Chapter 4

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Would a map of the facility help with the idea of it? I've made some in my spare time, if you guys need/want it. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Loud bangs and cheers filled the facility, waking Red up. He groaned and held his head, feeling the floor shake lightly.

He rolled his eyes and opened his phone. 8:56 PM. Reds eyes widened as the gears started to turn in his mind. "I slept for that long?" He asked himself.

He sighed and set his phone of the side table before slipping out of bed. He walked over to the bag laying on the ground near the dresser and dug through it. He pulled out a red shirt that had a yellow lightning bolt and some jeans.

He tried his best to slip the jeans on but his tail was in the way. He then cut a large hole into them, being able to slip his tail through it perfectly. He quickly slipped on his black converse and grabbed his phone before heading down stairs toward the ring.

Almost every mutant in the facility was there while two fought in the ring. He was standing on the first floor while everyone was in the pit, closer to the ring.

He soon caught sight of Barney near the stairs. He walked over to him. "What's going on?" He asked kinda annoyed that his sleep was inturupeted.

Barney leaned forward on the railing, watching the fight. He smiled, glancing at Red with his one good eye. "It's Saturday, fight night." He said calmly and somewhat happily.

The crowd roared to life as Bashur took down a male wearing an orange outfit. Red looked over the crowd, seeing males and females of all sorts. "Hey were is Ross?" Red asked suddenly, not seeing him in the crowd. He suddenly regretted asking that question, not like he cared about the squirrel.

He saw Barney's face fill with relization. "Actually, we need to see him. Follow me." He said quickly before walking down a nearby hallway. Red realized that he never noticed this hallway, suprised that it existed.

He followed Barney quietly, curious on why we needed to see him. The hallway was pretty long, at least longer than the others were. Something caught Reds eye though, a wooden door was about in the middle of the hallway. A small little R was scratched on it. It was a about three feet above the floor, about the height of a small child.

Before he got yelled at Barney, he hurried down the hall. The hallway opened up into a large bright white room. There were many tables holding subtances and liquids of many colors. Lage white boards hung on the wall across of the doorway. Ross was currently working at one, a white lab coat covering his back and legs.

Barney coughed to get his attention. Ross sound around, his face stern. "What the fuck do you want?" He asked, putting the cap back on the marker he was using.

"I think I found the purpose of the multi-serum." Barney said calmly, his purple tail swishing back and fourth. Ross's face lit up as he scampered to one of the nearby tables. His tail made quick sharp movements as he wrote some things down.

Red thought to himself, 'I don't have any memory of the serum working in multiple ways...' his thoughts were soon inturupeted but Ross's voice.

"What did he do?" He said, facing Barney, clipboard in his hand. Barney then explained how Red had turned into a sad version of himself, calling himself Blue. Red was very skeptable of this news, having no memory of all of this.

"I don't have any memory of this..." He said roughly. Barney stopped talking as Ross took more notes.

" I want to try something, but only if you will agree to do it." Ross said as he turned around. Red sighed, he really didn't have much else to lose.

"I guess." He shrugged. Ross then quickly handed him a drink. Red looked inside the small white cup, seeing a clear liquid, almost like water but way to thick.

"Drink it all." Ross comanded. Red followed his commands, drinking the thing in two gulps. He set the cup down on the nearby table, not feeling anything. Suddenly a laugh escaped his mouth for no reason.

He slapped his hands over his mouth as he started to shake with laughter. The ginger felt happiness bloom in his chest. He took his hands down from his face and a large smile formed.

Red then burst out in laughter, unable to control how happy he was. Suddenly the room began to sway and his vision faded away.


Ross observed Red as his tail started to fade into a yellow color. Soon his hair did the same thing, trailing down his clothes. Next thing Ross knew a Yellow version of Red was bouncing around Barney.

"Wow you're Barney!" He said happily, his tail swinging quickly. "It's so nice to meet you! Wow Blue was right you are good looking! Oh and you're a dino mutant too! How cool!"  He said all in one breath.

"Okay, calm down." Barney said, sternly.

"Why should I?" He said happily. "I'm Yellow by the way and I can tell we'll get along fine!" He said getting really close to Barney.

Barney stiffed and took and few steps back. Ross smiled. "Emotions..." He said softly.

"Oh and you're Ross! I think it'd just so cool that you work in here! Why do you have your own special area? Is it for top secret things?" He said looking around the room.

"Yes, something like that." He said, taking more notes. A loud cheer filled the facility.

Yellow lit up with excitement. "Lets go fight!" He said hopping towards the door.

"Oh no you don't..." Barney said as he picked yellow up and threw him over his shoulder.

"Wee!" He said happily his tail swinging happily. Barney sighed in annoyance.

"Thank you Barney...Bring him to me if you find out if he can change into anything else." Ross said facing the white board again.

Barney nodded and left the room, walking down the hallway. He let Yellow down, but held on to his wrist as they stayed in the shadows. They both slipped into Barneys room.

"I'm so happy! What are we gonna do here?" He said happily, looking around the room. Barney stiffened slightly, his mind wandering. 

Yellow happily walked over to the bed and sat on it, bouncing slightly. "Wanna do something fun?!" He asked happily, standing up quickly.

Barney blushed deeply. "No, just go to sleep." He said crossing his arms.

"Aww." He said sadly and laid on the bed. Barney laid next to him, staying on the edge of the bed.

Yellow's arms then wrapped around Barney's waist. Barney stiffened slightly as he felt Yellow's head against his back. He relax slightly and smiled, his heart softening.


Red mumbled softly as he awoke. He sat up and yawned before looking to his left. Anger sparked within him as he saw the Dino pirate sleeping once again next to him. Red angrily got out of bed, mumbling many words. "One more time...." He said before he left the room, closing the door with a bang.

He reached his room once again and turned on his phone, which was somehow up here. 6:24 AM. Red sighed as he walked over to his duffle bag and fished around in it. He pulled out some jeans and a white shirt.

He slipped those on and started walking to the kitchen, but his journey was soon stopped by a loud explosion. Fear and shock filled his veins as he ran over to the arena, seeing a large white cloud come out of Ross's hallway. Many more mutants showed up to the scene, wondering heat happened. Ross then came out of the huge cloud, right as Barney came up next to Red.

"Check the facility. One of my experiments have escaped." He said roughly to the nearby people.

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