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"I can't stop thinking about him now Ivey. Just seeing him face to face has my emotions everywhere. Why does he do this to me?"

"It just threw you off which is to be expected. You haven't see him in seven years. You told him he was the father of your son. That's a lot to handle in a day." Ivey said, watching her best friend do her makeup through the phone.

"I know but, it's been seven years he shouldn't still get to me like that. Isaiah and I are perfectly fine on our own, but suddenly he has me questioning everything again and wondering what it would be like if he was around." Carrie sighed. "Sometimes I just wish things were different. I wish I would have gotten married and then gotten pregnant. I wish I had a normal family and a normal life. I mean I love my life and I love Isaiah, but sometimes I wish Mike was still here."

"I know, I know." Ivey frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Ugh, He's so frustrating!" Carrie almost shouted, getting annoyed. "Of course he would show up the day of one of my biggest shows of the year."

"I know, but it'll be okay you're still going to kill it like you always do. Just let him fuel the fire and give them double energy." Ivey tried to encourage her best friend.

"Thank you." Carrie smiled. "You're the best."

"Of course, it's my job." Ivey smiled.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Can I talk to Isaiah?"

"Sure. Let me get him. Hang in there Carrie, I love you."

"Thanks Ivs. I love you too." Carrie said, putting her earrings in.

She waited a second and then saw her sweet little boy's face appear on the screen.

"Hey buddy! Are you having fun with Aunt Ivey?" Carrie cooed, smiling at her son. She hated when she had shows and couldn't put him to bed, but she was doing a huge show in Nashville that started before he went to sleep.

"Yes! We had pizza and I beat her in a bunch of games!" He exclaimed.

"That's awesome I! I just wanted to call to tell you goodnight and that I love you before I go onstage. Be good for Aunt Ivey and go to sleep for me." Carrie said, turning the necklace she'd received the day he was born with his birth stone on it around in her hand. She wore it all the time.

"I will!"

"Good boy.  I'll see you tomorrow morning. I love you." Carrie smiled. Isaiah flashed her favorite smile back at him and blew her a kiss.

"I love you too mommy. G'night." He said, hanging up the phone. Carrie couldn't help but smile. She had the best son in the world.

"Alright, you can do this. Don't think about Mike, just go do what you do best." Carrie told herself as she walked down the hall to the meet and greet area.

Meet and greets always made Carrie happy. She loved meeting her biggest fans and seeing the excitement they had.

One by one, they filed in and Carrie went through the routine. She signed their posters, smiled for the camera, and thanked them for coming.

Carrie was getting a sip of water when the next person entered the room, causing her to freeze in her tracks and drop her bottle.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk." Mike said, stepping closer to her.

"Talk? What the hell? I'm about to put on a show for 20,000 people, you think I have time to talk?" Carrie shouted, her blood boiling.

"I can wait." He said, his hands in his pockets.

"I can't believe you showed up here. We've carefully avoided each other for seven years, and now that you ran into me you're what stalking me?"

"You told me I had a son I didn't know about Carrie. That's a lot to spring on a person out of nowhere. I deserve to want to sit down and talk. Let me take you out for a drink after the show tonight. Please." Mike practically begged. "I promise I'll leave you alone after this if you still want me to. I just want to talk."

"Fine." Carrie said flatly, rolling her eyes. She had her arms crossed over her chest and Mike could tell she was irritated by her face. "Meet me in my dressing room after the show. I'll leave your name and a guard will show you where to go."

"Thank you." Mike sighed, happy that he'd gotten her to agree. He walked out, leaving Carrie alone and completely flustered.

She could barely concentrate on the show all night. Her mind was in a thousand other places and all she could think about was Mike. He was continuing to mess with her emotions, only making it worse.

After it was finally over, Carrie sighed deeply as she entered her dressing room. She was dreading the conversation that was about to come.

As she was changing, she heard a knock on the door and then it open.

"Mike! What happened to knocking and waiting for someone to let you in!" She screamed, covering herself with the T-shirt in hand.

"Oh, Sorry. It's not like I haven't seen you before though Carrie." He chuckled.

"You know you've got a lot of nerve coming from that mouth of yours considering I could easily call security and have you escorted out of here for harassment in two seconds." She said, trying to slip her T-shirt on as Mike stepped closer to her.

"Yeah, but I know you won't." Mike boasted.

"You look better without this on." He smirked, sliding the shirt out of Carrie's hands.

"Mike! Give me that back!" She shouted, reaching for it. He held it up over her head and laughed as she jumped to reach it in only a sports bra and underwear.

Catching her off guard, Mike grabbed her hips and pulled her against him as their lips collided.

After over a minute, Carrie finally came to her senses and pushed him off of her. "What the hell?"

"Shh, I know you liked it, or you would have pulled away earlier." Mike said, stepping back towards her and gripping her hips. His fingers began to gently caress her bare hips.

"I-I" Carrie stuttered, trying to ignore the feeling of Mike's hands on her stomach and listen to her brain.

Before she could get anything else out, Mike's lips were on hers again. The feeling of his lips brought back all the memories. She found herself lost in him again.

The next thing she knew, they were on the couch and all their clothes were scattered around the floor.

"We-we shouldn't do this." She panted, trying not to focus on his wandering hands on her body. She'd forgotten what it felt like to be touched, she hadn't been with anyone since him.

"Shh." Mike whispered, the vibrations from his voice shooting through her body as he kissed his way down her chest.

"I know you want this."

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