

Barney pulled him into his room, losing the door behind him. Blues sobs were the only thing that filled the room. "I'm so sorry." Barney said sadly slightly swaying side to side.

Blue's sobs slowed slightly as he looked up at him, his blue eyes covered with tears. Barney hugged him tightly, closing his eyes.


Warmth covered the gingers body as he slowly started to wake up. He felt arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled and buried his head into the warmth, coming in contact with skin.

His mind was fuzzy with sleep as he pulled the blanket over his body. He slowly started to wake up. He then flickered open his eyes and looked up, seeing deep purple hair with the tips covered in lime green.

Anger starred to fuel his veins as he placed his hands on Barneys bare chest and shoved him off the bed. "Why the fuck do I keep waking up with you?!" Red yelled as he threw the blanket off of him and bolted out the room. He heard the male groan in suprise as he went up the stairs.


Red sat on his bed petting Apple who sat next to him. He looked up as he heard a soft knock on his bedroom door. He sighed and mumbled a come in.

Barney opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk." He said soflty. He was still shirtless and his hair was still messed up.

"I don't want to..." He said as he took his hand away from Apple.

A spark of anger started in Barney but he pushed it down. "Well I want to." He said roughly. "Look, I don't go to you. You come to me." He said crossing his arms.

"Well then stay out of my life!" Red said standing up. "Now leave. I don't want to talk anymore." Barney huffed and started to leave.

He looked back and saw Red looking at Apple. "Since you're a few days in, you have fighting practice with Squid and Jess later today."

Red nodded slightly, not looking towards the male. Barney growled slightly and closed the door with a soft bang.

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