Chapter 14

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This chapter feels choppy to me... I don't know why it just does.... anyway I hope you all enjoy it. (In real life) "Wow! I got all the points I wanted to cover for this chapter!" *looks at word count* "What?! Only 500 words...ugh..."



Red sighed as he walked out of his bedroom, followed by Apple. He had taken a shower last night and had found and giant hickey the male left. It would takes weeks at most until it was fully gone.

Squid was currently sitting on the couch, clearly thinking deeply. The ginger let out a small caught to let him know he was here. The older male looked up and flashed him a small smile. He stood up and took a few paces toward Red. "I think you should pack up then we can get going." He said looking around the place.

Red nodded sadly and went to go grab his bag. He had managed to grab everything, or everything that belonged to him. He even grabbed the picture that Katie drew for him, placing it gently in his bag.

Before the three left Red placed the keys to the apartment on the table, once he missed rant a few times they would come looking. He was happy that Katie and Heather were at school and work cause it would be a little hard to explain why he was leaving.

Soon the two were off back to the facility and Red hated the ride home. The entire ride felt like Squid was looking down upon him, like a mother looking down upon a child after embarrassing her in front of the whole store.

But Red felt no remorse for his actions and stood by them but the sticky feeling in the air was uncomfortable.


Soon the three mutants were back home, both climbing down the ladder. Squid was given the escape key and was able to unlock it. He let Red in and closed and locked the door behind him. Once he heard the little click of the lock, he felt trapped once more and everything seemed to loom over him.

He turned his head to look down the hall to see Barney walking up, anger in his movements. "What were you thinking?! That was so fucking dangerous!" He yelled, a few steps away from the two.

"Yeah, I don't really care." Red said calmly, taking a few steps toward the stairs. He was suddenly yanked back to where Barney was standing. He looked up and saw that the older male had a tight grip on his hoodie.

He felt him lightly touch his neck, the claw coming in contact with the skin as well. Red stiffened when it brushed over the bruised mark the man left on his skin. "What the hell were you thinking?" Barney grumbled softly, letting go of Red.

"I don't know, trying to start my life the way I wanted instead of being confined here!" Red snapped, taking a few steps back from the mutant.

"You could have blown our cover!" Barney said harshly.

"Well it for sure as hell wouldn't be on purpose!" Red yelled back, setting his bag down on the floor knowing Apple was in there.

"But it still could have happened! I mean for gods sake you nearly got raped!" He said as his eye narrowed.

"Why the fuck do you care! Its not like some scientists are going to believe a drunk man who claims to have raped a mutant! Stop worrying about me! You aren't my boyfriend, you aren't my mother and I swear to god I hope you're not my dad! So stop treating me like a child!" Red yelled, anger boiling in his veins.

Barney let out a small growl, showing his long slender canines. "I have to or else you're gonna get us all killed!!" He yelled back.

He saw Reds eyes alive with fire before they closed and he fell to the ground with a thud. Squid flinched slightly and went to help him up, but Barney raised his hand, keeping his gaze on the small male. Squid stopped and backed up slightly.

Suddenly fear coursed through Barneys veins, replacing the anger in a heart beat. A deep purple started to cover his tail and start on the ends of his hair.

"Squid. . ." Barney said as he took a few steps back. "Find everyone and tell them to stay in there rooms, no matter what they hear. Now!" Squid nodded and bolted down the hallway.

Barney wanted to run himself but he knew someone needed to face him. This was purple, the ruthless killer that Blue has mentioned so many times before. His heart pounded as he watched the tail grow longer and slimmer, the claws grow sharper and longer and his canines increase in length and size, almost leading out of his mouth.

Barney took a few steps back, letting the male have more room. Time seemed to freeze as the now fully purple mutant stood up and looked around.

His tail swished back and forth and his claws curled toward his palm. He then caught sight of Barney and scowled, fully facing him.

Barney breathed heavy as he watched the killing machine glare at him with deep purple eyes. His body screamed for him to move, and so he did.

His feet pounded on the concrete as he ran down the hallway. He heard a loud dragon like roar behind him but he never looked back.

He was about to turn a corner before he got pulled back by the collar on his shirt. Barneys mind went blank and he let instincts take over his body.

His elbow came in contact with the killers stomach, making him fall back down. He then took off running once more.


 Shed fixed her glasses as the two walked down the sidewalk. It was dark out and the moon was hiding behind some clouds.

"I'm telling you, it's here." Zed assured the female as they walked past the many buildings.

"Keep telling yourself that..." Shed says, rolling her eyes under the glasses. Zed let out an annoyed sigh.

The two then walked in silence, letting the sounds of the night take over. Small buzzes of tiny bugs would sound as well as the occasional owl. 

Zed then stopped in front of the old warehouse, Shed soon stopping next to him. "This is it?!? Shed asked, holding back a laugh.

"Yeah, and I know their in there. I'm positive." He said crossing his arms, looking up at the building.

"Well, when do we attack?" Shed asked.

"I'm thinking in about a week or so..." He said, a smirk forming on his face.

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